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玉苒廈摘錄97. P40 神之揚升眾子(2) 2-12-2023

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玉苒廈摘錄97. P40 神之揚升眾子(2) 2-12-2023

神之揚升眾子The Ascending Sons of God


7. 與上父融合的凡人Father-Fused Mortals

40:7-1 The sending of Adjusters, their indwelling, is indeed one of the unfathomable mysteries of God the Father. These fragments of the divine nature of the Universal Father carry with them the potential of creature immortality. Adjusters are immortal spirits, and union with them confers eternal life upon the soul of the fused mortal.

40:7-1 派遣調整者內駐,確實是上父深不可測的奧秘之一。萬有之父這些神性本質的片段帶有使受造物不朽的潛質。調整者是不朽之靈,與他們結合使融合的凡人靈魂獲得永恆的生命。

40:7-2 Your own races of surviving mortals belong to this group of the ascending Sons of God. You are now planetary sons, evolutionary creatures derived from the Life Carrier implantations and modified by the Adamic-life infusion, hardly yet ascending sons; but you are indeed sons of ascension potential — even to the highest heights of glory and divinity attainment — and this spiritual status of ascending sonship you may attain by faith and by freewill co-operation with the spiritualizing activities of the indwelling Adjuster. When you and your Adjusters are finally and forever fused, when you two are made one, even as in Christ Michael the Son of God and the Son of Man are one, then in fact have you become the ascending sons of God.

40:7-2 你們自身族類中續存的凡人屬於神的這類揚升子民。你們現在是行星類子民,是源於生命載運者的植入、並通過亞當類生命注入所改型的進化性受造物,還不是揚升子民;但你們的確是具有揚升潛質的子民 -- 甚至能達到榮耀與神性達成的巔峰 -- 你們可通過信仰以及與內駐調整者靈性化活動的自願合作,來獲得揚升子民這一靈性身份。當你們和自身的調整者最終且永遠融合,當你們合二為一時,就像神子與人子雙重身份在基督•邁克爾身上合二為一那樣,那麼你們事實上便成為神的揚升子民。

讀到這裡,我有點混淆,我們究竟屬於5.時空性凡人中的系列三 - 具有調整者融合潛質的凡人們?還是,7.與上父融合的凡人?因為我們看起來又像是行星類子民?還是我們是從時空性凡人進展進入與上父融合的凡人?


40:7-5 Fusion with a fragment of the Universal Father is equivalent to a divine validation of eventual Paradise attainment, and such Adjuster-fused mortals are the only class of human beings who all traverse the Havona circuits and find God on Paradise. To the Adjuster-fused mortal the career of universal service is wide open. What dignity of destiny and glory of attainment await every one of you! Do you fully appreciate what has been done for you? Do you comprehend the grandeur of the heights of eternal achievement which are spread out before you? — even you who now trudge on in the lowly path of life through your so-called “vale of tears”?

40:7-5 與萬有之父的片段融合,相當於對最終天堂達成的神聖確認,這些調整者融合型凡人是唯一一類穿越全部哈沃納環路並在天堂找到神的人類。對調整者融合型的凡人而言,宇宙服務生涯是敞開的。等待著你們每一個人的是何等高貴的天命和何等榮耀的成就!你們是否完全感謝為你們所做的這一切?你們能理解在你們面前展開的永恆成就那宏偉的高度嗎? -- 即使你們現在還正在低微的生命之路上跋涉,正在穿越你們所謂的“淚谷”。

8. 與上子融合的凡人Son-Fused Mortals

40:8-1 While practically all surviving mortals are fused with their Adjusters on one of the mansion worlds or immediately upon their arrival on the higher morontia spheres, there are certain cases of delayed fusion, some not experiencing this final surety of survival until they reach the last educational worlds of the universe headquarters; and a few of these mortal candidates for never-ending life utterly fail to attain identity fusion with their faithful Adjusters.

40:8-1 雖然實際上所有續存凡人都在某一個宅廈世界,或在他們抵達更高的靈質性世界那一刻與他們的調整者融合,但仍會有一些延遲融合的情況,有些凡人直到他們抵達宇宙總部的最後一些教育世界,才會經歷這種續存的最終保證;其中有少數追求永生的凡人候選者,完全不能與他們忠實的調整者達到一致的融合。

9. 與上靈融合的凡人Spirit-Fused Mortals


40:9-9 A Spirit-fused survivor is also able to learn much about the life he lived in the flesh by revisiting his nativity world subsequent to the planetary dispensation in which he lived. Such children of Spirit fusion are enabled to enjoy these opportunities for investigating their human careers since they are in general confined to the service of the local universe. They do not share your high and exalted destiny in the Paradise Corps of the Finality; only Adjuster-fused mortals or other especially embraced ascendant beings are mustered into the ranks of those who await the eternal Deity adventure. Spirit-fused mortals are the permanent citizens of the local universes; they may aspire to Paradise destiny, but they cannot be sure of it. In Nebadon their universe home is the eighth group of worlds encircling Salvington, a destiny-heaven of nature and location much like the one envisioned by the planetary traditions of Urantia.

40:9-9 與上靈融合的續存者們,也能夠在他所生活過的行星天命之後,通過重遊其出身世界,來瞭解很多關於其肉身生活的情況。這些與上靈融合的子民能夠享有調查其人類生涯的機會,因為他們通常只限於為地方宇宙服務。他們不享有你們在天堂終局者團隊的高貴命運;只有調整者融合型凡人,或其他被特殊接納的揚升者,才會被召集到那些等待永恆神靈探險的行列中。上靈融合型凡人是各地方宇宙的永久公民;他們或許渴望獲得進入天堂的命運,但他們對此沒有把握。在內巴頓中,他們的宇宙家園是環繞薩爾文頓的第八組世界,這些世界無論就其特徵和位置而言,都很像玉苒廈星球傳說中所設想的天國。



10. 揚升者的天命Ascendant Destinies

40:10-1 Spirit-fused mortals are, generally speaking, confined to a local universe; Son-fused survivors are restricted to a superuniverse; Adjuster-fused mortals are destined to penetrate the universe of universes. The spirits of mortal fusion always ascend to the level of origin; such spirit entities unfailingly return to the sphere of primal source.

40:10-1 一般而言,與上靈融合的凡人被局限於地方宇宙;與上子融合的續存者被局限於超級宇宙;與調整者融合的凡人註定要穿越由眾多宇宙所組成的宇宙。與凡人融合之靈,總是會揚升到來源的層次;這樣的靈性實體無疑要回到最初源頭的領域。


啟示者:調整者融合型的終局者雖然享有最廣泛的服務機會,但也失去參與某個地方宇宙或超級宇宙長期奮鬥的機會。成為終局者雖然獲得了在大宇宙所有七個部域都進行短暫服務的非凡廣泛經歷,但通常不會獲得對任何一個宇宙的詳盡瞭解,即使是現在,也只有內巴頓完滿者團隊中上靈融合型資深凡人才具備這種特徵。這些個體享有見證眾多行星時代,在一千萬個居住世界上逐個展開揚升過程的機會。在為這些地方宇宙公民的忠誠服務中,不斷累積經驗,直到時機成熟時便造就出高品質的智慧 -- 即權威性智慧 -- 而這本身就是穏定任何一個地方宇宙的重要因素。




40:10-10 Like their Spirit-fused brethren, the Son fusers neither traverse Havona nor attain Paradise unless they have undergone certain modifying transformations. For good and sufficient reasons, such changes have been wrought in certain Son-fused survivors, and these beings are to be encountered ever and anon on the seven circuits of the central universe. Thus it is that certain numbers of both the Son- and the Spirit-fused mortals do actually ascend to Paradise, do attain a goal in many ways equal to that which awaits the Father-fused mortals.

40:10-10 像其上靈融合型兄弟一樣,與上子融合者若不經過一定的改型轉換,既不可能穿越哈沃納,也不能抵達天堂。出於充分的原因,這些變化已在某些上子融合型倖存者身上發生了,這些存有不時會在中央宇宙的七個環路上遇到。因此有相當一批上子融合型與上靈融合型凡人確實也升入天堂,以多種方式實現與上父融合型凡人相同等的目標。


40:10-11 Father-fused mortals are potential finaliters; their destination is the Universal Father, and him they do attain, but within the purview of the present universe age, finaliters, as such, are not destiny attainers. They remain unfinished creatures — sixth-stage spirits — and hence nonactive in the evolutionary domains of prelight-and-life status.

40:10-11 上父融合型凡人是潛在的終局者;他們的目的地是萬有之父,他們也的確會抵達他那裡,但在目前的宇宙時代範圍內,終局者們,其身份,不是天命實現者。他們依舊是未完成的受造物 -- 即第六階段屬靈 -- 因此在未到達到光與生命階段的進化領域中是不活躍的。


40:10-13 Thus, in the final analysis, it would be hardly proper to use the words “greater” or “lesser” in contrasting the destinies of the ascending orders of sonship. Every such son of God shares the fatherhood of God, and God loves each of his creature sons alike;he is no more a respecter of ascendant destinies than is he of the creatures who may attain such destinies.The Father loves each of his sons, and that affection is not less than true, holy, divine, unlimited, eternal, and unique — a love bestowed upon this son and upon that son, individually, personally, and exclusively. And such a love utterly eclipses all other facts. Sonship is the supreme relationship of the creature to the Creator.

40:10-13 因此歸根究底,用“更偉大”或“更渺小”的字眼來對比各類揚升子民的天命是不合適的。每個神之子民都享有與神的父子關係,神也同樣深愛著他的每一個受造子民,他對揚升天命之存有與可以達至這種天命的受造物平等對待。父深愛著他的每一個孩子,這種愛是真實、聖潔、神聖、無限、永恆和獨特的-一種對每個兒子的愛,是個別地、親身且專門的賜予。這種愛令所有其他事實都黯然失色。子民身份是受造物對於造物主的一種至高性關係。子民身份是受造物與創造者的最高關係。

40:10-14 As mortals you can now recognize your place in the family of divine sonship and begin to sense the obligation to avail yourselves of the advantages so freely provided in and by the Paradise plan for mortal survival, which plan has been so enhanced and illuminated by the life experience of a bestowal Son. Every facility and all power have been provided for insuring your ultimate attainment of the Paradise goal of divine perfection.

40:10-14 此刻作為凡人,你們可以認識到自己在神性子民家族中的地位,並開始意識到自己有義務運用天堂計畫為凡人續存如此慷慨提供的各種有利條件,一位贈與聖子的生活經歷已增強並照亮了這一計畫。為確保你們最終實現神性完美的天堂目標,每一個設施和所有的力量都已提供給你們。

在眾多類型揚升眾子中,經由調整者內駐的凡人是神的揚升之子;在這之前,時空類凡人還只是神的忠信子民,是暫存的;而凡人續存的條件,如40:5-19 所說,就是表達與調整者合作之意願,並展現出要尋找神並要達到神性完美的願望。啟示者說:即使這些願望只是對“真正之光會照亮來到世界的每一個人”的一種最初而模糊的理解,而這理解正是由40:10-14所說的那些已認識到自己在神性子民家族中的地位的凡人,他們盡自己的義務,慷慨提供的各種有利條件將這理解帶給其他人,讓更多人靈性得以續存。40:10-14這段話我想獻給所有帶領我們走向真知的老師們,沒有這些老師無私的帶領,我們不會知曉神、認識光,不會深信光與生命的世界將降臨地球,不會走上續存的道路。其實,每一個設施和所有的力量真的都已提供給我們,剩下的就是我們自己的努力了,加油。

40:10-15 [Presented by a Mighty Messenger temporarily attached to the staff of Gabriel of Salvington.]
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