註冊時間: 2017-05-23 文章: 1761
發表於: 星期四 八月 29, 2024 9:41 am 文章主題: 玉苒廈之書沉思語錄2024之75---首要職責 |
A Thought to Ponder from The Urantia Book---The First Duty
“This magnificent and universal injunction to strive for the attainment of the perfection of divinity is the first duty, and should be the highest ambition, of all the struggling creature creation of the God of perfection. This possibility of the attainment of divine perfection is the final and certain destiny of all man’s eternal spiritual progress.”---1:0-4
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LtiePNE1D4WMpS0XRsH9lqtT3dhCZt8R/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=117419007812377543758&rtpof=true&sd=true |