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玉苒廈摘錄40. Paper 15(1) 七個超級宇宙 5-26-2019

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玉苒廈摘錄40. Paper 15(1) 七個超級宇宙 5-26-2019


15:0.1 (164.1) AS FAR as the Universal Father is concerned—as a Father—the universes are virtually nonexistent; he deals with personalities; he is the Father of personalities. As far as the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit are concerned—as creator partners—the universes are localized and individual under the joint rule of the Creator Sons and the Creative Spirits. As far as the Paradise Trinity is concerned, outside Havona there are just seven inhabited universes, the seven superuniverses which hold jurisdiction over the circle of the first post-Havona space level. The Seven Master Spirits radiate their influence out from the central Isle, thus constituting the vast creation one gigantic wheel, the hub being the eternal Isle of Paradise, the seven spokes the radiations of the Seven Master Spirits, the rim the outer regions of the grand universe.

15:0.1 就萬有之父而言-作為父親-宇宙實際上是不存在的;他與人格有關;是諸人格之父。就永恆之子和無限之靈而言-作為造物主的夥伴-宇宙是造物之子與造物之靈聯合管理而地方化與個體化的。就天堂三位一體而言,在哈沃納之外,只有七個有居民的超級宇宙,它們持有後哈沃納第一層空間層環路的管轄權。七個主位之靈從中央島向外幅射他們的影響,從而構成一個巨大之輪,輪轂是永恆的天堂島,七個輻條是七個主位之靈的輻射,其輪圈是大宇宙的各外部區域。






15:0.2 (164.2) Early in the materialization of the universal creation the sevenfold scheme of the superuniverse organization and government was formulated. The first post-Havona creation was divided into seven stupendous segments, and the headquarters worlds of these superuniverse governments were designed and constructed. The present scheme of administration has existed from near eternity, and the rulers of these seven superuniverses are rightly called Ancients of Days.

15:0.2 在物質宇宙創造之初便制訂了超級宇宙組織和管理的七重性計畫。後哈沃納第一個造物被分成七個巨大部分,並設計和建造這些超級宇宙管理機構的總部世界。當前的管理計畫已存在了幾近永恆之久,這七個超級宇宙的支配者們,則被恰當地稱為亙古常在者。

亙古常在者,顧名思義,在萬物形成之初便已出現,他們是由天堂三位一體所創造的,總共有21位, 在七個超級宇宙中擔當支配者,每個超級宇宙各分配3位。

15:0.3 (164.3) Of the vast body of knowledge concerning the superuniverses, I can hope to tell you little, but there is operative throughout these realms a technique of intelligent control for both physical and spiritual forces, and the universal gravity presences there function in majestic power and perfect harmony. It is important first to gain an adequate idea of the physical constitution and material organization of the superuniverse domains, for then you will be the better prepared to grasp the significance of the marvelous organization provided for their spiritual government and for the intellectual advancement of the will creatures who dwell on the myriads of inhabited planets scattered hither and yon throughout these seven superuniverses.

15:0.3 有關超級宇宙的龐大知識體系,我希望能告訴你們一些,但在這些領域中,有一種對物理力和靈性力起作用的智慧控制技術,那裡的萬有引力存在著具有強大的力量和完美的和諧作用。極為重要的是,首先要對超級宇宙之領域的物理構成和物質組織有一個充分的認識,因為在這之後,你方能更充分地為理解這絕妙組織的靈性治理的重要性,它為分佈在這七個超宇宙中,無數有居民的行星上的意志受造物提供了智力的進步。


15:1.2 (165.1) We have long since discovered that the seven superuniverses traverse a great ellipse, a gigantic and elongated circle. Your solar system and other worlds of time are not plunging headlong, without chart and compass, into unmapped space. The local universe to which your system belongs is pursuing a definite and well-understood counterclockwise course around the vast swing that encircles the central universe. This cosmic path is well charted and is just as thoroughly known to the superuniverse star observers as the orbits of the planets constituting your solar system are known to Urantia astronomers.

15:1.2 我們很早就發現這七個超宇宙沿著一個大橢圓,一個巨大而細長的圓型軌道而旋轉。你們的太陽系和其他時間中的世界,並不是在沒有海圖和指南針的情況下,一頭栽進沒有地圖的空間。你們系統所屬的地方宇宙,為一個明確的且被充分理解的目標,在巨大擺動中以逆時針方向環繞著中央宇宙。這條宇宙路徑繪製得很好,對超級宇宙的恒星觀察者來說,也正如玉苒廈的天文學家熟悉知構成你們太陽系的行星軌道一樣。


15:1.3 (165.2) Urantia is situated in a local universe and a superuniverse not fully organized, and your local universe is in immediate proximity to numerous partially completed physical creations. You belong to one of the relatively recent universes. But you are not, today, plunging on wildly into uncharted space nor swinging out blindly into unknown regions. You are following the orderly and predetermined path of the superuniverse space level. You are now passing through the very same space that your planetary system, or its predecessors, traversed ages ago; and some day in the remote future your system, or its successors, will again traverse the identical space through which you are now so swiftly plunging.

15:1.3 玉苒廈位於超級宇宙中一個尚未完全組織好的地方宇宙,你們的地方宇宙緊鄰著幾個僅部分完成的物質受造物。你們屬於相對新的宇宙。但現在,你們不是漫無目的地進入未知的空間,也不是盲目向進入未知的區域。你們正遵循超級宇宙空間層的一條有序和預定的路徑。你們現在正在穿越的空間,和你們的行星系統或它的前輩們久遠以前所穿越的空間是相同的;在遙遠未來的某一天,你們的系統,或它的後繼者,將再次穿越你們現在如此迅速穿越的同樣空間。


15:1.6 (165.5) Urantia belongs to a system which is well out towards the borderland of your local universe; and your local universe is at present traversing the periphery of Orvonton. Beyond you there are still others, but you are far removed in space from those physical systems which swing around the great circle in comparative proximity to the Great Source and Center.

15:1.6 玉苒廈屬於一個正在向你們的地方宇宙邊緣延伸的系統;你們的地方宇宙目前正在穿過奧溫頓的邊緣。除了你們,還有其他星球,但在太空中你們與那些物理系統相距甚遠,這些系統在大圓圈周圍運行,相對地接近大本源與中心。

15:2.1 (165.6) Only the Universal Father knows the location and actual number of inhabited worlds in space; he calls them all by name and number. I can give only the approximate number of inhabited or inhabitable planets, for some local universes have more worlds suitable for intelligent life than others. Nor have all projected local universes been organized. Therefore the estimates which I offer are solely for the purpose of affording some idea of the immensity of the material creation.

15:2.1 只有萬有之父知道空間中可居住之世界的位置和實際數量,他用名字和數字來稱呼它們。我只能給出可居住或有人居住的行星的大致數量,因為有些地方宇宙比另一些地方宇宙有更多更適合智慧生命居住的世界。也不是所有已規劃的地方宇宙都被組織起來。因此,我所提供的估計只是為了提供一些有關物質創造的廣泛性的概念。


15:2.2 (166.1) There are seven superuniverses in the grand universe, and they are constituted approximately as follows:

15:2.2 大宇宙中有七個超級宇宙,它們的組成大致如下:

15:2.3 (166.2) 1. The System. The basic unit of the supergovernment consists of about one thousand inhabited or inhabitable worlds. Blazing suns, cold worlds, planets too near the hot suns, and other spheres not suitable for creature habitation are not included in this group. These one thousand worlds adapted to support life are called a system, but in the younger systems only a comparatively small number of these worlds may be inhabited. Each inhabited planet is presided over by a Planetary Prince, and each local system has an architectural sphere as its headquarters and is ruled by a System Sovereign.

15:2.3 系統。超級政府的基本單位包括大約1000個有人居住或適合居住的世界。熾熱的太陽,寒冷的世界,離熾熱太陽太近的行星,以及其他不適合受造物居住的星球不包括在這群組中。一千個適合維持生命的世界稱為一個系統,但在較年輕的系統中,這些世界中只有相對少的幾個世界是可居住的。每個可居住的星球都由一位行星王子掌管,每個地方系統都有一個有建築的星球作為它的總部,並由一個系統君主統治。

15:3.1 Practically all of the starry realms visible to the naked eye on Urantia belong to the seventh section of the grand universe, the superuniverse of Orvonton. The vast Milky Way starry system represents the central nucleus of Orvonton, being largely beyond the borders of your local universe. This great aggregation of suns, dark islands of space, double stars, globular clusters, star clouds, spiral and other nebulae, together with myriads of individual planets, forms a watchlike, elongated-circular grouping of about one seventh of the inhabited evolutionary universes.

15:3.1 幾乎所有在玉苒廈肉眼可見的星空都屬於大宇宙的第七部分,即奧溫頓超級宇宙。廣袤的銀河星系代表著奧溫頓的中央核心,它大大地超越了你們地方宇宙的邊界。這個由太陽、空間暗島、雙星、球狀星團、恒星雲、螺旋星雲及其他星雲組成的巨大聚合體,與無數個單個行星一起,形成了一個錶盤狀、橢圓形的群組,它擁有可居住的進化宇宙總數的大約七分之一。



15:3.6 The nucleus of the physical system to which your sun and its associated planets belong is the center of the onetime Andronover nebula. This former spiral nebula was slightly distorted by the gravity disruptions associated with the events which were attendant upon the birth of your solar system, and which were occasioned by the near approach of a large neighboring nebula. This near collision changed Andronover into a somewhat globular aggregation but did not wholly destroy the two-way procession of the suns and their associated physical groups. Your solar system now occupies a fairly central position in one of the arms of this distorted spiral, situated about halfway from the center out towards the edge of the star stream.

15:3.6 你們的太陽及其相關行星所屬的物理系統之核心,是從前的安卓諾瓦(Andronover)星雲的中心。這個從前的螺旋狀星雲,被與你們太陽系誕生時伴隨事件相關的重力所干擾而被稍微扭曲了,這是由於鄰近的一個大星雲的接近而引起的。這種近距離的碰撞使安卓諾瓦星雲變成一個略呈球狀的聚合體,但並沒有完全破壞恒星及其相關物理質群的雙向行進。你們的太陽系現正在這個扭曲螺旋的一臂中佔據著相當中心的位置,它位於中心向恒星流邊沿大約一半的地方。

15-4. Nebulae—The Ancestors of Universes

15-4. 星雲 -- 諸宇宙的原型

15:4.1 (169.1) While creation and universe organization remain forever under the control of the infinite Creators and their associates, the whole phenomenon proceeds in accordance with an ordained technique and in conformity to the gravity laws of force, energy, and matter. But there is something of mystery associated with the universal force-charge of space; we quite understand the organization of the material creations from the ultimatonic stage forward, but we do not fully comprehend the cosmic ancestry of the ultimatons. We are confident that these ancestral forces have a Paradise origin because they forever swing through pervaded space in the exact gigantic outlines of Paradise. Though nonresponsive to Paradise gravity, this force-charge of space, the ancestor of all materialization, does always respond to the presence of nether Paradise, being apparently circuited in and out of the nether Paradise center.

15:4.1 儘管造物及宇宙組織永遠處於無限造物者及其同伴們的控制下,但整個現象是按照一種既定的技術,並按照力、能量和物質的引力定律進行的。但有一些神秘事物與空間的普遍性力荷有關;我們十分瞭解從終極子階段往前的物質造物的組織,但我們並不完全瞭解終極宇宙原型。我們相信,這些原型之力有天堂的起源,因為它們永遠在天堂巨大的外輪廓中穿越彌漫性空間。雖然這種空間力荷-即所有物質顯現的原型,對天堂引力沒有反應,但總是對循環往返于下天堂中心的下天堂臨在做出反應。

15:4.2 (169.2) The Paradise force organizers transmute space potency into primordial force and evolve this prematerial potential into the primary and secondary energy manifestations of physical reality. When this energy attains gravity-responding levels, the power directors and their associates of the superuniverse regime appear upon the scene and begin their never-ending manipulations designed to establish the manifold power circuits and energy channels of the universes of time and space. Thus does physical matter appear in space, and so is the stage set for the inauguration of universe organization.

15:4.2 天堂力組織者們把空間潛勢轉化為原生力,並把這種凖物質性潛能演化為初級和次級物理實相的能量顯現。當這種能量達到能回應引力層次時,超級宇宙體系的力量主管者和他們的同伴們便出場,展開他們永不停息的操作,旨在建立時空宇宙的多種動力迴路及能量通道。由此物理物質便出現在空間中,從而也為開創宇宙組織做好準備。

15:4.5 (169.5) Nebulae vary greatly in size and in the resulting number and aggregate mass of their stellar and planetary offspring. A sun-forming nebula just north of the borders of Orvonton, but within the superuniverse space level, has already given origin to approximately forty thousand suns, and the mother wheel is still throwing off suns, the majority of which are many times the size of yours. Some of the larger nebulae of outer space are giving origin to as many as one hundred million suns.

15:4.5 星雲的大小及由此形成恒星和行星後代的數目和總品質的差異極大。一個形成恒星的星雲就在奧溫頓邊緣的北方,但仍在超級宇宙空間層之內,它已產生了大約四萬個太陽,而母輪仍然在拋出太陽,其中大多數是你們太陽的幾倍大。外部空間的一些較大星雲正在產生上億之多的太陽。

15:4.6 (169.6) Nebulae are not directly related to any of the administrative units, such as minor sectors or local universes, although some local universes have been organized from the products of a single nebula. Each local universe embraces exactly one one-hundred-thousandth part of the total energy charge of a superuniverse irrespective of nebular relationship, for energy is not organized by nebulae—it is universally distributed.

15:4.6星雲與任何管理單位沒有直接關聯,例如較小分區或地方宇宙,雖然某些地方宇宙是由單個星雲的產物組織而成。無論與星雲之關係如何,每個地方宇宙都包含著一個超級宇宙總體能荷的十萬分之一,因為能量不是由星雲組織的 -- 它是普遍分配的。







嘉德•詹姆遜(Gard Jameson),是阿利桑那大學的教授,他告訴他的學生說:我喜歡化石,為什麼?因為我正在成為其中之一。好幽默啊!這也表示他從啟示中知道身體只是一個載體,對靈魂將展開的旅程充滿著平靜的接受,啟示使他成為一個活得很通達的人。

















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