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玉苒廈摘錄49. 《玉苒廈之書》簡介基金會版本(1) 8-4-2019

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玉苒廈摘錄49. 《玉苒廈之書》簡介基金會版本(1) 8-4-2019

玉苒廈基金會 出版
亞南 翻譯


01. 我們世界的歷史

02. 對耶穌新的理解

03. A New Spiritual Vision
03. 新的靈性視野

04. Have you ever asked yourself, “What is the meaning of life?”
04. 你有沒有問過自己 「生命的意義是什麼?」

05. When crisis hits do you wonder, Is there a purpose for my suffering?
05. 當危機來臨時,你是否想知道,我的痛苦有什麼目的嗎?

06. Or do you feel confused When religious ideas directly conflict with scientific facts?
06. 或者,當宗教觀念與科學事實直接衝突時,你會感到困惑嗎?

07. There is a book that offers a fresh perspective on these age—old questions. It also provides reassurance about the future and a path to personal peace of mind.
07. 有本書為這些由來已久的問題提供了一個全新的視角。關於未來和通向個人心靈平安的途徑,這本書也提供了保證。

08. It's called The Urantia Book, and it is a treasury of spiritual truth and intellectual insights.
08. 這本書叫做《玉苒廈之書》,它是一個充滿靈性真理和智性洞見的寶庫。

09. Within its pages, you'll discover an integrated picture of life unified by science, religion, and philosophy. Rooted in history, clarified by facts, and illuminated by spiritual wisdom, its teachings will impart a new sense of purpose in your life’s journey.
09. 在書中,你將會發現由科學、宗教、哲學所統一起來的完整生命畫面。它的教導紮根於歷史,靠事實得以澄清,靠靈性智慧得以闡明,將會在你的生命旅途中傳授一種新的意圖感。

10. The Urantia Book offers useful answers to life's most perplexing questions:

11. Why do evil and suffering exist?
11. 為何會有邪惡和痛苦存在?

12. How can we achieve lasting world peace?
12. 我們如何才能實現持久的世界和平?

13. Is there intelligent life on other planets?
13. 在其他行星上存在智能生命嗎?

14. What is God's purpose for my life?
14. 神對我生命的意圖是什麼?

15. How can I become a happier and more fulfilled person?
15. 我如何才能成為一個更快樂、更滿足的人呢?

16. Who is Jesus? What did he teach?
16. 耶穌是誰?他教導過什麼?[/color]

17. Where is he now?
17. 他此時在何方?

18. Will he come again?
18. 他還會再來嗎?

19. Is there life after death?
19. 有來生嗎?

20. What is heaven like?
20. 天堂是什麼樣子呢?

21. “There is in the mind of God a plan which embraces every creature of all his vast domains, and this plan is an eternal purpose of boundless opportunity, unlimited progress, and endless life. . . . The goal of eternity is ahead! . . . Certain Victory Will crown the efforts of every human being Who will run the race of faith and trust.” (32:5.7—8)
21. 在神的心中有一個計畫,它包含了其所有浩瀚領域中的每一受造物。這一計畫是一個有著無窮機遇、無限進展和無盡生命的永恆意圖。…永恆的目標就在前方!. . . 必定之勝利將會使每個參加忠誠與信任之賽跑、路上每一步都依靠內駐調整者引領以及宇宙之子那一良善之靈引導的人類所付出的努力圓滿完成。(32:5.7—8)

22. Part I: The Central and Superuniverses
22. 第一部分:中央宇宙與超級宇宙

23. "The myriads of planetary systems were all made to be eventually inhabited by many different types of intelligent creatures, beings who could know God, receive the divine affection, and love him in return. The universe of universes is the work of God and the dwelling place of his diverse creatures."(1:0.2)
23. “無數行星系統被創造出來,最終都是為了讓各種類型的智慧受造物、即能知曉神、接受神的慈愛,並以愛回報他的眾生來居住。由眾多宇宙組成的宇宙是神的傑作,也是他多樣受造物的棲身之所。”(1:0.2)

24. Part I is cosmic and mind—expanding. Its unique teachings will resonate deep within your inner being like the oldest truths on earth, reassuring you that you are not alone.
24. 第一部分是關於宇宙的,並且是擴展心智的。它獨特的教導將如同世上最古老的真理般在你內心深處產生共鳴,向你確保你並不孤單。

25. The cosmos teems with countless inhabited planets, heavenly worlds, and spirit personalities.
25. 宇宙充滿了無數有人居住的行星,天國般的世界和屬靈性人格體。

26. God shines forth as a loving and caring personality who relates to every human being as a trustworthy heavenly parent.
26. 神如同一個充滿愛和關懷的人格煥發光芒,對每個人而言,他都是一個值得信賴的天父。

27. You live in a friendly, highly organized, and well—administered universe.
27. 你們居住在一個友善的、高度組織化和管理良好的宇宙中。

28. Your life on earth initiates you into an eternal adventure.
28. 你們在世上的生活令你們初步進入一個永恆的探險。

29. You are not here by accident!
29. 你們在這兒並非偶然!

30. By the end of Part I you will learn:
30. 在第一部分結束時,你將會學到:

31. 1. Who God is and where God resides
31. 1. 神是誰以及神住在哪兒

32. 2. How God can transform your life
32. 2. 神何以能轉化你的生命

33. 3. The nature and role of the Trinity
33. 3. 三位一體的本質與作用

34. 4. Where the universe originates, how it is evolving, and how you fit into it
34. 4.宇宙的起源,它是如何進化的,以及你如何融入其中

35. 5. How the central and superuniverses are organized and administered
35. 5. 中央宇宙和超級宇宙是如何組成和管理的

36. 6. Fascinating details about divine and celestial personalities
36. 6. 關於眾多神性人格體和天界人格體的迷人細節

37. Part II: The Local Universe
37. 第二部分:地方宇宙

38. Just as our world is comprised of nations, a superuniverse is made up of many local universes.
38. 正如我們世界是由眾多國家組成的一樣,一個超級宇宙也是由眾多地方宇宙組成的。

39. Part II describes in fascinating detail our local universe and its building blocks of constellations, systems, and many inhabited planets. It even maps out our location in the cosmos and where we go after we die.
39. 第二部分詳細描述了我們地方宇宙及其由眾多星座、系統和許多居住行星所組成的構建模組。它甚至標出了我們在宇宙中的位置以及我們死後的去向。

40. You will gain an appreciation for the administrative hierarchy and how jesus fits into it. A better understanding of these personalities, their roles, and the historical events in our region of space will shed light on the current state of our world today.
40. 你將會對管理架構以及耶穌如何融入其中獲得一種瞭解。對這些人格體,他們的作用以及我們空間區域的歷史事件的一種更好理解,將有助於理解當今世界的現狀。

41. In Part II you will discover:
41. 在第二部分,你將會發現:

42. 1. Who Jesus was before he lived on Earth and where he is now ?
42. 1. 耶穌在地球上生活之前是誰,他現在在哪裡?

43. 2. How love, mercy, and justice function throughout the universe
43. 2. 愛、仁慈和公平如何在整個宇宙中發揮作用

44. 3. How the local universe is astronomically and administratively organized
44. 3. 地方宇宙在天文上和管理上是如何得以組織的

45. 4.The nature and role of celestial personalities, including your guardian angels
45. 4. 天界人格體、包括你們守護天使的本性和作用

46. 5. Where you go after you die and what happens next
46. 5. 在你死後你會去哪裡,以及接下來會發生什麼

47. 6. How you will be reunited with family and friends
47. 6. 你將如何與家人和朋友重聚

48. 7. What human life is like on advanced worlds
48. 7. 在先進的世界上,人類的生活是什麼樣子

49. 8. Why there is so much confusion, hardship, and suffering on Earth
49. 8. 為什麼地球上有這麼多的混亂、苦難和折磨

50. The human species is only one order of God's creation. The universe abounds with angels and many other spirit personalities. There exists a vast spiritual hierarchy living in and administering to the universe. The number and diversity of these intelligent spirit personalities stretch beyond our imagination
50. 人類物種只是神之造物的一個類別。宇宙充滿了天使以及許多其他屬靈人格體。龐大的靈性層級存在於宇宙中,並對宇宙進行管理。這些智慧屬靈人格體的數量和多樣性超出了我們的想像。


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