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玉苒廈摘錄86. P34 地方宇宙母靈 8-7-2022

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玉苒廈摘錄86. P34 地方宇宙母靈 The Local Universe Mother Spirit 8-7-2022




34:0.1 (374.1) WHEN a Creator Son is personalized by the Universal Father and the Eternal Son, then does the Infinite Spirit individualize a new and unique representation of himself to accompany this Creator Son to the realms of space, there to be his companion, first, in physical organization and, later, in creation and ministry to the creatures of the newly projected universe.

34:0-1 當一個造物之子被萬有之父和永恆之子人格化時,無限之靈也隨之由他自身個體化出一個嶄新而獨特的代表,以伴隨這位造物之子前往空間領域,成為他在那裡的同伴,首先,是在物理組織方面,之後,是在新規劃宇宙之受造物的創造與照料方面。


34:0.3 (374.3)
These Daughter Spirits are of the essence of the Infinite Spirit, but they cannot function in the work of physical creation and spiritual ministry simultaneously. In physical creation the Universe Son provides the pattern while the Universe Spirit initiates the materialization of physical realities. The Son operates in the power designs, but the Spirit transforms these energy creations into physical substances. Although it is somewhat difficult to portray this early universe presence of the Infinite Spirit as a person, nevertheless, to the Creator Son the Spirit associate is personal and has always functioned as a distinct individual.

34:0-3 這些子代之靈有著無限之靈的本質,但她們不能同時在物質創造和靈性侍奉的工作中運作。在物質創造方面,造物之子提供模式,宇宙之靈將物理實相物質化。造物之子在力量設計上運作,造物之靈將這些能量創造轉化為物理物質。儘管要將無限之靈的這一早期宇宙臨在描述為一個人格有些困難,然而,對造物之子來說,該屬靈伴侶是人格性的,並且一直作為一個獨特的個體運作。


34:1.1 (374.4) After the completion of the physical organization of a starry and planetary cluster and the establishment of the energy circuits by the superuniverse power centers, subsequent to this preliminary work of creation by the agencies of the Infinite Spirit, operating through, and under the direction of, his local universe creative focalization, there goes forth the proclamation of the Michael Son that life is next to be projected in the newly organized universe. Upon the Paradise recognition of this declaration of intention, there occurs a reaction of approval in the Paradise Trinity, followed by the disappearance in the spiritual shining of the Deities of the Master Spirit in whose superuniverse this new creation is organizing. Meanwhile the other Master Spirits draw near this central lodgment of the Paradise Deities, and subsequently, when the Deity-embraced Master Spirit emerges to the recognition of his fellows, there occurs what is known as a “primary eruption.” This is a tremendous spiritual flash, a phenomenon clearly discernible as far away as the headquarters of the superuniverse concerned; and simultaneously with this little-understood Trinity manifestation there occurs a marked change in the nature of the creative spirit presence and power of the Infinite Spirit resident in the local universe concerned. In response to these Paradise phenomena there immediately personalizes, in the very presence of the Creator Son, a new personal representation of the Infinite Spirit. This is the Divine Minister. The individualized Creative Spirit helper of the Creator Son has become his personal creative associate, the local universe Mother Spirit.

34:1-1 在超級宇宙的力量彙聚者們完成一個佈滿繁星之星群的物理組織和各種能量迴路的建立後,在無限之靈的代理者們通過其地方宇宙造物性聚焦體並在其指導下實施初步的造物工作後,邁克爾聖子的宣言便發表了,宣稱接下來是將生命投射在新組織的宇宙中。在這一意圖的宣示得到天堂的認可之際,在天堂三位一體身上便會發生贊同的反應,緊接著,在其所屬超級宇宙內行將組織這個新的創造之主位之靈,便消失在神靈的靈性閃耀中。同時,其他主位之靈則趨近天堂各神靈的中央住所,隨後,當被神靈接納的主位之靈在其他同伴認可時,就出現了所謂的“原初爆發”。這是一次巨大的靈性閃耀,一種遠在相關超級宇宙總部都能清晰可辨的現象。同時,隨著這鮮為人知的三位一體的顯現,無限之靈常駐於該相關地方宇宙的造物之靈的臨在與權能在本質上發生了一種明顯的改變。相應於這些天堂現象,在該造物之子的臨在中,立刻人格化出無限之靈的新人格性代表。這就是神性職司。造物之子的這一人格化的造物之靈助手,即地方宇宙母靈,便成為其個人之創造夥伴。



34:1.4 (375.3) This personalized presence of the Infinite Spirit, the Creative Mother Spirit of the local universe, is known in Satania as the Divine Minister. To all practical intents and spiritual purposes this manifestation of Deity is a divine individual, a spirit person. And she is so recognized and regarded by the Creator Son. It is through this localization and personalization of the Third Source and Center in our local universe that the Spirit could subsequently become so fully subject to the Creator Son that of this Son it was truly said, “All power in heaven and on earth has been intrusted to him.”

34:1-4 無限之靈的人格化臨在,即地方宇宙的造物母靈,在撒旦尼亞(Satania)被稱為神性職司。就所有實際意圖和靈性目的而言,神靈的這種顯現是一個神性個體,一個屬靈性人格。她也是這麼被造物之子所認知與看待。正是通過第三本源與中心在我們地方宇宙的這種地方化和人格化,使該靈其後能如此全然地服從於造物之子,以至該子可以真正地說,“天上地下的一切權能都交托與他。”






34:2.5 (376.2) In the creation of a universe of intelligent creatures the Creative Mother Spirit functions first in the sphere of universe perfection, collaborating with the Son in the production of the Bright and Morning Star. Subsequently the offspring of the Spirit increasingly approach the order of created beings on the planets, even as the Sons grade downward from the Melchizedeks to the Material Sons, who actually contact with the mortals of the realms. In the later evolution of mortal creatures the Life Carrier Sons provide the physical body, fabricated out of the existing organized material of the realm, while the Universe Spirit contributes the “breath of life.”

34:2-5 在一個擁有智能受造物的宇宙的創造中,造物母靈首先在具有宇宙完美性的領域中運作,與造物之子合作創造出明亮晨星。隨後,該靈的後代逐漸接近各個行星上的受造存有的級別,甚至作為自麥基洗德往下至物質性之子級別的聖子們,實際地接觸各域的凡人們。在凡人受造物的後期進化中,生命載運者聖子們提供了物質性身體,該身體出自該域現存的有組織物質,而宇宙之靈則貢獻出“生命之呼吸”。



34:2.6 (376.3) While the seventh segment of the grand universe may, in many respects, be tardy in development, thoughtful students of our problems look forward to the evolution of an extraordinarily well-balanced creation in the ages to come. We predict this high degree of symmetry in Orvonton because the presiding Spirit of this superuniverse is the chief of the Master Spirits on high, being a spirit intelligence embodying the balanced union and perfect co-ordination of the traits and character of all three of the eternal Deities. We are tardy and backward in comparison with other sectors, but there undoubtedly awaits us a transcendent development and an unprecedented achievement sometime in the eternal ages of the future.

34:2-6 儘管大宇宙的第七部域在許多方面的發展是緩慢的,但思考著我們問題的研究者期待著在未來的時代演化出一個極為平衡的造物。我們預見奧溫頓存在著這種高度的均衡性,因為這一超級宇宙的主掌之靈,是天上眾主位之靈中的首領,是一位體現三位永恆神靈所有特性與品質之均衡結合及完美協調的靈性智能存有。相較於其他部域,我們是緩慢落後的,但在永恆世代之未來的某一時刻,等待我們的無疑將是一種卓越的發展及一種前所未有的成就。

34:3.1 (376.4) Neither the Eternal Son nor the Infinite Spirit is limited or conditioned by either time or space, but most of their offspring are.

34:3-1 永恆之子和無限之靈都不受時間與空間的局限或制約,但他們的大多數後代卻受到時空的限制。


34:3.7 (377.3) Only absolute beings are independent of time and space in the absolute sense. The majority of the subordinate persons of both the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit are subject to both time and space.

34:3-7 只有絕對性存有才能在絕對意義上不受時間和空間的制約。永恆之子和無限之靈的大多數從屬人格,都受到時間和空間二者的制約。


34:3.8 (377.4) When a Creative Spirit becomes “space conscious,” she is preparing to recognize a circumscribed “space domain” as hers, a realm in which to be space free in contradistinction to all other space by which she would be conditioned. One is free to choose and act only within the realm of one’s consciousness.

34:3-8 當一個造物之靈變得有“空間意識”時,她便準備承認一個劃定的“空間領域”是屬於她的,一個相較於所有其他空間她於其中會受限制、而於此中不受空間局限的領域。一個存有只有在自己的意識領域中,才能自由選擇與行動。




1. 造物之子的贈與之靈,即撫慰者,真理之靈。
2. 神性職司的屬靈迴路,即聖靈。
3. 智能侍奉迴路,包括七個輔助心智之靈或多或少的聯合活動及不同運作。

34:4.6 (377.10) The Creator Son may come and go; his personal presence may be in the local universe or elsewhere; yet the Spirit of Truth functions undisturbed, for this divine presence, while derived from the personality of the Creator Son, is functionally centered in the person of the Divine Minister.

34:4-6 造物之子可能來來去去;他的親身臨在可能處於地方宇宙或其他地方;然而真理之靈的運作不受干擾,因為這種神性臨在,雖然來自造物之子的人格本體,但從職能上卻是彙集在神性職司的身上。


34:4.9 (378.3) The superevolutionary orders of personality in a local universe are endowed with the local universe type of the superuniverse pattern of mind. The human and the subhuman orders of evolutionary life are endowed with the adjutant spirit types of mind ministration.

34:4-9 地方宇宙中的超進化性人格體類別,被賦予超級宇宙心智模式中的地方宇宙類型。人類及近似人類的進化性生命類別,則被賦予各種心智照料性輔助之靈類型。


34:4.11 (378.5) These are the “seven spirits of God,” “like lamps burning before the throne,” which the prophet saw in the symbols of vision. But he did not see the seats of the four and twenty sentinels about these seven adjutant mind-spirits. This record represents the confusion of two presentations, one pertaining to the universe headquarters and the other to the system capital. The seats of the four and twenty elders are on Jerusem, the headquarters of your local system of inhabited worlds.

34:4-11 這些是“神之七靈”,“猶如在寶座前燃燒著的明燈”,這位先知以視覺象徵物的方式看到它們。但他並未看到二十四名長老的座位在這七個輔助心智之靈附近。這一記載反映了兩種陳述的混淆,一種是關於該地方宇宙總部,另一種是關於該系統首府。二十四名長老的座位是在耶路瑟姆,即你們居住世界之地方系統的總部。


34:4.12 (378.6) But it was of Salvington that John wrote: “And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices”—the universe broadcasts to the local systems. He also envisaged the directional control creatures of the local universe, the living compasses of the headquarters world. This directional control in Nebadon is maintained by the four control creatures of Salvington, who operate over the universe currents and are ably assisted by the first functioning mind-spirit, the adjutant of intuition, the spirit of “quick understanding.” But the description of these four creatures—called beasts—has been sadly marred; they are of unparalleled beauty and exquisite form.

34:4-12 但是約翰以下所寫的與薩爾文頓有關:“從寶座中發出了閃電、雷轟和聲音”—這是發向各個地方系統的宇宙廣播。他也見到了該地方宇宙的定向控制生物,即總部世界的活羅盤。內巴頓的這種定向控制是由薩爾文頓的四個控制生物所維持,它們操控著宇宙環流,並得到第一個運作的心智之靈,即具有快速理解能力的直覺輔助之靈的有力協助。但有關這四個生物的描述—被稱為野獸—很遺憾地被玷污了;它們有着無比之美與精巧之形。


34:5.1 (379.1) The Divine Minister co-operates with the Creator Son in the formulation of life and the creation of new orders of beings up to the time of his seventh bestowal and, subsequently, after his elevation to the full sovereignty of the universe, continues to collaborate with the Son and the Son’s bestowed spirit in the further work of world ministry and planetary progression.

34:5-1 神性職司與造物之子合作,規劃生命,創造新存有類別,直到他的第七次贈與,隨後,在他晉升獲得該宇宙的完全主權後,繼續與該子及該子的贈與之靈合作,進一步從事世界照管及行星演進的工作。

神性職司the Divine Minister是造物之靈、地方宇宙母靈的另一個名稱。基督教所講的聖靈Holy Spirt,是地方宇宙母靈的靈性迴路。



一般基督徒所稱的聖靈Holy Spirit,是指那一位靈呢?

基督教對天堂三個神靈的本質有些誤解。他們把holy spirit誤解為God the Spirit(我們譯為上靈)。上靈God the Spirit,與divine Spirit不是同一個;divine Spirit大多指思想調整者。

34:5.3 (379.3) Mortal man first experiences the ministry of the Spirit in conjunction with mind when the purely animal mind of evolutionary creatures develops reception capacity for the adjutants of worship and of wisdom. This ministry of the sixth and seventh adjutants indicates mind evolution crossing the threshold of spiritual ministry. And immediately are such minds of worship- and wisdom-function included in the spiritual circuits of the Divine Minister.

34:5-3 當進化受造物的純動物性心智發展到對崇拜之靈和智慧之靈有接受能力時,凡人第一次體驗到與心智結合之靈的侍奉。第六和第七個助手的這種侍奉,表明心智進化跨越了靈性侍奉的門檻。此類具有崇拜與智慧機能的心智,會立即被納入神性職司的靈性迴路中。





34:5.4 (379.4) When mind is thus endowed with the ministry of the Holy Spirit, it possesses the capacity for (consciously or unconsciously) choosing the spiritual presence of the Universal Father—the Thought Adjuster. But it is not until a bestowal Son has liberated the Spirit of Truth for planetary ministry to all mortals that all normal minds are automatically prepared for the reception of the Thought Adjusters. The Spirit of Truth works as one with the presence of the spirit of the Divine Minister. This dual spirit liaison hovers over the worlds, seeking to teach truth and to spiritually enlighten the minds of men, to inspire the souls of the creatures of the ascending races, and to lead the peoples dwelling on the evolutionary planets ever towards their Paradise goal of divine destiny.

34:5-4 當心智由此被賦予聖靈之照料時,它便(有意識或無意識地)擁有選擇萬有之父靈性臨在—即思想調整者的能力。但是直到贈與聖子為凡人的行星侍奉而釋出真理之靈之後,所有心智正常者才能自動地做好接受思想調整者的準備。真理之靈與神性職司之靈作為一體而運作。這種雙重性屬靈聯合盤旋於各個世界,尋求傳授真理,並從靈性上啟發人類心智,鼓舞揚升族類之受造物靈魂,並引領居住在進化性行星上的人們,永遠朝向其神性天命的天堂目的地前進。




34:5.5 (379.5) Though the Spirit of Truth is poured out upon all flesh, this spirit of the Son is almost wholly limited in function and power by man’s personal reception of that which constitutes the sum and substance of the mission of the bestowal Son. The Holy Spirit is partly independent of human attitude and partially conditioned by the decisions and co-operation of the will of man. Nevertheless, the ministry of the Holy Spirit becomes increasingly effective in the sanctification and spiritualization of the inner life of those mortals who the more fully obey the divine leadings.

34:5-5 雖然真理之靈被傾注到所有肉身,但造物之子的這種靈,在職能和權能上幾乎完全被人類對贈與聖子使命之主旨的個體接受度所限制。聖靈部分不受人類態度所制約,但部分受限於人類意志的決定與合作程度。然而,聖靈的侍奉對那些更完全服從神性引領的凡人,在其內在生命的神聖化與靈性化上,變得更有效果。

34:5.6 (379.6) As individuals you do not personally possess a segregated portion or entity of the spirit of the Creator Father-Son or the Creative Mother Spirit; these ministries do not contact with, nor indwell, the thinking centers of the individual’s mind as do the Mystery Monitors. Thought Adjusters are definite individualizations of the prepersonal reality of the Universal Father, actually indwelling the mortal mind as a very part of that mind, and they ever work in perfect harmony with the combined spirits of the Creator Son and Creative Spirit.

34:5-6 作為個體,你們不能親身擁有父性造物之子或是母性造物之靈所屬靈體的一個分離部分或實體;這些侍奉者不像神秘告誡者那樣接觸或內駐於個體的心智思維中心。思想調整者是萬有之父所屬凖人格性實相的明確個體化顯現,作為凡人心智的一部分而實際內駐于那一心智中,他們永遠與造物之子和造物之靈的聯合之靈在完美和諧中運作。



34:5.7 (380.1) The presence of the Holy Spirit of the Universe Daughter of the Infinite Spirit, of the Spirit of Truth of the Universe Son of the Eternal Son, and of the Adjuster-spirit of the Paradise Father in or with an evolutionary mortal, denotes symmetry of spiritual endowment and ministry and qualifies such a mortal consciously to realize the faith-fact of sonship with God.

34:5-7 無限之靈所屬的宇宙之女的聖靈、永恆之子所屬的宇宙之子的真理之靈、以及天堂之父所屬的調整者之靈,在進化性凡人身中的臨在,表明了靈性賦予與侍奉的對稱性,並使一個凡人能夠有意識地認知與神之親子關係這一信實事實。


34:6.1 (380.2) With the advancing evolution of an inhabited planet and the further spiritualization of its inhabitants, additional spiritual influences may be received by such mature personalities. As mortals progress in mind control and spirit perception, these multiple spirit ministries become more and more co-ordinate in function; they become increasingly blended with the overministry of the Paradise Trinity.

34:6-1 隨著一個居住性星球的日益進化及其居民的進一步靈性化,這些成熟的人格體將會受到額外的靈性影響。當凡人在心智控制和靈性感悟方面進步時,這些多樣的屬靈侍奉者們在運作上也變得越來越協調;它們與天堂三位一體的總體侍奉會逐漸融合。


34:6.2 (380.3) Although Divinity may be plural in manifestation, in human experience Deity is singular, always one. Neither is spiritual ministry plural in human experience. Regardless of plurality of origin, all spirit influences are one in function. Indeed they are one, being the spirit ministry of God the Sevenfold in and to the creatures of the grand universe; and as creatures grow in appreciation of, and receptivity for, this unifying ministry of the spirit, it becomes in their experience the ministry of God the Supreme.

34:6-2 雖然神性在顯現上或許是複數的,但在人類經驗中,神靈是單數的,永遠是一體的。靈性侍奉在人類經驗中也不是複數的。無論來源是如何地多樣化,所有屬靈影響的運作是一體的。事實上它們是一體的,都是神之七重者在大宇宙受造物身中及對這些受造物的屬靈侍奉;而當受造物們逐漸領會並接受這種統一性的屬靈侍奉時,這在他們的經驗中,便成為神之至高者的侍奉。



34:6.5 (380.6) The divine Spirit is the source of continual ministry and encouragement to the children of men. Your power and achievement is “according to his mercy, through the renewing of the Spirit.” Spiritual life, like physical energy, is consumed. Spiritual effort results in relative spiritual exhaustion. The whole ascendant experience is real as well as spiritual; therefore, it is truly written, “It is the Spirit that quickens.” “The Spirit gives life.”

34:6-5 神之靈是持續侍奉與鼓舞人類兒女的源泉。你們的能力與達成是“依照他的仁慈, 通過靈的更新”而獲得的。靈性生命,像物理能量一樣,是會消耗的。靈性努力導致相對的靈性疲憊。整個揚升經歷是真實的,也是靈性的;因此,會這樣如實寫道:“是靈催生了復活。”“靈賜予了生命。”

Spiritual effort results in relative spiritual exhaustion譯成:靈性努力導致相對的靈性耗竭。沒有錯,但不合邏輯,尤其是後面說道:“是靈催生了復活。”“靈賜予了生命。”

這一段我的理解是~光靠個人的靈性努力,總會有靈性疲憊感(耗能),但是能為我們加速的是聖靈,因為聖靈賜予了生命與生命力。在網上找聖經資料,有“The Spirit gives life.”「靈賜予了生命」這一句,沒有“It is the Spirit that quickens.”不知「催生了復活」是從何而來?我不知出處?

這段出自新約《羅馬書》Romans 08:11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. 而叫耶穌從死裡復活者的靈,若住在你們心裡,那叫基督耶穌從死裡復活的,也必藉著住在你們心裡的聖靈,使你們必死的身體又活過來。

下一段解釋了這一段。看這批啟示真的要有耐心hold the questions.因為答案往往就在後面的段落中。

這裡的divine spirit是指思想調整者,譯為神之靈,與holy spirit又是不一樣的。

34:6.6 (380.7) The dead theory of even the highest religious doctrines is powerless to transform human character or to control mortal behavior. What the world of today needs is the truth which your teacher of old declared: “Not in word only but also in power and in the Holy Spirit.” The seed of theoretical truth is dead, the highest moral concepts without effect, unless and until the divine Spirit breathes upon the forms of truth and quickens the formulas of righteousness.

34:6-6 即使是最高級的宗教教條的僵硬死理論也無力轉化人的性格或控制凡人的行為。今日世界所需要的是你們古代先師所宣稱的真理:“不只是要依靠話語,還要依靠權能和聖靈。”理論性的真理種子是死的,最高道德概念是沒有效果的,除非並且直到神之靈令真理之形重生,令正義之式復活。


34:6.7 (381.1) Those who have received and recognized the indwelling of God have been born of the Spirit. “You are the temple of God, and the spirit of God dwells in you.” It is not enough that this spirit be poured out upon you; the divine Spirit must dominate and control every phase of human experience.

34:6-7 那些接受並承認神之內駐的人,本就從靈而生。“你們是神之聖殿,神之靈駐居在你們之中。”僅將這種靈性傾注在你們身上是不夠的;神之靈還必須主導和控制人類經歷的每一方面。



是的,我們是有這種結論。我覺得是dominate and control 的中文解釋的問題。如果譯成主導與控制就不會給人一種強制的印象。

34:6.8 (381.2) It is the presence of the divine Spirit, the water of life, that prevents the consuming thirst of mortal discontent and that indescribable hunger of the unspiritualized human mind. Spirit-motivated beings “never thirst, for this spiritual water shall be in them a well of satisfaction springing up into life everlasting.” Such divinely watered souls are all but independent of material environment as regards the joys of living and the satisfactions of earthly existence. They are spiritually illuminated and refreshed, morally strengthened and endowed.

34:6-8 是神之靈,亦即生命之水的臨在,才預防了凡人因不滿足感而有的強烈渴求,及對未靈性化人類心智所形成的莫名饑渴。受靈激發的存有“從不會饑渴,因為該靈性之水在其身中就是一口直湧到永生的甘井。”這些被神聖澆灌的靈魂,在生活的樂趣及塵世存在的滿足感上,幾乎不受物質環境的制約。他們在靈性上受到啟發與更新,在道德上得到強化與恩賜。

34:6.9 (381.3) In every mortal there exists a dual nature: the inheritance of animal tendencies and the high urge of spirit endowment. During the short life you live on Urantia, these two diverse and opposing urges can seldom be fully reconciled; they can hardly be harmonized and unified; but throughout your lifetime the combined Spirit ever ministers to assist you in subjecting the flesh more and more to the leading of the Spirit. Even though you must live your material life through, even though you cannot escape the body and its necessities, nonetheless, in purpose and ideals you are empowered increasingly to subject the animal nature to the mastery of the Spirit. There truly exists within you a conspiracy of spiritual forces, a confederation of divine powers, whose exclusive purpose is to effect your final deliverance from material bondage and finite handicaps.

34:6-9 每個凡人身上都具有雙重本性:即對動物性傾向的遺傳及對靈性稟賦的強烈渴求。你生活在玉苒廈的短暫生命裡,這兩種不同且對立的渴求很少能完全調和;它們很難和諧統一;但在你的一生,聯合之靈一直在努力幫助你使肉身越來越服從靈的引領。雖然你必須度過你的物質生活,雖然你無法擺脫身體及其必須物,然而,在目標和理想上,你將能逐漸使動物本性服從於聖靈的主掌在你當中確實存在著一種靈性力的合作,一種神性力量的聯盟,其唯一目的是使你從物質性束縛和有限性障礙中得到最終的解脫。

34:6.10 (381.4) The purpose of all this ministration is, “That you may be strengthened with power through His spirit in the inner man.” And all this represents but the preliminary steps to the final attainment of the perfection of faith and service, that experience wherein you shall be “filled with all the fullness of God,” “for all those who are led by the spirit of God are the sons of God.”

34:6-10 所有這一切照料的目的是,“藉著他的靈,使你們心裡的力量剛強起來。”這一切僅代表最終達到完美信念和服務的初步步驟。在你的經歷中,你應被“「叫神一切所充滿的,充滿了你們」,「因為凡被神的靈引導的都是神的兒子」

34:6.13 (381.7) The consciousness of the spirit domination of a human life is presently attended by an increasing exhibition of the characteristics of the Spirit in the life reactions of such a spirit-led mortal, “for the fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance.” Such spirit-guided and divinely illuminated mortals, while they yet tread the lowly paths of toil and in human faithfulness perform the duties of their earthly assignments, have already begun to discern the lights of eternal life as they glimmer on the faraway shores of another world; already have they begun to comprehend the reality of that inspiring and comforting truth, “The kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.” And throughout every trial and in the presence of every hardship, spirit-born souls are sustained by that hope which transcends all fear because the love of God is shed abroad in all hearts by the presence of the divine Spirit.

34:6-13 人類生命的屬靈支配意識,在受靈引導的凡人的生活反應中,靈性的特徵正在日益显現,“因為靈之果實就是慈愛、喜悅、平和、忍耐、親切、良善、忠信、溫順和克制。”這些受靈引導且被神性啟發的凡人,儘管他們仍在卑微辛勞之路上跋涉,懷著人性之忠誠履行著其塵世的任務與職責,但當他們瞥向另一個世界的遙遠彼岸時,他們已開始辨識出永恆生命之光;他們已開始理解那令人鼓舞和撫慰人心的真理實相,“神之王國不在於吃喝,而在於正義、和平以及在聖靈中的喜樂。”在每一次試煉當中,在每一次困難面前,由靈所生的靈魂都會被那樣一種超越一切恐懼的希望所支撐,因為神之愛通過神之靈的臨在,被澆灌到所有心靈中。


34:7.1 (382.1) The flesh, the inherent nature derived from the animal-origin races, does not naturally bear the fruits of the divine Spirit. When the mortal nature has been upstepped by the addition of the nature of the Material Sons of God, as the Urantia races were in a measure advanced by the bestowal of Adam, then is the way better prepared for the Spirit of Truth to co-operate with the indwelling Adjuster to bring forth the beautiful harvest of the character fruits of the spirit. If you do not reject this spirit, even though eternity may be required to fulfill the commission, “he will guide you into all truth.”

34:7-1 肉體,源自動物起源之族類的固有本質,並非天生就能結神之靈的果實。當凡人本質因神之物質性眾子之本質的添加而提升,如玉苒廈各族因亞當的贈與而在某種程度上提升時,便是真理之靈與內駐之調整者做好合作的準備,以帶來靈性的個性成果之美好豐收。如果你不拒絕該靈,即使可能需要永恆之久來實現這一使命,“他會引導你進入一切真理。”


34:7.4 (382.4) The Urantia peoples are suffering the consequences of a double deprivation of help in this task of progressive planetary spiritual attainment. The Caligastia upheaval precipitated world-wide confusion and robbed all subsequent generations of the moral assistance which a well-ordered society would have provided. But even more disastrous was the Adamic default in that it deprived the races of that superior type of physical nature which would have been more consonant with spiritual aspirations.

34:7-4 玉苒廈各民族在這一漸進性行星靈性達成之使命中,承受著被雙重剝奪了幫助的後果。卡裡迦夏(Caligastia)的動亂引發了世界性的混亂,並剝奪了所有後代子孫的道德支撐,該支撐是一個有序社會本應提供的。但更具災難性的是,由於亞當在那場動亂中的違約,使各種族喪失了優越類型的肉體本質,那種本質是本應更與靈性的種種渴望和諧一致。


34:7.8 (383.2) Having started out on the way of life everlasting, having accepted the assignment and received your orders to advance, do not fear the dangers of human forgetfulness and mortal inconstancy, do not be troubled with doubts of failure or by perplexing confusion, do not falter and question your status and standing, for in every dark hour, at every crossroad in the forward struggle, the Spirit of Truth will always speak, saying, “This is the way.”

34:7-8 在追求永生的道路上一經出發,在接受前進的任務和命令之後,不要害怕人性的健忘與世間無常的危險,不要被失敗的疑慮或難纏的混亂所困擾,不要動搖和質疑你的處境與立場,因為在每一個黑暗時刻中,在向前奮鬥的每一個十字路口上,真理之靈會一直提示說:“這就是道路。”

34:7.9 (383.3) [Presented by a Mighty Messenger temporarily assigned to service on Urantia.]

34:7-9 [由一位暫時被委派到玉苒廈服務團隊的強大使者所呈獻。]
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