發表於: 星期三 九月 18, 2024 7:59 am 文章主題: 玉苒廈之書沉思語錄2024之92---渴望完美
A Thought to Ponder from The Urantia Book---Craving for Perfection
「萬物眾生都有與生俱來的適應力。在每個鮮活的植物或動物細胞中,在每個鮮活的生命體中 ── 無論是物質性的還是屬靈性的,都懷有一種對達到不斷提昇之完美的無盡渴望。」
“There is original endowment of adaptation in living things and beings. In every living plant or animal cell, in every living organism—material or spiritual—there is an insatiable craving for the attainment of ever-increasing perfection.”---65:6-2