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玉苒廈摘錄83. P33 地方宇宙的管理(2) 1-10-2021 (by Vicki)

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發表發表於: 星期四 一月 14, 2021 4:29 am    文章主題: 玉苒廈摘錄83. P33 地方宇宙的管理(2) 1-10-2021 (by Vicki) 引言回覆

玉苒廈摘錄83. P33 地方宇宙的管理(2) 1-10-2021


33:2.2 (367.4) Michael elected to organize this local universe, and herein he now reigns supreme. His personal power is limited by the pre-existent gravity circuits centering at Paradise and by the reservation on the part of the Ancients of Days of the superuniverse government of all final executive judgments regarding the extinction of personality. Personality is the sole bestowal of the Father, but the Creator Sons, with the approval of the Eternal Son, do initiate new creature designs, and with the working co-operation of their Spirit associates they may attempt new transformations of energy-matter.

33:2-2 邁克爾選擇組織這一地方宇宙,在這裡他施行至高的支配。他的個人權能受到以天堂為中心的先存引力迴路的限制,也受到超級宇宙管理機構亙古常在者們對有關人格體消亡的所有最終性行政審判之保留權的限制。人格本體是上父的獨特贈與,但造物之子們在永恆之子的批准下,確實開創了各種新的受造物設計,並且在其屬靈同伴們的工作配合下,他們可以嘗試各種新的能質轉換。






33:2.5 (367.7) Although Michael’s headquarters is officially located on Salvington, the capital of Nebadon, he spends much of his time visiting the constellation and system headquarters and even the individual planets. Periodically he journeys to Paradise and often to Uversa, where he counsels with the Ancients of Days. When he is away from Salvington, his place is assumed by Gabriel, who then functions as regent of the universe of Nebadon.

33:2-5 儘管邁克爾的總部正式位於內巴頓的首府薩爾文頓,但他卻花費很多時間訪問星座與系統總部,甚至個別行星。他定期前往天堂,也經常前往尤沃薩,在那裡他與亙古常在者們相商議。當他離開薩爾文頓時,他的位置由加百列所接管,那時加百列就會作為內巴頓宇宙的攝政者而運作。



33:3.2 (368.2) The Universe Mother Spirit of Salvington, the associate of Michael in the control and administration of Nebadon, is of the sixth group of Supreme Spirits, being the 611,121st of that order. She volunteered to accompany Michael on the occasion of his liberation from Paradise obligations and has ever since functioned with him in creating and governing his universe.

33:3-2 薩爾文頓的宇宙母靈,即邁克爾在內巴頓控制和管理上的協作者,是屬於至高性之靈的第六組群,是該組群中的第611,121位。她在邁克爾從其天堂職責中解脫之際,志願伴隨他,並從此與他一起從事於創造和管理其宇宙。


Universe Mother Spirit 和 Mother Spirit 都是指「宇宙母靈」也是「造物之靈」對嗎?


33:3.3 (368.3) The Master Creator Son is the personal sovereign of his universe, but in all the details of its management the Universe Spirit is codirector with the Son. While the Spirit ever acknowledges the Son as sovereign and ruler, the Son always accords the Spirit a co-ordinate position and equality of authority in all the affairs of the realm. In all his work of love and life bestowal the Creator Son is always and ever perfectly sustained and ably assisted by the all-wise and ever-faithful Universe Spirit and by all of her diversified retinue of angelic personalities. Such a Divine Minister is in reality the mother of spirits and spirit personalities, the ever-present and all-wise adviser of the Creator Son, a faithful and true manifestation of the Paradise Infinite Spirit.

33:3-3 主位造物之子是其宇宙的親身主權者,但在其管理的所有之細節中,宇宙母靈是該子的協同主管者。儘管該靈永遠承認子是主權者與支配者,但該子總是在該域的所有事務上給予該靈同等的地位和相同的權威。在造物之子所有愛與生命賜予的工作中,總是永遠受到全知全能、忠心耿耿的宇宙母靈及其多樣化的天使人格體隨扈的完美支持與幹練協助。這樣一位神性職司實際上是各種屬靈及屬靈人格體的母親,是造物之子永遠存在的全智顧問,是天堂無限之靈忠誠而又真實的顯現。


主位之子(Master Son)、主權之子(Sovereign Son)、宇宙之子(Universe Son)都是造物之子(Creator Son)嗎?如果是,那麽有在不同階段用什麽稱呼的規定嗎?



17:6.5 3.提到「當造物之子動身前往空間冒險之時;該超級宇宙主位之靈會把這位新的屬靈伴侶交與造物之子照料,與此同時,將永恆忠貞與無限忠誠之職責交付給該屬靈伴侶。緊接著便會出現天堂上所發生的感人至深的一幕。萬有之父宣告確認造物之子和造物之靈的永恆結合,並確認由主管該超級宇宙的主位之靈所授予的某些共同管理能力。」造物之靈是隨同造物之子前往地方宇宙共同創造的伴侶及夥伴,實際上造物之靈創造的各種天使大軍協助管理地方宇宙有很大的幫助,也可以說,若無造物之靈,地方宇宙是無法順利創造及管理的。

33:3.4 (368.4) The Son functions as a father in his local universe. The Spirit, as mortal creatures would understand, enacts the role of a mother, always assisting the Son and being everlastingly indispensable to the administration of the universe. In the face of insurrection only the Son and his associated Sons can function as deliverers. Never can the Spirit undertake to contest rebellion or defend authority, but ever does the Spirit sustain the Son in all of everything he may be required to experience in his efforts to stabilize government and uphold authority on worlds tainted with evil or dominated by sin. Only a Son can retrieve the work of their joint creation, but no Son could hope for final success without the incessant co-operation of the Divine Minister and her vast assemblage of spirit helpers, the daughters of God, who so faithfully and valiantly struggle for the welfare of mortal men and the glory of their divine parents.

33:3-4 該子在其地方宇宙中擔任父親的角色。該靈,如有限受造物所理解的,扮演一位母親的角色,一直協助該子,對該宇宙的管理機構而言是永不可或缺的。在面對反叛時,只有該子及其相關眾子能擔當拯救者的角色。該靈從不承擔抵抗反叛或是維護權威的職責,但在該子為穩定管理機構及維護被罪惡玷污或被罪惡支配的世界的權威所做的努力中,在他可能需要經歷的一切中,該靈永遠支持他。只有子才能挽回他們的共同創造,但若沒有神性職司及其龐大靈性助手集群不斷的合作,沒有任何子能指望最終的成功,這些神的女兒們如此忠誠而又英勇地為人類的福祉及其神性親代的榮耀而英勇奮鬥。



「In the face of insurrection only the Son and his associated Sons can function as deliverers.」在面對反叛時,只有該子及其相關眾子能擔當拯救者的角色。這的「associated Sons相關眾子」是指其他聖子(Creator Son) ,還是其他隸屬該聖子之下的"Sons"?



33:3.5 (368.5) Upon the completion of the Creator Son’s seventh and final creature bestowal, the uncertainties of periodic isolation terminate for the Divine Minister, and the Son’s universe helper becomes forever settled in surety and control. It is at the enthronement of the Creator Son as a Master Son, at the jubilee of jubilees, that the Universe Spirit, before the assembled hosts, first makes public and universal acknowledgment of subordination to the Son, pledging fidelity and obedience. This event occurred in Nebadon at the time of Michael’s return to Salvington after the Urantian bestowal. Never before this momentous occasion did the Universe Spirit acknowledge subordination to the Universe Son, and not until after this voluntary relinquishment of power and authority by the Spirit could it be truthfully proclaimed of the Son that “all power in heaven and on earth has been committed to his hand.”

33:3-5 在造物之子第七次,即最後一次贈與完成之際,定期性分離對神性職司所造成的不安定感終告結束,該子的這位宇宙幫手會永久安頓於牢靠掌控當中。在造物之子作為主位之子而即位時,在這一重大慶典場合,在聚集的萬眾之前,該宇宙之靈首次公開全面地承認對於該子的服從,並宣誓忠誠與順從。這一事件已於內巴頓中發生了,那是在邁克爾從玉苒廈贈與後返回薩爾文頓之時。在這一重大場合之前,該宇宙之靈從未承認過對該宇宙之子的服從,而直到該靈將其權能與權威自願讓渡之後,對於該子而言,才可以真正地宣稱,“天上地下的所有權能,都已交付到他手中了。”



33:3.6 (369.1) After this pledge of subordination by the Creative Mother Spirit, Michael of Nebadon nobly acknowledged his eternal dependence on his Spirit companion, constituting the Spirit coruler of his universe domains and requiring all their creatures to pledge themselves in loyalty to the Spirit as they had to the Son; and there issued and went forth the final “Proclamation of Equality.” Though he was the sovereign of this local universe, the Son published to the worlds the fact of the Spirit’s equality with him in all endowments of personality and attributes of divine character. And this becomes the transcendent pattern for the family organization and government of even the lowly creatures of the worlds of space. This is, in deed and in truth, the high ideal of the family and the human institution of voluntary marriage.

33:3-6 在造物母靈做從屬承諾之後,內巴頓的邁克爾也高貴地承認他對其屬靈同伴的永恆依賴,任命她為其宇宙各域的屬靈共管者,並要求所有其所有受造物都宣誓忠誠於該靈,如同他們曾對該子所做的宣誓一樣; “平等宣言”由此誕生並發佈了出去。雖然他是這個地方宇宙的主權者,但該子向世界宣佈該靈與他在所有人格性稟賦和神性特質上平等的事實。這成為空間世界低等受造物家庭組織與管理的卓越模式。實際上,這是家庭與人類自願性婚姻制度的崇高理想。


33:4.1 (369.4) The Bright and Morning Star is the personalization of the first concept of identity and ideal of personality conceived by the Creator Son and the local universe manifestation of the Infinite Spirit. Going back to the early days of the local universe, before the union of the Creator Son and the Mother Spirit in the bonds of creative association, back to the times before the beginning of the creation of their versatile family of sons and daughters, the first conjoint act of this early and free association of these two divine persons results in the creation of the highest spirit personality of the Son and the Spirit, the Bright and Morning Star.

33:4-1 明亮晨星是造物之子與無限之靈的地方宇宙顯現體孕育的第一個身份概念及人格理想的人格化身。追溯到地方宇宙的早期,在造物之子和造物母靈達成創造合作之盟約之前,在他們開始一起創造其多能的家族子女之前,這兩個神性人格這種早先自由之合作所產生的第一次共同行動,便導致了該子和該靈所屬的最高級屬靈人格體,即明亮晨星的創造。


33:4.2 (369.5) Only one such being of wisdom and majesty is brought forth in each local universe. The Universal Father and the Eternal Son can, in fact do, create an unlimited number of Sons in divinity equal to themselves; but such Sons, in union with the Daughters of the Infinite Spirit, can create only one Bright and Morning Star in each universe, a being like themselves and partaking freely of their combined natures but not of their creative prerogatives. Gabriel of Salvington is like the Universe Son in divinity of nature though considerably limited in the attributes of Deity.

33:4-2 在每個地方宇宙中,僅有一個這樣充滿智慧與威嚴的存有得以產生。萬有之父和永恆之子事實上能夠創造無數個在神性上與其自身等同之子;但這些兒子在與無限之靈的女兒們結合後,卻只能在每個宇宙中創造出惟一一個明亮晨星,該存有與他們自身非常相似,可以自由地分享他們的綜合本質,但卻不能擁有他們的創造特權。薩爾文頓的加百列在神性本質上與宇宙之子相似,然而在神靈屬性上卻受到相當大的限制。

最後一句“薩爾文頓的加百列在神性本質上與宇宙之子相似,然而在神靈屬性上有很大的限制。” 神性本質與神靈屬性之間有什麽不同嗎?



33:4.6 (370.3) Gabriel is the chief officer of execution for superuniverse mandates relating to nonpersonal affairs in the local universe. Most matters pertaining to mass judgment and dispensational resurrections, adjudicated by the Ancients of Days, are also delegated to Gabriel and his staff for execution. Gabriel is thus the combined chief executive of both the super- and the local universe rulers. He has at his command an able corps of administrative assistants, created for their special work, who are unrevealed to evolutionary mortals. In addition to these assistants, Gabriel may employ any and all of the orders of celestial beings functioning in Nebadon, and he is also the commander in chief of “the armies of heaven”—the celestial hosts.

33:4-6 加百列是與地方宇宙中非個體性事務相關的各種超級宇宙指令的首席執行官。大部分涉及大規模審判及天命時代復活、且由亙古常在者們所裁斷的事務,也被委派給加百列及其屬員來執行。由此,加百列是超級宇宙及地方宇宙支配者們的共同首席執行官。他統帥著一支能幹的管理助手團隊,這些助手們是為其特殊工作而受造的,他們不為進化性凡人們所知。除了這些助手之外,加百列還可以調用在內巴頓運作的任一及所有類別天界存有,他也是“天國大軍” -- 即天界軍團的統帥。


33:4.7 (370.4) Gabriel and his staff are not teachers; they are administrators. They were never known to depart from their regular work except when Michael was incarnated on a creature bestowal. During such bestowals Gabriel was ever attendant on the will of the incarnated Son, and with the collaboration of the Union of Days, he became the actual director of universe affairs during the later bestowals. Gabriel has been closely identified with the history and development of Urantia ever since the mortal bestowal of Michael.

33:4-7 加百列及其屬員不是教導者;他們是管理者。除了在邁克爾化身履行受造物贈與之時,從未聽說他們離開其日常工作。在這種贈與期間,加百列總是依照化身之子的意志行事,並且與聯合常在者合作,在後來的贈與期間,成為宇宙事務的實際主管者。自從邁克爾的凡人贈與以來,加百列已與玉苒廈的歷史和發展密切相關。




33:4.8 (370.5) Aside from meeting Gabriel on the bestowal worlds and at the times of general- and special-resurrection roll calls, mortals will seldom encounter him as they ascend through the local universe until they are inducted into the administrative work of the local creation. As administrators, of whatever order or degree, you will come under the direction of Gabriel.

33:4-8 除了在贈與世界或在例行的及特定的復活點名時可以遇到加百列之外,凡人很少會在其地方宇宙揚升期間遇到他,直到他們被引入地方宇宙的管理工作中。不論作為什麼類別或是什麼級別的管理者,你們都會處於加百列的主管之下。
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