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玉苒厦摘錄65. Paper 21 天堂造物之子 1-5-2020

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發表發表於: 星期四 一月 09, 2020 11:14 pm    文章主題: 玉苒厦摘錄65. Paper 21 天堂造物之子 1-5-2020 引言回覆

玉苒厦摘錄65. Paper 21 1-5-2020

The Paradise Creator Sons

21:0.1 (234.1) THE Creator Sons are the makers and rulers of the local universes of time and space. These universe creators and sovereigns are of dual origin, embodying the characteristics of God the Father and God the Son. But each Creator Son is different from every other; each is unique in nature as well as in personality; each is the “only-begotten Son” of the perfect deity ideal of his origin.

21:0.1 造物之子是各時空間地方宇宙的創造者和支配者。這些宇宙創造者和主權者們,具有雙重來源,體現著上父與上子的特性。但每個造物之子都是不同的,每一個在本性和人格性上都是獨一無二的,每一個都是由擁有其起源的完美神靈理念所形成的“獨生子”。









21:0.3 (234.3) These primary Paradise Sons are personalized as Michaels. As they go forth from Paradise to found their universes, they are known as Creator Michaels. When settled in supreme authority, they are called Master Michaels. Sometimes we refer to the sovereign of your universe of Nebadon as Christ Michael. Always and forever do they reign after the “order of Michael,” that being the designation of the first Son of their order and nature.

21:0.3 這些首類天堂聖子人格化為邁克爾類聖子。當他們從天堂出去創建自己的宇宙時,他們被稱為造物者邁克爾。當他們安住于至高權威中時,他們被稱為主位邁克爾。我們常把你們內巴頓地方宇宙中的主權者稱為基督•邁克爾,他們始終永遠依照“邁克爾的命令”,亦即其類屬第一聖子的任命而實施其支配。

我們的邁克爾聖子從天堂出發創造了我們這個稱之為內巴頓的地方宇宙,又因他成功地七次贈與到他所創造的贈與體驗,因此成為一個主位邁克爾。原來基督徒祈禱時稱耶穌基督為“我們主 Our Lord”是有洞見的。

21:1.3 (235.2) The divine natures of these Creator Sons are, in principle, derived equally from the attributes of both Paradise parents. All partake of the fullness of the divine nature of the Universal Father and of the creative prerogatives of the Eternal Son, but as we observe the practical outworking of the Michael functions in the universes, we discern apparent differences. Some Creator Sons appear to be more like God the Father; others more like God the Son. For example: The trend of administration in the universe of Nebadon suggests that its Creator and ruling Son is one whose nature and character more resemble that of the Eternal Mother Son. It should be further stated that some universes are presided over by Paradise Michaels who appear equally to resemble God the Father and God the Son. And these observations are in no sense implied criticisms; they are simply a recording of fact.

21:1.3 這些造物之子的神性本質原則上是同等源自他們天堂雙親的屬性。他們都兼具萬有之父完滿的神性本質和永恆之子完滿的創造特權,但當我們對諸宇宙中邁克爾職能之實際運作進行觀察時,我們分辨出一些明顯的差異。有些造物之子看起來更像上父;而另一些則更像上子。例如:內巴頓宇宙的管理傾向顯示,它的創造者和支配之子在本質和特性上更像永恆母體聖子。還當進一步指出,有些宇宙是由一些似乎同等類似于上父與上子的天堂邁克爾聖子所主掌。這些觀察決不意味著評判,它們只是對事實的記錄。





21:2.1 (235.4) The Paradise Sons of the primary order are the designers, creators, builders, and administrators of their respective domains, the local universes of time and space, the basic creative units of the seven evolutionary superuniverses. A Creator Son is permitted to choose the space site of his future cosmic activity, but before he may begin even the physical organization of his universe, he must spend a long period of observation devoted to the study of the efforts of his older brothers in various creations located in the superuniverse of his projected action. And prior to all this, the Michael Son will have completed his long and unique experience of Paradise observation and Havona training.

21:2.1 首類天堂聖子是他們各自領域的設計者、創造者、建設者和管理者,所謂的領域是各個時空地方宇宙,即七個進化超級宇宙的基本造物單元。一個造物之子獲得允許選擇他未來宇宙活動的空間位置,但即使在他可啟動他的宇宙物理組織之前,他也必須要花一段很長的時間觀察,致力於對處在他所計畫運作之超級宇宙所屬眾多造物之內眾兄長所做各種努力的研究。在所有這一切之前,這位邁克爾聖子須先完成他漫長而獨特的天堂考察與哈沃納的培訓經歷。


21:3.2 (237.4) A Creator Son could assert full sovereignty over his personal creation at any time, but he wisely chooses not to. If, prior to passing through the creature bestowals, he assumed an unearned supreme sovereignty, the Paradise personalities resident in his local universe would withdraw. But this has never happened throughout all the creations of time and space.

21:3.2 一個造物之子可以在任何時候對他親身的造物宣告完全的主權,但他卻明智地選擇不這樣做。如果在通過受造物贈與之前,他便擅用未經贏得的至高主權,那麼常駐在他地方宇宙中的眾多天堂人格體將會撤離。但在所有時空造物中,這卻從未發生過。



21:3.13 (238.7) Even in the prebestowal ages a Creator Son rules his domain well-nigh supremely when there is no dissent in any of its parts. Limited rulership would hardly be manifest if sovereignty were never challenged. The sovereignty exercised by a prebestowal Creator Son in a universe without rebellion is no greater than in a universe with rebellion; but in the first instance sovereignty limitations are not apparent; in the second, they are.

21:3.13 即使在贈與之前的各個時代,造物之子也在他領域各處毫無異議時幾近至高性地實施管轄。如果主權從未受到挑戰,受限性的管轄權便難以顯現。由一個贈與前的造物之子在一個無反叛的宇宙中所實施的主權,並不大於一個造物之子在有反叛的宇宙中所實施的主權;但在第一個實例中,諸主權限制並不明顯;而在第二個當中,它們則是明顯的。




21:4.3 (239.9) Though these seven bestowals vary in the different sectors and universes, they always embrace the mortal-bestowal adventure. In the final bestowal a Creator Son appears as a member of one of the higher mortal races on some inhabited world, usually as a member of that racial group which contains the largest hereditary legacy of the Adamic stock which has previously been imported to upstep the physical status of the animal-origin peoples. Only once in his sevenfold career as a bestowal Son is a Paradise Michael born of woman as you have the record of the babe of Bethlehem. Only once does he live and die as a member of the lowest order of evolutionary will creatures.

21:4.3 雖然這七次贈與在不同宇宙分區內有所差異,但它們總是包含著凡間贈與之冒險。在最後一次的贈與中,一個造物之子會在某個居住世界上作為一個高等凡人族類中的一員出現,這個族群通常包含了亞當血統最大程度的遺傳存留,這種遺傳存留之前已被輸入,以改善各個有著動物起源之民族的身體狀況。在作為贈與聖子的七次生涯中,天堂邁克爾只有一次是由女人所生,正如你們對那個伯利恒嬰兒所記載的那樣。僅有一次,他作為進化意志受造物中最低等類別的一員而歷經生死。


下一節將解說主位之子(Master Sons)與宇宙的關係。主位之子是一位造物之子成功地完成他的贈與生涯,成為至高宇宙主權者;他們不再是上父的代理者,而是以他們自己的權利和名義來施行管轄,所以被稱為主位之子。這很像我們世間,成功的領導人大多是從基層做起。

21:5.1 (240.3) The power of a Master Michael is unlimited because derived from experienced association with the Paradise Trinity, is unquestioned because derived from actual experience as the very creatures subject to such authority. The nature of the sovereignty of a sevenfold Creator Son is supreme because it:

21:5.1 主位邁克爾的權能是毫無限制的,因為它源自與天堂三位一體富有經驗之結合;它是毋庸置疑的,因為它源自以服從這權威之受造物身份所得的真實體驗。一個七重性造物之子的主權之所以是至高性的,因為它:








21:5.6 (240.8 ) With the achievement of supreme local universe sovereignty, there passes from a Michael Son the power and opportunity to create entirely new types of creature beings during the present universe age. But a Master Son’s loss of power to originate entirely new orders of beings in no way interferes with the work of life elaboration already established and in process of unfoldment; this vast program of universe evolution goes on without interruption or curtailment. The acquirement of supreme sovereignty by a Master Son implies the responsibility of personal devotion to the fostering and the administering of that which has already been designed and created, and of that which will subsequently be produced by those who have been thus designed and created. In time there may develop an almost endless evolution of diverse beings, but no entirely new pattern or type of intelligent creature will henceforth take direct origin from a Master Son. This is the first step, the beginning, of a settled administration in any local universe.

21:5.6 伴隨著至高性地方宇宙主權之獲得,邁克爾聖子便失去了在當今宇宙時代創造全新類型受造存有的權力和機會。但一個主位之子喪失創造全新類別存有的權力,絕不會幹擾已確立的和正在展開的生命細化的工作;他龐大的宇宙進化之計畫會繼續下去,既不會受幹擾,也不會被削減。一個主位之子至高主權的獲得,意味著一種親身奉獻的責任,一種撫育管理已被設計創造出來的一切,以及由已被設計造出之存有隨後所創造的一切。最終將發展而出一個幾乎無窮盡的多樣存有進化序列,但自此以後,不會再有全新模式或類型的智慧受造物直接來源於一個主位之子。這是任何一個地方宇宙中穩固管理之第一步,亦即初始階段。

21:5.9 (241.3) After his elevation to settled sovereignty in a local universe a Paradise Michael is in full control of all other Sons of God functioning in his domain, and he may freely rule in accordance with his concept of the needs of his realms. A Master Son may at will vary the order of the spiritual adjudication and evolutionary adjustment of the inhabited planets. And such Sons do make and carry out the plans of their own choosing in all matters of special planetary needs, in particular regarding the worlds of their creature sojourn and still more concerning the realm of terminal bestowal, the planet of incarnation in the likeness of mortal flesh.

21:5.9 當一個天堂邁克爾在他的地方宇宙中晉升至穩固的主權地位後,他對所有在他的領域中運作的其他神之子擁有完全的控制權,他可以依據他對他的領域內各種需求之概念,自由地實施管轄。一個主位之子可依他的意志,改變各居住行星靈性的靈性裁定和進化調整之次序。這些聖子在有關特殊行星需求的一切事務方面,的確會制定並執行他自身選定的各種計畫特別是關於他們的受造物旅居之世界,尤為關注他們最終贈與之世界,即以凡人的肉身化身的星球。


21:5.10 (241.4) The Master Sons seem to be in perfect communication with their bestowal worlds, not only the worlds of their personal sojourn but all worlds whereon a Magisterial Son has bestowed himself. This contact is maintained by their own spiritual presence, the Spirit of Truth, which they are able to “pour out upon all flesh.” These Master Sons also maintain an unbroken connection with the Eternal Mother Son at the center of all things. They possess a sympathetic reach which extends from the Universal Father on high to the lowly races of planetary life in the realms of time.

21:5.10 主位之子們似乎與他們所贈與的世界保持著完美的聯繫,不僅是他們親身旅居過的世界,還包括所有曾經由執法聖子所贈與過的世界。這種聯繫是由他們自身的靈性臨在,即真理之靈來維持的,他們能夠將此靈“澆灌到所有肉身之上”。這些主位之子也與居於萬物中心的永恆母體之子保持著持續的聯繫。他們擁有一種感應式的觸及力,它從天上的萬有之父延伸到各時間域內低等的行星族類身上。



Body, Mind, Spirit當中的Spirit,指的是內駐於我們身中的父之片段,即思想調整者,一些中文譯者也將它翻譯為聖靈了。

Holy Spirit,聖靈,指的是我們地方宇宙母靈的靈性回路,存在于我們身體周圍。

Spirit of Truth,真理之靈,指的是來自我們造物之子的真理之靈。


21:6.4 (242.3) Just as the Deity of the Supreme is actualizing by virtue of experiential service, so are the Creator Sons achieving the personal realization of the Paradise-divinity potentials bound up in their unfathomable natures. When on Urantia, Christ Michael once said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” And we believe that in eternity the Michaels are literally destined to be “the way, the truth, and the life,” ever blazing the path for all universe personalities as it leads from supreme divinity through ultimate absonity to eternal deity finality.

21:6.4 正如至高性神靈正在通過經驗性的服務而逐步現實化,造物之子們正在逐步獲得天堂神性潛勢的親身實現,這種潛勢蘊含在他們深不可測的本質之中,當基督•邁克爾在玉苒廈時,曾經說過,“我是道路、真理與生命”。我們相信,在永恆中,邁克爾們確實註定要成為“道路、真理與生命”,並永遠為所有宇宙人格體照亮道路,因為它會從至高的神性,引向終極的絕限性,並終至永恆的神靈終局性。

21.6.5 (242.4) [Presented by a Perfector of Wisdom from Uversa.]
21.6.5 [由來自尤沃薩的一位智慧完美者所呈獻.]


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