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玉苒廈摘錄94. P39 熾天使大軍(2) 12-18-2022

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玉苒廈摘錄94. P39 熾天使大軍(2) 12-18-2022

3. Supervisor Seraphim監督類熾天使

39:3.1(432.2) This versatile order of universe angels is assigned to the exclusive service of the constellations. These able ministers make their headquarters on the constellation capitals but function throughout all Nebadon in the interests of their assigned realms.

39:3-1 這一類多才多藝的宇宙天使被委派到各星座的專屬服務團隊中。這些能幹的侍奉者將其總部設在星座首府,但為了其所派各域的利益,她們在整個內巴頓中運作。

1. 監督助理。這些熾天使主要關注於一整個星座的統一與穩定。

2. 律法預測者。第二種監督類熾天使的職責是將有關任一提案會如何影響自由意志性受造物生活的預測提交給星座立法者們。由於她們在各地方系統中以及各居住世界上的長期經驗,使她們完全有資格履行這項服務。這些熾天使並不為某一團體或另一方尋求任何特殊關照,但她們的確會出現在天界立法者們面前,為那些不能到場為自己說話的存有發言。

3. 社交締造者。從個別行星往上到各個靈質性培訓世界,這些熾天使都努力地促進真誠的社交接觸,推動宇宙受造物的社交演進。這些天使在努力促進意志生物在真正的自我理解及真誠相互欣賞的基礎上之相互交往的同時,也尋求令智能存有的交往擺脫所有不自然。

4. 倫理敏化者Ethical Sensitizers.。這些熾天使的使命是培養並促進受造物對人際關係所含道德之領會的成長,因為這是社會、政府、人類以及超人類得以持續明確發展的根源與奧秘。然而,凡人只有到達了伊甸廈的兄弟之誼學校,會完全處於她們的指導之下。

39:3.8(433.2) 5. The Transporters. The fifth group of supervisor seraphim operate as personality transporters, carrying beings to and from the headquarters of the constellations. Such transport seraphim, while in flight from one sphere to another, are fully conscious of their velocity, direction, and astronomic whereabouts. They are not traversing space as would an inanimate projectile. They may pass near one another during space flight without the least danger of collision. They are fully able to vary speed of progression and to alter direction of flight, even to change destinations if their directors should so instruct them at any space junction of the universe intelligence circuits.

5. 運送者。第五種監督類熾天使作為人格體運送者、即往返於各個星座總部之間的運送存有們而運作。在從一個星球飛往另一星球的過程中,這些運送天使十分清楚其速度、方向以及天文行蹤。她們不像無生命拋射體那樣穿越空間。在空間飛行期間,她們彼此可能會擦身而過,但卻絲毫沒有碰撞的危險。她們完全能改變行進的速度以及飛行的方向,甚至能改變目的地,如果她們的主管者指示她們在宇宙智能迴路的任一個空間節點上這麼做的話。

6. 記錄者。第六種監督類熾天使擔任星座事務的專門記錄者。一個龐大而高效的團隊運作於諾拉歇德(Norlatiadek)星座總部伊甸廈之上,你們的系統與行星就屬於這一星座。

39:3.11(433.5) 7. The Reserves. General reserves of the supervisor seraphim are held on the headquarters of the constellations. Such angelic reservists are in no sense inactive; many serve as messenger aids to the constellation rulers; others are attached to the Salvington reserves of unassigned Vorondadeks; still others may be attached to Vorondadek Sons on special assignment, such as the Vorondadek observer, and sometimes Most High regent, of Urantia.

39:3-11 7. 後備團隊。監督類熾天使的總後備隊設在各星座的總部。這些天使後備隊員絕非無所事事;許多擔任星座支配者們的信使類助手;另一些則被配屬到尚未受委派的沃朗達德們所在的薩爾文頓後備團隊中;還有另一些被配屬給執行特殊委派的沃朗達德聖子,例如時常作為極高者在玉苒廈之代理者攝政者的沃朗達德觀察員。

4. Administrator Seraphim管理類熾天使

39:4.1(434.1) The fourth order of seraphim are assigned to the administrative duties of the local systems. They are indigenous to the system capitals but are stationed in large numbers on the mansion and morontia spheres and on the inhabited worlds. Fourth-order seraphim are by nature endowed with unusual administrative ability. They are the able assistants of the directors of the lower divisions of the universe government of a Creator Son and are mainly occupied with the affairs of the local systems and their component worlds. They are organized for service as follows:

39:4-1 第四類熾天使會被委以各個地方系統的管理職責。她們出身於系統首府,但大量地駐紮在宅廈世界、靈質性天體以及居住世界上。第四類熾天使天生具有非凡的管理能力。她們是造物之子所屬宇宙管理機構中較低級部門主管的得力助手,主要負責各個地方系統及其所屬世界的眾多事務。她們的服務被安排如下:

1. 管理助手。這些能幹的熾天使是系統君主的直接助手。她們往返於眾多過渡世界及居住行星,為了該系統的福祉及其所屬居住世界的物質及生物性利益執行許多委派。

2. 審判引導者。這些是提供關於人類與天使永恆福祉之證據概要的天使,當這類事務要在系統或行星的法庭中進行裁定時。對所有不能確定之續存案件的辯護都由這些熾天使所準備,她們對宇宙審判管理者們所擬的起訴書中的每一指控內容的所有細節,都有著一種完美的理解。

3. 宇宙公民身份之闡釋者。揚升凡人完成了宅廈世界的培訓,便成為系統首府公民。儘管每一個揚升目標的實現都是一種事實上的成就,但從更大意義上來說,這些目標都僅僅是通往天堂之漫長揚升道路上的里程碑。在天堂揚升中有一個間歇,在這間歇期間,作為一名耶路瑟姆的公民,你將試圖在受造物生命中展現你之前的八次生命體驗 -- 包括在玉苒廈和七個宅廈世界生命體驗中所獲得到的東西。

39:4.10(435.3) 4. Quickeners of Morality. On the mansion worlds you begin to learn self-government for the benefit of all concerned. Your mind learns co-operation, learns how to plan with other and wiser beings. On the system headquarters the seraphic teachers will further quicken your appreciation of cosmic morality—of the interactions of liberty and loyalty.

39:4-10 4. 道德促進者。在宅廈世界上,為相關的福祉你開始學習自我管理。你的心智學會合作,學會如何與其他更加聰慧的存有一起籌畫。在系統總部,熾天使教導者將進一步促進你對宇宙道德—即對自由與忠誠的相互作用的認知。



39:4.11(435.4) What is loyalty? It is the fruit of an intelligent appreciation of universe brotherhood; one could not take so much and give nothing. As you ascend the personality scale, first you learn to be loyal, then to love, then to be filial, and then may you be free; but not until you are a finaliter, not until you have attained perfection of loyalty, can you self-realize finality of liberty.

39:4-11 什麼是忠誠?它是一種對宇宙兄弟情誼智性認知的成果;一個人不能獲取那麽多,卻什麽都不給予。當你沿著人格性階梯揚升時,首先你要學會忠誠,接著學會關愛,然後學會孝順,然後你方能獲得自由;不過直到你成為一位終局者,直到你達到完美的忠誠,你才能自我實現自由之終局。


39:4.13(435.6) To the inhabited worlds the quickeners of morality portray mortal life as an unbroken chain of many links. Your short sojourn on Urantia, on this sphere of mortal infancy, is only a single link, the very first in the long chain that is to stretch across universes and through the eternal ages. It is not so much what you learn in this first life; it is the experience of living this life that is important. Even the work of this world, paramount though it is, is not nearly so important as the way in which you do this work. There is no material reward for righteous living, but there is profound satisfaction—consciousness of achievement—and this transcends any conceivable material reward.

39:4-13 在居住世界,道德促進者描述凡人的生命有如一條由許多環節構成的完整鏈條。在玉苒廈、在這一似處在凡人嬰幼期星球上的短暫旅居,僅是一個單獨的環節,是那條跨越眾多宇宙、穿越永恆歲月之悠長鏈條中的最初環節。在這最初的生命中,你學到的並不多;但活過這一生的體驗卻是重要的。即使是這個世界的工作,盡管它至關重要,也遠不及你們進行這項工作的方式那麼重要。正義的生活沒有物質性回報,但卻存在著深刻的滿足—即成就意識—這超越了任何可想像的物質性回報。


39:4.15(436.1) 5. The Transporters. These are the transport seraphim who function in the local systems. In Satania, your system, they carry passengers back and forth from Jerusem and otherwise serve as interplanetary transporters. Seldom does a day pass in which a transport seraphim of Satania does not deposit some student visitor or some other traveler of spirit or semispirit nature on the shores of Urantia. These very space traversers will sometime carry you to and from the various worlds of the system headquarters group, and when you have finished the Jerusem assignment, they will carry you forward to Edentia. But under no circumstances will they carry you backward to the world of human origin. A mortal never returns to his native planet during the dispensation of his temporal existence, and if he should return during a subsequent dispensation, he would be escorted by a transport seraphim of the universe headquarters group.

39:4-15 5. 運送者。這是一些在地方系統中運作的運送類熾天使。在你們撒旦尼亞的系統中,她們往返於耶路瑟姆運送乘客,或是擔當行星間的運送者。撒旦尼亞的運送天使幾乎沒一天不將某個研究訪問者或是其他某個靈性或半靈性的旅行者安置到玉苒廈的各處。這些空間穿越者,有時會帶著你們往返於系統總部集群所屬的各個世界,當你完成耶路瑟姆的任務時,她們會把你送至伊甸廈。但她們絕對不會將你送回到人類起源的世界。一個凡人從不會在其短暫生存的這個天命時期返回其出身行星,如果他要在一個隨後的天命期間返回,他將由一名地方宇宙總部集群的運送熾天使所護送。


39:4.16(436.2) 6. The Recorders. These seraphim are the keepers of the threefold records of the local systems. The temple of records on a system capital is a unique structure, one third material, constructed of luminous metals and crystals; one third morontial, fabricated of the liaison of spiritual and material energy but beyond the range of mortal vision; and one third spiritual. The recorders of this order preside over and maintain this threefold system of records. Ascending mortals will at first consult the material archives, Material Sons and the higher transition beings consult those of the morontia halls, while seraphim and the higher spirit personalities of the realm peruse the records of the spirit section.

39:4-16 6. 記錄者。這些熾天使是各地方系統三重性記錄的保管者。系統首府上的記錄聖殿是一種獨特的結構,其中三分之一是物質性的,是由發光的金屬和水晶所建造;三分之一是靈質性的,是由靈性與物質能量所聯合構成的,但超出凡人的視覺範圍;還有三分之一是屬靈性的。該類記錄者掌管並維護著這三重性的記錄系統。揚升凡人首先會查閱物質檔案,物質性之子與高等過渡類存有會查閱靈質性大廳的檔案,熾天使與該域的高等靈性人格體,則會細細查閱靈性分區的記錄。


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