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玉苒廈摘錄71. P27 第一類超級天使的侍奉 6-7-2020

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發表發表於: 星期五 六月 12, 2020 3:50 am    文章主題: 玉苒廈摘錄71. P27 第一類超級天使的侍奉 6-7-2020 引言回覆

玉苒廈摘錄71. P27 第一類超級天使的侍奉 6-7-2020


27:0.2 (298.2) Primary supernaphim are also placed in command of the seraphic hosts ministering on worlds isolated because of rebellion. When a Paradise Son is bestowed upon such a world, completes his mission, ascends to the Universal Father, is accepted, and returns as the accredited deliverer of this isolated world, a primary supernaphim is always designated by the chiefs of assignment to assume command of the ministering spirits on duty in the newly reclaimed sphere. Supernaphim in this special service are periodically rotated. On Urantia the present “chief of seraphim” is the second of this order to be on duty since the times of the bestowal of Christ Michael.

27:0.2 第一類超級天使也被也被安排去指揮在因反叛而被隔離之世界上進行侍奉的天使大軍。當一位天堂之子被贈與到這樣一個世界,以完成他的任務,揚升至萬有之父那兒並被接納,再作為這個隔離世界的授命拯救者而返回時,總會有一位第一類超級天使被派遣長派往新被回收之域值勤侍奉之靈的總指揮。超級天使在這特殊的服務中是定期輪換的。在玉苒廈(Urantia)上,現任的“熾天使長”是自基督•邁克爾贈與時代以來這類值勤之超級天使中的第二位。

這裡所描述的“因反叛而被隔離之世界”,玉苒廈便是其中之一。“當一位天堂之子被贈與到這樣一個世界, 以完成他的任務”,投生地球的天堂之子便是耶穌基督。當耶穌完成他的任務返回天堂後,玉苒廈便成為“新被回收”的星球,這時便會有一位第一類超級天使被派遣到這裡擔任值勤侍奉之靈的總指揮。


1. 崇拜指揮Conductors of Worship.
2. 哲學大師Masters of Philosophy.
3. 知識保管者 Custodians of Knowledge.
4. 行為指導者Directors of Conduct.。
5. 倫理闡釋者 Interpreters of Ethics.
6. 派遣長Chiefs of Assignment.
7. 安息誘導者Instigators of Rest.


27:1.1 (299.1) The instigators of rest are the inspectors of Paradise who go forth from the central Isle to the inner circuit of Havona, there to collaborate with their colleagues, the complements of rest of the secondary order of supernaphim. The one essential to the enjoyment of Paradise is rest, divine rest; and these instigators of rest are the final instructors who make ready the pilgrims of time for their introduction to eternity. They begin their work on the final attainment circle of the central universe and continue it when the pilgrim awakes from the last transition sleep, the slumber which graduates a creature of space into the realm of the eternal.

27:1.1 安息誘導者是天堂的督察者,他們從中央島出發,前往哈沃納的內層環路,在那裡與他們的同事即第二類超級天使中的安息配員們攜手合作。安息-即神性的安息,是天堂享受的一個基本要素;而這些安息誘導者正是最終的指導者,令時間性的朝聖者們做好進入永恆的準備,他們從中央宇宙的最後一個抵達的環路上開始工作,一直到朝聖者從最後的過渡沉睡中醒來,這一沉睡使空間受造物逐漸進入永恆之域。



27:1.2 (299.2) Rest is of a sevenfold nature: There is the rest of sleep and of play in the lower life orders, discovery in the higher beings, and worship in the highest type of spirit personality. There is also the normal rest of energy intake, the recharging of beings with physical or with spiritual energy. And then there is the transit sleep, the unconscious slumber when enseraphimed, when in passage from one sphere to another. Entirely different from all of these is the deep sleep of metamorphosis, the transition rest from one stage of being to another, from one life to another, from one state of existence to another, the sleep which ever attends transition from actual universe status in contrast to evolution through various stages of any one status.

27:1-2 安息具有七重性本質:在較低等生命類別身上,是睡眠性與消遣性的安息;在較高等存有身上是發現性的安息,在最高類型的靈性人格體身上則是崇拜性的安息。也有攝取能量的正常安息,即以物理性或靈性的能量來補充存有的能量。然後是運送性安息,即由熾天使裹挾著,從一個界域前往另一界域的無意識性沉睡。與所有這些完全不同的是蛻變的深度睡眠,從一個階段過度到另一個階段,從一種生命轉變到另一種生命,從一種存在狀態轉變到另一種存在狀態,這種沉睡總是伴隨著實際宇宙身份的轉變,而不是通過任何一種不同階段之狀態的進化。


27:1.3 (299.3) But the last metamorphic sleep is something more than those previous transition slumbers which have marked the successive status attainments of the ascendant career; thereby do the creatures of time and space traverse the innermost margins of the temporal and the spatial to attain residential status in the timeless and spaceless abodes of Paradise. The instigators and the complements of rest are just as essential to this transcending metamorphosis as are the seraphim and associated beings to the mortal creature’s survival of death.

27:1.3 但最後的蛻變性安睡,又遠超過之前的過渡性沉睡。那些沉睡,標誌著揚升生涯中一系列身份的獲得;由此時空受造物穿越時空的最內層邊緣,在無時空的天堂中獲得居住身份。安息誘導者和安息配員在這場超越性蛻變中的重要性,恰如熾天使及相伴存有們在凡人受造物死後續存中所起的重要作用一樣。


27:1.5 (299.5) The last rest of time has been enjoyed; the last transition sleep has been experienced; now you awake to life everlasting on the shores of the eternal abode. “And there shall be no more sleep. The presence of God and his Son are before you, and you are eternally his servants; you have seen his face, and his name is your spirit. There shall be no night there; and they need no light of the sun, for the Great Source and Center gives them light; they shall live forever and ever. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain, for the former things have passed away.”

27:1.5 享受了最後一次時間性的安息;經歷了最後一次的轉變性沉睡;此時你們醒來了,面對永恆居所之彼岸的永恆生活。“那裡不再有睡眠。上父與上子的臨在就在你面前,你將永遠是他的服務者;你看到了他的面龐,他的名就是你的靈。那裡必沒有黑夜;他們也不需要太陽的光,因為偉大本源與中心給了他們光;他們將永遠活下去。神必抹去他們眼中所有的淚水;不再有死亡,不再有悲傷與哭泣,也不再有任何痛苦。因為從前的一切,都已過去了。 ”

27:3.1 (300.4) The higher you ascend in the scale of life, the more attention must be paid to universe ethics. Ethical awareness is simply the recognition by any individual of the rights inherent in the existence of any and all other individuals. But spiritual ethics far transcends the mortal and even the morontia concept of personal and group relations.



27:3.3 (300.6) The interpreters of ethics are of inestimable assistance to the Paradise arrivals in helping them to adjust to numerous groups of majestic beings during that eventful period extending from the attainment of residential status to formal induction into the Corps of Mortal Finaliters. Many of the numerous types of Paradise Citizens the ascendant pilgrims have already met on the seven circuits of Havona. The glorified mortals have also enjoyed intimate contact with the creature-trinitized sons of the conjoint corps on the inner Havona circuit, where these beings are receiving much of their education. And on the other circuits the ascending pilgrims have met numerous unrevealed residents of the Paradise-Havona system who are there pursuing group training in preparation for the unrevealed assignments of the future.

27:3.3 在從獲得天堂居民身份延續到正式加入凡人終局者團隊的那段重要時期,倫理闡釋者們對於幫助天堂抵達者們調整自己以適應與眾多類威嚴存有之相處上,有著不可估量的作用。許多類型的天堂公民,是揚升朝聖者們在哈沃納的七個環路上已遇到過的。榮耀化的凡人們,在哈沃納最內層的環路上,也已享受到與聯合團隊中的受造物所三一化之子們的直接接觸,在那一環路上,這些存有們接受了很多教育。在其它一些環路上,揚升的朝聖者們也遇到過天堂-哈沃納系統許多未揭示的居民,他們在那兒進行集體培訓,為從事未揭示的未來任務做準備。

前面白矄綾教授曾提及先看了路西法反叛的章節,大家討論到自己內在的反抗意識。有時我們確實是有反抗的逆反心理。但我們往往把“權威”與“威權”搞混了,權威人士是在某個領域中學有專長者,對這樣的人,正常人在正常情況下,只是會敬佩,向他們學習,不會反抗。因此“與眾多類威嚴存有之相處” 應是一件非常愉快的事。比較難的是如何與濫用威權,以職權或惡勢力威逼他人的人相處。這種時候,我們可能就得傾聽思想調整者權威性的智慧了。

27:3.4 (301.1) All these celestial companionships are invariably mutual. As ascending mortals you not only derive benefit from these successive universe companions and such numerous orders of increasingly divine associates, but you also impart to each of these fraternal beings something from your own personality and experience which forever makes every one of them different and better for having been associated with an ascending mortal from the evolutionary worlds of time and space.

27:3.4 所有這些天界的夥伴們,總是彼此互惠的。作為揚升的凡人,你們不僅從這些連續的宇宙夥伴們和眾多類別的神性漸增之同道那兒受益,你們也將一些來自你們自身人格及所體驗之事物,傳遞給這些兄弟存有,這將使他們之中的每一個,因與來自時空進化世界的揚升凡人的結交,而變得卓然不同。


27:4.3 (301.4) All Paradise conduct is wholly spontaneous, in every sense natural and free. But there still is a proper and perfect way of doing things on the eternal Isle, and the directors of conduct are ever by the side of the “strangers within the gates” to instruct them and so guide their steps as to put them at perfect ease and at the same time to enable the pilgrims to avoid that confusion and uncertainty which would otherwise be inevitable. Only by such an arrangement could endless confusion be avoided; and confusion never appears on Paradise.

27:4.3 所有天堂行為都是完全自發的,在任何意義上都是自然的和自由的。但在永恆之島上,卻仍然有一種適當而完美的行事方式,行為指導者們則永遠在“門內陌生人”身邊指導他們,引導他們的腳步,使他們完全放鬆之餘,也同時使朝聖者得以避免一些原本不可避免的混亂和不確定性。只有通過這樣的安排,才能避免無盡的混亂;而混亂不曾在天堂上出現。


27:4.4 (301.5) These directors of conduct really serve as glorified teachers and guides. They are chiefly concerned with instructing the new mortal residents regarding the almost endless array of new situations and unfamiliar usages. Notwithstanding all the long preparation therefor and the long journey thereto, Paradise is still inexpressibly strange and unexpectedly new to those who finally attain residential status.

27:4-4 這些行為指導者們,真正起到了榮耀化存有之師及引導者的作用。他們主要關注於指導新的凡人居民留意那些幾近無窮的新奇情況和陌生慣例。儘管他們為之做了漫長的準備,為之經歷了漫長的旅程,但對於這些最終取得居民身份的人而言,天堂仍然是難以形容的陌生,以及出乎意料的新奇。


27:5.1 (301.6) The superaphic custodians of knowledge are the higher “living epistles” known and read by all who dwell on Paradise. They are the divine records of truth, the living books of real knowledge. You have heard about records in the “book of life.” The custodians of knowledge are just such living books, records of perfection imprinted upon the eternal tablets of divine life and supreme surety. They are in reality living, automatic libraries. The facts of the universes are inherent in these primary supernaphim, actually recorded in these angels; and it is also inherently impossible for an untruth to gain lodgment in the minds of these perfect and replete repositories of the truth of eternity and the intelligence of time.

27:5.1 超級天使類知識保管者,是所有居住在天堂的存有們都知曉與查閱的“活文書”。他們是真理之神性記錄,是真知的鮮活書本。你已聽說過“生命之書”中的記錄。知識保管者們正是這樣的鮮活書本,是銘刻在具有神性生命和至高擔保之永恆碑簡上的完美記錄。他們實際上是鮮活而自動的圖書館。眾多宇宙的大量事實都貯存於這些第一類超級天使之中,真實地記錄在這些天使身上;任何非真實的事物,則根本無法在這些永恆性真理與時間性智慧之完美而又充實的智囊心智中獲得一席之地。

讓“任何非真實的事物” 無法在我們的心智中存留,應是我們的目標。近來借著疫情,網路上漫天傳播著各種政治上或醫學上的謠傳,愚蠢的人被謠言所煽動,如果不能覺知到自己因舊有情緒而參與謠言的傳播,這些情緒與煽動的參與便成為往後我們需要學習的課題,即所謂的業力。不可否認,即使在我努力以更宏觀的群體之益的角度來看事情時,仍免不了主觀的偏頗,深深感受到我們正處在一個考驗我們的覺知、識別力與智力的道場上。

27:5.3 (302.2) When you locate that supernaphim who is exactly what you desire to verify, you will find available all the known facts of all universes, for these custodians of knowledge are the final and living summaries of the vast network of the recording angels, ranging from the seraphim and seconaphim of the local and superuniverses to the chief recorders of the tertiary supernaphim in Havona. And this living accumulation of knowledge is distinct from the formal records of Paradise, the cumulative summary of universal history.

27:5.3 當你找到正是你渴望核實的那位超級天使時,你會發現有關所有宇宙之全部已知事實都可獲得,因為這些知識保管者們是記錄天使們所形成之龐大網絡的最終性與鮮活性的匯總,這一網絡從來自地方和超級宇宙的熾天使和二級天使、延伸至哈沃納第三類超級天使中的首席記錄者們。而這種鮮活的知識積累,不同于天堂的各種正式記錄,後者是有關宇宙歷史的累積性匯總。


27:6.1 (302.5) Next to the supreme satisfaction of worship is the exhilaration of philosophy. Never do you climb so high or advance so far that there do not remain a thousand mysteries which demand the employment of philosophy in an attempted solution.

27:6.1 僅次於崇拜所帶來的至高滿足的是哲學所產生的愉悅。你從未爬得如此高,也不曾行得如此遠,以致不再有千個謎團需要採用哲學來解決。


27:6.3 (303.1) At the southern extremity of the vast Paradise domain the masters of philosophy conduct elaborate courses in the seventy functional divisions of wisdom. Here they discourse upon the plans and purposes of Infinity and seek to co-ordinate the experiences, and to compose the knowledge, of all who have access to their wisdom. They have developed a highly specialized attitude toward various universe problems, but their final conclusions are always in uniform agreement.

27:6.3 在廣袤天堂界域的最南端,哲學大師們進行有關智慧的七十種功能分類的精細課程。在這裡,他們論述無限之神的眾多計畫和意圖,並尋求去協調整理來自所有那些可利用其智慧之存有的經驗與知識。他們對諸多宇宙難題形成了一種極為專化的態度,但其最終結論卻總是和諧一致的。

27:6.4 (303.2) These Paradise philosophers teach by every possible method of instruction, including the higher graph technique of Havona and certain Paradise methods of communicating information. All of these higher techniques of imparting knowledge and conveying ideas are utterly beyond the comprehension capacity of even the most highly developed human mind. One hour’s instruction on Paradise would be the equivalent of ten thousand years of the word-memory methods of Urantia. You cannot grasp such communication techniques, and there is simply nothing in mortal experience with which they may be compared, nothing to which they can be likened.

27:6.4 這些天堂哲學家們用每一種可能的教學方法來進行教導,包括哈沃納的高級圖像技術,以及某些天堂性的資訊交流方式。所有這些傳授知識和傳達思想的高超技術,都完全超出了最高度發展的人類心智的理解能力之外。在天堂上一個小時的講授量,相當於玉苒廈文字存儲方式一萬年的記載量。你們無法掌握此種通訊技術,在凡人的經歷中,沒有任何東西可以與之相比,也沒有任何東西可以與之相提並論。


27:6.6 (303.4) These intellectual pursuits of Paradise are not broadcast; the philosophy of perfection is available only to those who are personally present. The encircling creations know of these teachings only from those who have passed through this experience, and who have subsequently carried this wisdom out to the universes of space.

27:6.6 天堂的這些智性追求並未被傳播出去;完美的哲學只提供給那些親自到場的存有。周邊造物只能從那些有過這類經歷,並隨後將這此種智慧帶往各空間宇宙的存有們身上去瞭解這些教導。

27:7.1 (303.5) Worship is the highest privilege and the first duty of all created intelligences. Worship is the conscious and joyous act of recognizing and acknowledging the truth and fact of the intimate and personal relationships of the Creators with their creatures. The quality of worship is determined by the depth of creature perception; and as the knowledge of the infinite character of the Gods progresses, the act of worship becomes increasingly all-encompassing until it eventually attains the glory of the highest experiential delight and the most exquisite pleasure known to created beings.

27:7.1 崇拜是所有受造智慧存有的最高特權和首要職責。崇拜是在認識並接受了造物者們與其受造物之間親密人格性之關係這一真相和事實後,所產生的自覺與喜悅的行為。崇拜的品質取決於受造物的理解深度;隨著對諸神的無限特性之瞭解的增進,崇拜的行為變得越來越能涵蓋一切,直至最終達至受造物存有所知的狂喜與極樂之榮耀狀態。




27:7.8 (305.1) After the attainment of the supreme satisfaction of the fullness of worship, you are qualified for admission to the Corps of the Finality. The ascendant career is well-nigh finished, and the seventh jubilee prepares for celebration. The first jubilee marked the mortal agreement with the Thought Adjuster when the purpose to survive was sealed; the second was the awakening in the morontia life; the third was the fusion with the Thought Adjuster; the fourth was the awakening in Havona; the fifth celebrated the finding of the Universal Father; and the sixth jubilee was the occasion of the Paradise awakening from the final transit slumber of time. The seventh jubilee marks entrance into the mortal finaliter corps and the beginning of the eternity service. The attainment of the seventh stage of spirit realization by a finaliter will probably signalize the celebration of the first of the jubilees of eternity.

27:7.8 在達到完滿崇拜的至高滿足後,你便具備了進入終局性團隊的資格。揚升生涯幾近結束了,可以為慶祝第七禧作準備了。第一個禧標誌著凡人與思想調整者的默契,此時續存之意圖已得以保證;第二禧是是從靈質性生命中醒來;第三禧是與思想調整者融合;第四禧是在哈沃納醒來;第五禧是慶祝找到萬有之父;第六禧在天堂從時間性最終運送沉睡中醒來。第七禧標誌著進入凡人終局者團隊及永恆服務的開始。一個終局者抵達靈性實現之第七階段,或許就是標誌著對第一個永恆之禧的慶祝。














27:7.9 (305.2) And thus ends the story of the Paradise supernaphim, the highest order of all the ministering spirits, those beings who, as a universal class, ever attend you from the world of your origin until you are finally bidden farewell by the conductors of worship as you take the Trinity oath of eternity and are mustered into the Mortal Corps of the Finality.

27:7-9 關於天堂超級天使們的故事就這樣結束了,他們是所有侍奉之靈中的最高類別,這些侍奉之靈作為一個宇宙類別,從你們的出身世界起一直陪伴著你,直到你們最終由崇拜指揮所送別,因為你們要向三位一體做出永恆宣誓,並要被編入凡人終局性團隊。



27:7.11 (305.4) [Presented by a Perfector of Wisdom from Uversa.]
27:7.11 [由來自尤沃薩的一位智慧完美者所呈獻]















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