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玉苒廈摘錄95. P39 熾天使大軍(3) 12-25-2022

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發表發表於: 星期五 一月 06, 2023 10:01 am    文章主題: 玉苒廈摘錄95. P39 熾天使大軍(3) 12-25-2022 引言回覆

玉苒廈摘錄95. P39 熾天使大軍(3) 12-25-2022

五、Planetary Helpers行星類援助者


39:5.3(437.2) 1. The Voices of the Garden. When the planetary course of human evolution is attaining its highest biologic level, there always appear the Material Sons and Daughters, the Adams and Eves, to augment the further evolution of the races by an actual contribution of their superior life plasm. The planetary headquarters of such an Adam and Eve is usually denominated the Garden of Eden, and their personal seraphim are often known as the “voices of the Garden.” These seraphim are of invaluable service to the Planetary Adams in all their projects for the physical and intellectual upstepping of the evolutionary races. After the Adamic default on Urantia, some of these seraphim were left on the planet and were assigned to Adam’s successors in authority.

39:5-3 1. 樂園之聲。當人類進化的行星進程達到其最高的生物性層次時,通常會出現物質性子女、即亞當和夏娃們,他們通過實際貢獻出其優良的生命種質,來促進各種族的進一步進化。這樣一對亞當和夏娃的行星總部通常被命名為伊甸園,而他們的隨身熾天使則常常被稱為“樂園之聲”。在行星類亞當為進化族類的物理性與智性提升所做的一切工程中,這些天使為他們提供了寶貴的服務。當亞當在玉苒廈違約後,其中一些熾天使被留在這個行星上,並被配屬給亞當的後繼管轄者。



39:5.4(437.3) 2. The Spirits of Brotherhood. It should be apparent that, when an Adam and Eve arrive on an evolutionary world, the task of achieving racial harmony and social co-operation among its diverse races is one of considerable proportions. Seldom do these races of different colors and varied natures take kindly to the plan of human brotherhood. These primitive men only come to realize the wisdom of peaceful interassociation as a result of ripened human experience and through the faithful ministry of the seraphic spirits of brotherhood. Without the work of these seraphim the efforts of the Material Sons to harmonize and advance the races of an evolving world would be greatly delayed. And had your Adam adhered to the original plan for the advancement of Urantia, by this time these spirits of brotherhood would have worked unbelievable transformations in the human race. In view of the Adamic default, it is indeed remarkable that these seraphic orders have been able to foster and bring to realization even as much of brotherhood as you now have on Urantia.

39:5-4 2. 兄友之靈。顯然,在亞當和夏娃來到一個進化性世界時,在不同種族之間實現種族和諧和社會合作的任務是一項占相當大比例的任務。這些有著不同膚色、不同習性的民族很少能少善待人類兄弟情誼的計畫。這些原始人類只是由於漸趨成熟的人性經歷,以及通過熾天使類兄友之靈的忠誠侍奉,才認知到和平相處的智慧。沒有這些熾天使的努力,物質性之子們在一個不斷發展的世界協調和推進各族群的努力將會大幅延遲。如果你們的亞當堅持初始的提升玉苒廈的計畫,那麼到此時這些兄友之靈本已在人類中進行難以置信的轉化。鑒於亞當的違約,這類別的熾天使們還能培育並實現像你們此時在玉苒廈上所擁有的這般兄弟情誼,實在是了不起的。


39:5-5 3. The Souls of Peace. The early millenniums of the upward strivings of evolutionary men are marked by many a struggle. Peace is not the natural state of the material realms. The worlds first realize “peace on earth and good will among men” through the ministry of the seraphic souls of peace. Although these angels were largely thwarted in their early efforts on Urantia, Vevona, chief of the souls of peace in Adam’s day, was left on Urantia and is now attached to the staff of the resident governor general. And it was this same Vevona who, when Michael was born, heralded to the worlds, as the leader of the angelic host, “Glory to God in Havona and on earth peace and good will among men.”

39:5-5 3. 和平之魂。進化人類向上奮鬥的早期數千年,是以無數的鬥爭為標記的。和平並不是物質性領域的自然狀態。通過熾天使類和平之魂的侍奉,眾多世界第一次實現了“世間的和平與人們之間的善意”。儘管這些天使在玉苒廈(Urantia)的早期努力中遭受到極大挫敗,但亞當時代的和平之魂的首領維沃娜(Vevona)卻留在了玉苒廈,目前被配屬到了常駐總督的麾下。就是這個作為該天使軍團領導者的維沃娜,在邁克爾出生時向眾多世界宣告,“榮耀歸於哈沃納(Havona)的神,平安和善意歸於世上的人們”。


39:5-7 4. The Spirits of Trust. Suspicion is the inherent reaction of primitive men; the survival struggles of the early ages do not naturally breed trust. Trust is a new human acquisition brought about by the ministry of these planetary seraphim of the Adamic regime. It is their mission to inculcate trust into the minds of evolving men. The Gods are very trustful; the Universal Father is willing freely to trust himself — the Adjuster — to man’s association.

39:5-7 4. 信任之靈。懷疑是原始人類與生俱來的反應;早期的生存鬥爭並不會自然地產生信任。信任是經由亞當體系中的這些行星類熾天使之侍奉所帶來的一種新人性習得。他們的使命就是去將信任灌輸到進化人類的心智中。各神是值得信任的;萬有之父甘願慷慨地去將他自身 -- 即調整者 -- 交託於人類的結合中。


39:5.12(438.5) The erroneous idea that angels possess wings is not wholly due to olden notions that they must have wings to fly through the air. Human beings have sometimes been permitted to observe seraphim that were being prepared for transport service, and the traditions of these experiences have largely determined the Urantian concept of angels. In observing a transport seraphim being made ready to receive a passenger for interplanetary transit, there may be seen what are apparently double sets of wings extending from the head to the foot of the angel. In reality these wings are energy insulators—friction shields.

39:5-12 天使有翅膀的錯誤觀念並非完全源於天使必須有翅膀以便在空中飛行的古老觀念。有時候,人類會被允許去觀察正準備做運送服務的熾天使,包含這些經歷的傳說在很大程度上決定了玉苒廈人的天使概念。在觀察一名運送熾天使準備接收乘客進行星際運送期間,會看到明顯似兩對翅膀的東西從該天使的頭部延伸至腳部。事實上,這些翅膀是能量絕緣體 -- 即摩擦防護盾。

39:5.13(438.6) When celestial beings are to be enseraphimed for transfer from one world to another, they are brought to the headquarters of the sphere and, after due registry, are inducted into the transit sleep. Meantime, the transport seraphim moves into a horizontal position immediately above the universe energy pole of the planet. While the energy shields are wide open, the sleeping personality is skillfully deposited, by the officiating seraphic assistants, directly on top of the transport angel. Then both the upper and lower pairs of shields are carefully closed and adjusted.

39:5-13 當天界存有被熾天使裹挾著進行從一個世界到另一個世界的轉送時,他們會被帶到該天體的總部,在適當登記後會進入過渡性沉睡。同時,運送的熾天使則移動到一個位於該行星宇宙能極正上方的水平位置上。在能量盾敞開的同時,沉睡人格體會由行使職責的熾天使類助手熟練地放置在運送天使的正頭頂。之後上方與下方的兩對防護盾會小心地關閉起來,並加以調整。

運送類熾天使就是單人飛行器;即使是靈質體,他們要離開行星也會遇到自然阻力;我們看到的翅膀是能量絕緣體 -- 摩擦防護盾,即他們的飛行裝置;天界存有都是坐這種私人飛行器的頭等艙往來宇宙的。

39:5.14(438.7) And now, under the influence of the transformers and the transmitters, a strange metamorphosis begins as the seraphim is made ready to swing into the energy currents of the universe circuits. To outward appearance the seraphim grows pointed at both extremities and becomes so enshrouded in a queer light of amber hue that very soon it is impossible to distinguish the enseraphimed personality. When all is in readiness for departure, the chief of transport makes the proper inspection of the carriage of life, carries out the routine tests to ascertain whether or not the angel is properly encircuited, and then announces that the traveler is properly enseraphimed, that the energies are adjusted, that the angel is insulated, and that everything is in readiness for the departing flash. The mechanical controllers, two of them, next take their positions. By this time the transport seraphim has become an almost transparent, vibrating, torpedo-shaped outline of glistening luminosity. Now the transport dispatcher of the realm summons the auxiliary batteries of the living energy transmitters, usually one thousand in number; as he announces the destination of the transport, he reaches out and touches the near point of the seraphic carriage, which shoots forward with lightninglike speed, leaving a trail of celestial luminosity as far as the planetary atmospheric investment extends. In less than ten minutes the marvelous spectacle will be lost even to reinforced seraphic vision.

39:5-14 此時,在轉換者與傳送者的影響下,在熾天使準備好投入宇宙迴路的能量環流時開始產生一種奇異的變形。從外表上看,該熾天使上下兩端逐漸變尖,變得像是籠罩在一種奇妙的琥珀色光暈中,以致很快便無法辨別出被熾天使所裹挾的人格體。當一切出發的準備就緒時,運送長就會對生命運送裝置進行適當的檢查,進行例行測試,以確定該天使是否可被適當地納入迴路,然後宣佈旅行者已妥當地被熾天使所裹挾,各種能量都被調整好,該天使已被絕緣,一切都整裝待發。接下來,會有兩名機械控制師就位。此刻,運送熾天使已變成一個幾近透明的、振動著的魚雷狀發光體。這時,該域的運送調度者會召喚由鮮活能量傳送者們所組成的輔助群體,其數目通常為一千名;當他宣佈運送目的地時,他會伸手觸及熾天使運送體的近端,該運送體就會以閃電般的速度向前沖去,留下一道天光,一直延伸到該行星大氣層的邊緣。即使是對熾天使的超強視力而言,不到十分鐘這一奇觀也會消失。


39:5-16 6. The Recorders. These are the custodians of the major affairs of the planet as it functions as a part of the system, and as it is related to, and concerned in, the universe government. They function in the recording of planetary affairs but are not concerned with matters of individual life and existence.

39:5-16 6. 記錄者。這些是行星主要事務的監管者,因為行星是作為系統中的一部分而運作,還因為它與宇宙政府相關。他們負責記錄行星事務,但並不涉及有關個人生活及生存的事件。

39:5.17(439.3) 7. The Reserves. The Satania reserve corps of the planetary seraphim is maintained on Jerusem in close association with the reserves of the Material Sons. These abundant reserves repletely provide for every phase of the manifold activities of this seraphic order. These angels are also the personal message bearers of the local systems. They serve transition mortals, angels, and the Material Sons as well as others domiciled on the system headquarters. While Urantia is, at present, outside the spiritual circuits of Satania and Norlatiadek, you are otherwise in intimate touch with interplanetary affairs, for these messengers from Jerusem frequently come to this world as to all the other spheres of the system.

39:5-17 7. 後備團隊。行星類熾天使的撒旦尼亞後備團隊駐在耶路瑟姆,並與物質性之子的後備團隊密切相關。這些成員眾多的後備團隊,為這一類熾天使的各種活動的每一階段提供充分準備。這些天使也是各地方系統中的人格性信息傳送者。她們為過渡性凡人、天使和物質性之子服務,也為其他住在系統總部的存有服務。儘管玉苒廈目前不在撒旦尼亞和諾拉歇德的靈性迴路中,你們仍以其他方式密切接觸到星際事務,因為這些來自耶路瑟姆的信使就像前往該系統的所有其他星球一樣,時常會來到這一世界。

六、Transition Ministers過渡類侍奉者

39:6.1(439.4) As their name might suggest, seraphim of transitional ministry serve wherever they can contribute to creature transition from the material to the spiritual estate. These angels serve from the inhabited worlds to the system capitals, but those in Satania at present direct their greatest efforts toward the education of the surviving mortals on the seven mansion worlds. This ministry is diversified in accordance with the following seven orders of assignment:

39:6-1 正如其名字所示,從事過渡類侍奉的熾天使在任何她們可促成受造物從物質性狀態過渡到靈性狀態的地方進行服務。從居住世界到系統首府,都有這些天使在服務,然而那些留在撒旦尼亞的,目前正將其最大努力投向對七個宅廈世界上續存凡人的教育。這種侍奉依照以下七類委派而有所不同:

1. 天使傳道者Seraphic Evangels。
2. 種族闡釋者Racial Interpreters。
3. 心智規劃者Mind Planners。
4. 靈質性顧問Morontia Counselors。
5. 技能熟練者Technicians。
6. 記錄教導者Recorder-Teachers。
7. 侍奉後備隊Ministering Reserves。





1. 通過完美實現作為一名天界藝匠、技能性顧問或是天界記錄者的專化服務,以自身能力去獲得進入天堂熾天使住所的許可。

2. 被召往天使之都。無論兩個熾天使多麼相配,她們都不可能自己前往天使之都或其他地方。只有成功的天命守護者,才一定能通過進化揚升之路進入天堂。所有其他的天使都必須要耐心等待由第三類超級天使所組成的天堂使者的到來,她們帶著指令來召喚天使們前往天堂。


3. 通過進化性凡人的手段而到達天堂。熾天使在時間性生涯中的最高選擇是守護天使的職位,以便她們能達到終局性生涯,並有資格接受去往永恆性熾天使服務領域的委派。時間性子民們的個人引導者被稱為天命守護者,意味著她們在神性天命之路上守護著凡人受造物,而由於這樣做,她們決定了其自身的崇高天命。

39:8.6(440.8 ) Guardians of destiny are drawn from the ranks of the more experienced angelic personalities of all orders of seraphim who have qualified for this service. All surviving mortals of Adjuster-fusion destiny have temporary guardians assigned, and these associates may become permanently attached when mortal survivors attain the requisite intellectual and spiritual development. Before mortal ascenders leave the mansion worlds, they all have permanent seraphic associates. This group of ministering spirits is discussed in connection with the Urantia narratives.

39:8-6 天命守護者們是從更富經驗的各類有資格履行此項服務的熾天使類人格體行列中選出的。所有具有與調整者融合之天命的續存凡人,都有被指派的暫時性守護者,這些伴隨者會在凡人續存者達到必要的智性與靈性發展時變成其永久配屬。在凡人揚升者離開宅廈世界之前,他們都有永久的熾天使伴隨者。這一群侍奉之靈將在與玉苒廈相關的篇章中論述。

39:8.7(441.1) It is not possible for angels to attain God from the human level of origin, for they are created a “little higher than you”; but it has been wisely arranged that, while they cannot possibly start up from the very bottom, the spiritual lowlands of mortal existence, they may go down to those who do start from the bottom and pilot such creatures, step by step, world by world, to the portals of Havona. When mortal ascenders leave Uversa to begin the circles of Havona, those guardians of attachment subsequent to the life in the flesh will bid their pilgrim associates a temporary farewell while they journey to Seraphington, the angelic destination of the grand universe. Here will these guardians attempt, and undoubtedly achieve, the seven circles of seraphic light.

39:8-7 天使們不可能從人類起源的層次到達神,因為她們被創造得“比你們略高一些”;然而一切都有明智的安排,儘管她們不可能從最底層、即人類存在的靈性低地開始,但她們可以下降到那些從最底層開始的存有之中,引領這些受造物逐步地、逐個世界地來到哈沃納的門戶。當凡人揚升者離開尤沃薩,開始哈沃納的各環路之旅時,那些自肉身生命後予以配屬的守護者,將會暫時告別她們的朝聖者同伴,與此同時她們會前往大宇宙中的天使目的地,天使之都。在這兒,這些守護者將嘗試,並無疑地會到達充滿天使光輝的七個圈子。


39:8.8(441.2) Many, but not all, of those seraphim assigned as destiny guardians during the material life accompany their mortal associates through the Havona circles, and certain other seraphim pass through the circuits of the central universe in a way that is wholly different from the mortal ascent. But irrespective of the route of ascent, all evolutionary seraphim traverse Seraphington, and the majority pass through this experience instead of the Havona circuits.

39:8-8 許多,但不是全部,被指派為命運守護者的熾天使會在物質生命期間,陪伴其凡人同伴穿越哈沃納各環路,而其他某些熾天使則以一種完全不同於凡人揚升的方式穿越中央宇宙的各個環路。但無論是哪一種揚升路線,所有進化性熾天使都會穿越天使之都,而且多數是以通過後者這種體驗取代穿越哈沃納環路。

39:8.10(441.4) The graduates of Seraphington are variously assigned: Destiny guardians of Havona-circle experience usually enter the Mortal Finaliter Corps. Other guardians, having passed their Havona separation tests, frequently rejoin their mortal associates on Paradise, and some become the everlasting associates of the mortal finaliters, while others enter the various nonmortal finaliter corps, and many are mustered into the Corps of Seraphic Completion.

39:8-10 天使之都的畢業者們都有著不同的委派:有著哈沃納環路經歷的天命守護者,通常會進入凡人終局者團隊。其他的守護者在通過哈沃納的分離測試後,經常在天堂重新加入她們的凡人同伴,有些成為凡人終局者的永久夥伴,另外一些則進入各種非凡人的終局者團隊,許多被召入了熾天使完滿團隊。


九、The Corps of Seraphic Completion熾天使完滿團隊



39:9.2(441.6) Large numbers of the completion seraphim return to their native universes, there to complement the ministry of divine endowment by the ministry of experiential perfection. Nebadon is, comparatively speaking, one of the younger universes and therefore does not have so many of these returned Seraphington graduates as would be found in an older realm; nonetheless our local universe is adequately supplied with the completion seraphim, for it is significant that the evolutionary realms disclose increasing need for their services as they near the status of light and life. Completion seraphim now serve more extensively with the supreme orders of seraphim, but some serve with each of the other angelic orders. Even your world enjoys the extensive ministry of twelve specialized groups of the Seraphic Corps of Completion; these master seraphim of planetary supervision accompany each newly commissioned Planetary Prince to the inhabited worlds.

39:9-2 大量完滿類熾天使會回到其出身的宇宙,在那裡通過經驗性完美類侍奉,來補足神性稟賦的侍奉。相對而言,內巴頓是眾多較年輕的宇宙之一,因此不像在一個古老的領域所發現的那樣,有那麼多返回的天使之都畢業者;儘管如此,我們地方宇宙已配有了足夠多的完滿類熾天使,因為重要的是,進化性領域接近於光與生命狀態時,就會對她們的服務顯示出與日俱增的需求。完滿類熾天使現在更為廣泛地與至高類熾天使一起服務,但有些則同其他天使類別中的每一團隊一起服務。甚至你們世界也享有熾天使完滿團隊中十二個專門小組所提供的廣泛侍奉。這些行星監督類主位熾天使,陪伴著每一個新被任命的行星君王前往各居住世界。

39:9.3(442.1) Many fascinating avenues of ministry are open to the completion seraphim, but just as they all craved assignment as destiny guardians in the pre-Paradise days, so in the post-Paradise experience they most desire to serve as bestowal attendants of the incarnated Paradise Sons. They are still supremely devoted to that universal plan of starting the mortal creatures of the evolutionary worlds out upon the long and enticing journey towards the Paradise goal of divinity and eternity. Throughout the whole mortal adventure of finding God and of achieving divine perfection, these spirit ministers of seraphic completion, together with the faithful ministering spirits of time, are always and forever your true friends and unfailing helpers.

39:9-3 許多頗具吸引力的侍奉渠道對完滿類熾天使是敞開的,然而正如她們在進入天堂之前的歲月中都渴望擔任天命守護者的委任一樣,在進入天堂以後的經歷中,她們最渴望擔任各化身類天堂聖子的贈與隨從。她們仍然極為致力於那一宇宙計劃,讓進化世界中的凡人受造物開始那漫長而誘人的旅程,通向那具有神性與永恆性的天堂目的地。在凡人找到神和達到神性完美的整個冒險中,這些來自熾天使完滿團隊的靈性侍奉者,與忠誠的時間性侍奉之靈一起,始終且永遠是你們真正的朋友與可靠的幫手。


39:9.4(442.2) [Presented by a Melchizedek acting by request of the Chief of the Seraphic Hosts of Nebadon.]

39:9-4 [由一位應內巴頓熾天使大軍首領的請求而行事的麥基洗德所呈獻。]
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