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玉苒廈摘錄41. Paper 15(2) 空間的起源 6-2-2019

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發表發表於: 星期二 六月 04, 2019 8:41 am    文章主題: 玉苒廈摘錄41. Paper 15(2) 空間的起源 6-2-2019 引言回覆

玉苒廈摘錄41. Paper 15(2) 空間的起源 6-2-2019

上期摘錄40. 有個地方有誤,薩爾文頓是我們地方宇宙的首府,我寫成是較小分區的首府。



15:5.2 (170.5) As to origin, the majority of the suns, planets, and other spheres can be classified in one of the following ten groups:

15:5.2 依據其起源,大部分恒星、行星及其它天體,可被劃分為下列十種類別之中的某一類:


15:5.5 3. Gravity-explosion Planets. When a sun is born of a spiral or of a barred nebula, not infrequently it is thrown out a considerable distance. Such a sun is highly gaseous, and subsequently, after it has somewhat cooled and condensed, it may chance to swing near some enormous mass of matter, a gigantic sun or a dark island of space. Such an approach may not be near enough to result in collision but still near enough to allow the gravity pull of the greater body to start tidal convulsions in the lesser, thus initiating a series of tidal upheavals which occur simultaneously on opposite sides of the convulsed sun. At their height these explosive eruptions produce a series of varying-sized aggregations of matter which may be projected beyond the gravity-reclamation zone of the erupting sun, thus becoming stabilized in orbits of their own around one of the two bodies concerned in this episode. Later on the larger collections of matter unite and gradually draw the smaller bodies to themselves. In this way many of the solid planets of the lesser systems are brought into existence. Your own solar system had just such an origin.

15:5.5 3. 引力爆炸行星。當一個恒星自螺旋星雲或棒旋星雲誕生時,經常會被拋出相當遠的距離。這樣的恒星是高度氣態的,接著,在它稍微冷卻和凝縮後,它或許有機會旋轉至一些龐大的物質團塊,如一個巨大恒星或一個空間暗島。這樣的距離可能足以不造成碰撞,但仍足以讓較大天體引力在較小的天體中引起潮汐作用,從而引發一系列潮汐巨變,它們同時發生在被引發潮汐之恒星的對面邊。在這些爆炸爆發高峰期,會產生一系列不同大小的物質聚合體,它們可能被投射到噴發恒星的引力回收區之外,這樣,在這事件中所涉及的兩個天體當中的一個其自身的軌道就穩定下來。隨後,在較大的物質聚集上,統一並逐漸把較小的天體吸引到它們自身。這樣,較小系統中的許多固態行星便形成了。你們的太陽系便是這樣的起源。

15:5.6 4. Centrifugal Planetary Daughters. Enormous suns, when in certain stages of development, and if their revolutionary rate greatly accelerates, begin to throw off large quantities of matter which may subsequently be assembled to form small worlds that continue to encircle the parent sun.

15:5.6 4. 離心行星子體。眾多巨大的恒星,當處在某些特定發展階段時,假如他們旋轉速率極大地加速,便會拋出大量的物質,這些物質隨後會被聚集起來,形成眾多小世界,它們會繼續圍繞著母體恒星旋轉。

15:5.9 7. Cumulative Spheres. From the vast quantity of matter circulating in space, small planets may slowly accumulate. They grow by meteoric accretion and by minor collisions. In certain sectors of space, conditions favor such forms of planetary birth. Many an inhabited world has had such an origin.

15:5.9 7. 累積型天體。小行星可能把在空間中循環的大量物質緩慢地累積起來。它們通過吸收累積流星和較小規模碰撞而增大。在空間某些部分的條件,有助於這種形式的行星誕生。許多可居住的世界,都有著這樣的起源。

15:5.13 10. Architectural Worlds. These are the worlds which are built according to plans and specifications for some special purpose, such as Salvington, the headquarters of your local universe, and Uversa, the seat of government of our superuniverse.

15:5.13 10. 建造型世界。這些世界是為某種特殊目的按照計畫和規格而建造的,例如你們地方宇宙總部,薩爾文頓(Salvington),以及我們超級宇宙的管理機構所在地,尤沃薩(Uversa)。

15:6.9 The trillions upon trillions of years that an ordinary sun will continue to give out heat and light well illustrates the vast store of energy which each unit of matter contains. The actual energy stored in these invisible particles of physical matter is well-nigh unimaginable. And this energy becomes almost wholly available as light when subjected to the 造tremendous heat pressure and the associated energy activities which prevail in the interior of the blazing suns. Still other conditions enable these suns to transform and send forth much of the energy of space which comes their way in the established space circuits. Many phases of physical energy and all forms of matter are attracted to, and subsequently distributed by, the solar dynamos. In this way the suns serve as local accelerators of energy circulation, acting as automatic power-control stations.

15:6.9 億萬年來,一顆普通的恒星會持續不斷地發出熱和光,這充分表明了每個物質單元包含著所儲存的巨大能量。存儲在這些無形物質粒子中的實際能量幾乎是無法想像的。當受到熾熱恒星內部普遍存在的巨大熱壓及其相關能量活動的影響時,這種能量幾乎完全可作為光而被利用。還有其它一些條件使這些恒星能夠轉化和發射很多空間能量,這些空間能量來自已經建立的空間迴路。物理能量的許多狀態,以各種形態的物質,都被吸引至太陽能發動機,隨後由其散發出去。以此種方式,眾多恒星起著能量循環之局部加速器的作用,擔當著自動動力控制站的職能。

15:6.13 Many comets are unestablished wild offspring of the solar mother wheels, which are being gradually brought under control of the central governing sun. Comets also have numerous other origins. A comet’s tail points away from the attracting body or sun because of the electrical reaction of its highly expanded gases and because of the actual pressure of light and other energies emanating from the sun. This phenomenon constitutes one of the positive proofs of the reality of light and its associated energies; it demonstrates that light has weight. Light is a real substance, not simply waves of hypothetical ether.

15:6.13 很多彗星是恒星母體輪未建立的的野生後代,它們正逐步被納入中央主管恒星的控制之下。彗星也有許多其它的起源。一顆彗星的尾部與其吸引的物體或恒星的距離很遠,這是由於其高度膨脹的氣體的電離反應,以及來自恒星的光及其他能量的實際壓力。這一現象為光及其相關能量的真實性,提供了一個確切的證據;它證明了光是有重量的。光是一種真實的物質,而不只是假設的各種乙太波。


15:6.15 In your superuniverse not one cool planet in forty is habitable by beings of your order. And, of course, the superheated suns and the frigid outlying worlds are unfit to harbor higher life. In your solar system only three planets are at present suited to harbor life. Urantia, in size, density, and location, is in many respects ideal for human habitation.

15:6.15 在你們超級宇宙中,不到四十分之一的冷行星是適合你們這類存有居住的。當然,過熱的恒星和過冷的週邊世界,都是不適合孕育較高等生命的。玉苒廈在大小、密度和位置上,在多方面都是適合人類居住的。

15:6.16 The laws of physical-energy behavior are basically universal, but local influences have much to do with the physical conditions which prevail on individual planets and in local systems. An almost endless variety of creature life and other living manifestations characterizes the countless worlds of space. There are, however, certain points of similarity in a group of worlds associated in a given system, while there also is a universe pattern of intelligent life. There are physical relationships among those planetary systems which belong to the same physical circuit, and which closely follow each other in the endless swing around the circle of universes.

15:6.16 物理能量作用之規律基本上來說是普世的,但局域的影響在很大程度上與個別行星和地方系統中普遍存在的物理條件有關。幾乎是然而與一個給定系統的一組世界,存在著某些相似點,同時也存在著一種智慧生命的宇宙模式。在屬於同一物理迴路的行星系統之間,存在著物理關係,它們緊密地跟隨著彼此,在宇宙的循環中無止境地運行著。

15:7.3 (174.3) The headquarters worlds of the seven superuniverses partake of the nature and grandeur of Paradise, their central pattern of perfection. In reality, all headquarters worlds are paradisiacal. They are indeed heavenly abodes, and they increase in material size, morontia beauty, and spirit glory from Jerusem to the central Isle. And all the satellites of these headquarters worlds are also architectural spheres.

15:7.3 七個超級宇宙的各個總部世界,分享天堂的自然和壯麗,它們完美的中央模式。實際上,所有總部世界都是天堂般的。它們確實是天國般的居所,並且它們在物質上的規模、靈質性的華美和屬靈的榮耀上,從耶路瑟姆到中央島逐次遞增。這些總部世界的所有衛星,也都是建造性天體。

15:7.4 (174.4) The various headquarters worlds are provided with every phase of material and spiritual creation. All kinds of material, morontial, and spiritual beings are at home on these rendezvous worlds of the universes. As mortal creatures ascend the universe, passing from the material to the spiritual realms, they never lose their appreciation for, and enjoyment of, their former levels of existence.

15:7.4 各類總部世界都有每一階段的物質性和屬靈的造物。所有類型的物質、靈質性和屬靈存有,都居住在宇宙的這些聚合地。當凡人受造物在宇宙中揚升,從物質通往靈性領域時,他們將永不忘懷並感恩過往各個存在層次所享有的樂趣。


15:7.5 (174.5) Jerusem, the headquarters of your local system of Satania, has its seven worlds of transition culture, each of which is encircled by seven satellites, among which are the seven mansion worlds of morontia detention, man’s first postmortal residence. As the term heaven has been used on Urantia, it has sometimes meant these seven mansion worlds, the first mansion world being denominated the first heaven, and so on to the seventh.

15:7.5 耶路瑟姆,是你們撒旦尼亞(Satania)地方系統的總部,它有七個過渡的教化世界,每一個世界都被七顆衛星所環繞,其中包括靈質性滯留的七個宅廈世界,亦即人類死亡後的第一種居所。玉苒廈對天國這個詞的使用,通常是指這七個宅廈世界,第一宅廈世界被稱為第一天國,依此類推直至第七天國。

15:7.6 (174.6) Edentia, the headquarters of your constellation of Norlatiadek, has its seventy satellites of socializing culture and training, on which ascenders sojourn upon the completion of the Jerusem regime of personality mobilization, unification, and realization.

15:7.6 伊甸廈,你們諾拉歇德(Norlatiadek)星座的總部,擁有七十個用於社教文化與培訓衛星,揚升者在完成耶路瑟姆體系下的人格體動員、統一與實現後,將在此逗留。

(174.7) Salvington, the capital of Nebadon, your local universe, is surrounded by ten university clusters of forty-nine spheres each. Hereon is man spiritualized following his constellation socialization.

15:7.7 薩爾文頓(Salvington),即你們地方宇宙內巴頓的首府,由十個高等教育天體群所環繞,每一個擁有四十九個天體。一個人在完成一系列社教培訓後,在此靈性化。

15:7.10 (175.1) Uversa, the headquarters of Orvonton, your superuniverse, is immediately surrounded by the seven higher universities of advanced spiritual training for ascending will creatures. Each of these seven clusters of wonder spheres consists of seventy specialized worlds containing thousands upon thousands of replete institutions and organizations devoted to universe training and spirit culture wherein the pilgrims of time are re-educated and re-examined preparatory to their long flight to Havona. The arriving pilgrims of time are always received on these associated worlds, but the departing graduates are always dispatched for Havona direct from the shores of Uversa.

15:7.10 尤沃薩,是你們超級宇宙奧溫頓的首府,由七這揚升意志受造物提供先進的靈性培訓的更高等教育天體群所圍繞。這七個奇妙天體群中的每一個,都由七十個專屬世界組成,包含著成千上萬個完備的,致力於宇宙培訓和靈性教化的機構和組織,在那裡,時間的朝聖者們接受再教育並重新考核,為他們飛往哈沃納的長途飛行做準備。到達的時間朝聖者們,在這些相關的世界都會受到歡迎,但即將離開的畢業生們,則直接從尤沃薩的各區域被派往哈沃納。



15:7.11 Uversa is the spiritual and administrative headquarters for approximately one trillion inhabited or inhabitable worlds. The glory, grandeur, and perfection of the Orvonton capital surpass any of the wonders of the time-space creations.

15:7.11 尤沃薩是大約一萬億居住的或可居住世界的靈性及管理總部。奧溫頓首府的榮耀、壯麗與完美,超越了任何時空造物之奇觀。

15:7.12 (175.3) If all the projected local universes and their component parts were established, there would be slightly less than five hundred billion architectural worlds in the seven superuniverses.

15:7.12 假如所有已規劃的各地方宇宙及其組成部分都建立起來,七個超級宇宙中的建造世界將略少於五千億。

15:8.9 (176.4) The farther out we go, the more certainly we encounter those variational and unpredictable phenomena which are so unerringly characteristic of the unfathomable presence-performances of the Absolutes and the experiential Deities. And these phenomena must be indicative of some universal overcontrol of all things.

15:8.9 我們走得愈遠,我們肯定會遇到那些變化莫測的現象,它們是那樣明確地呈現各絕對者及經驗性神靈們深不可測的臨在。這些現象必然象徵著對萬物的某種宇宙性的總控制。


15:8.10 The superuniverse of Orvonton is apparently now running down; the outer universes seem to be winding up for unparalleled future activities; the central Havona universe is eternally stabilized. Gravity and absence of heat (cold) organize and hold matter together; heat and antigravity disrupt matter and dissipate energy. The living power directors and force organizers are the secret of the special control and intelligent direction of the endless metamorphoses of universe making, unmaking, and remaking. Nebulae may disperse, suns burn out, systems vanish, and planets perish, but the universes do not run down.

15:8.10 奧溫頓超級宇宙此時顯然正在衰落;外部宇宙則似乎正在為未來無與倫比的活動做準備;中央哈沃納宇宙是永恆穩定的。引力及熱(冷)把物質交織在一起;熱及反引力會破壞物質並消耗能量。永活的力量主管者和力組織者,是宇宙創造、毀滅及再造之無盡變化的特殊控制和智慧主管的奧秘。星雲可能消散,恒星可能燃盡,系統可能消失,行星可能消亡,但諸宇宙不會毀滅。



15:13.1 (181.1) A major sector comprises about one tenth of a superuniverse and consists of one hundred minor sectors, ten thousand local universes, about one hundred billion inhabitable worlds. These major sectors are administered by three Perfections of Days, Supreme Trinity Personalities.

15:13.1 一個較大分區大約占一個超級宇宙的十分之一,由一百個較小分區組成,其中有一萬個地方宇宙,約一千億個可居住的世界。這些較大分區由三位完美常在者,即至高三位一體的人格體所管理。

15:13.4 (181.4) The minor sector governments are presided over by three Recents of Days. Their administration is concerned mainly with the physical control, unification, stabilization, and routine co-ordination of the administration of the component local universes. Each minor sector embraces as many as one hundred local universes, ten thousand constellations, one million systems, or about one billion inhabitable worlds.

15:13.4 較小分區管理機構是由三位新近常在者所主持的。他們的管理主要涉及各附屬地方宇宙的物理控制、統一、穩定,及行政性常規協調。每一個較小分區包含多達一百個地方宇宙,一萬個星座,一百萬個系統,或大約十億個可居住的世界。

15:14.2 (182.1) Orvonton, the seventh superuniverse, the one to which your local universe belongs, is known chiefly because of its tremendous and lavish bestowal of merciful ministry to the mortals of the realms. It is renowned for the manner in which justice prevails as tempered by mercy and power rules as conditioned by patience, while the sacrifices of time are freely made to secure the stabilization of eternity. Orvonton is a universe demonstration of love and mercy.

15:14.2 奧溫頓,是第七超級宇宙,你們的地方宇宙屬於它,它因對域內凡人仁慈照料之慷慨大度而廣為人知。它受仁慈和權力的約束,以溫和的方式伸張正義而聞名於世。在此可以自由地犧牲時間,以確保永恆的穩定。奧溫頓是一個展示愛心與仁慈的宇宙。


15:14.3 (182.2) It is, however, very difficult to describe our conception of the true nature of the evolutionary purpose which is unfolding in Orvonton, but it may be suggested by saying that in this supercreation we feel that the six unique purposes of cosmic evolution as manifested in the six associated supercreations are here being interassociated into a meaning-of-the-whole; and it is for this reason that we have sometimes conjectured that the evolved and finished personalization of God the Supreme will in the remote future and from Uversa rule the perfected seven superuniverses in all the experiential majesty of his then attained almighty sovereign power.

15:14.3 然而,很難闡述我們對在奧溫頓所展開的進化宗旨之觀念的真正本質,但或許可以這樣說,在這個超級造物中,我們感到宇宙進化的六個獨特的目的,在這裡正被綜合地表現為一種整體意義;也正是這原因,我們常常推測,神之至高者進化完成的人格化顯現,將會在遙遠之未來,以他所達到的全能主權力量所具的一切經驗的威嚴,從尤沃薩支配完美的七個超級宇宙。

「宇宙進化的六個獨特的目的,在這裡正被綜合地表現為一種整體意義」;我注意到在七個超級宇宙中,#1是上父超級宇宙;#2是上子超級宇宙;#3是上靈超級宇宙;#4 是上父與上子超級宇宙,#5是上父與上靈超級宇宙;#6 是上子與上靈超級宇宙;只有#7 奧溫頓這超級宇宙是上父、上子與上靈三位一體的超級宇宙。由此推論,起源於這第七超級宇宙中的存有,在主宇宙中必然共同負有很特殊的神聖使命。作為隸屬第七超級宇宙的存有,我們與有榮焉。

15:14.4 (182.3) As Orvonton is unique in nature and individual in destiny, so also is each of its six associated superuniverses. A great deal that is going on in Orvonton is not, however, revealed to you, and of these unrevealed features of Orvonton life, many are to find most complete expression in some other superuniverse. The seven purposes of superuniverse evolution are operative throughout all seven superuniverses, but each supercreation will give fullest expression to only one of these purposes. To understand more about these superuniverse purposes, much that you do not understand would have to be revealed, and even then you would comprehend but little. This entire narrative presents only a fleeting glimpse of the immense creation of which your world and local system are a part.

15:14.4 正如奧溫頓有著獨一無二的本質和獨具個性的天命,六個相伴超級宇宙的每一個也是如此。在奧溫頓發生的許多事情,並未向你們揭示,在這些未揭示的奧溫頓生活特色中,許多是在其它超級宇宙能找到最完整的表達。超級宇宙進化的七個宗旨,貫穿在所有七個超級宇宙,但每一個超級造物只對這七個宗旨當中的一個予以最全面的表達。要對這些超級宇宙宗旨作更多的瞭解,就必須向你們展示許多你們所不理解的事物,即使這樣,你們能理解的也很少。這整篇敘述,對你們的世界及地方系統巨大的的創造,只是短暫的一瞥。

15:14.5 (182.4) Your world is called Urantia, and it is number 606 in the planetary group, or system, of Satania. This system has at present 619 inhabited worlds, and more than two hundred additional planets are evolving favorably toward becoming inhabited worlds at some future time.

15:14.5 你們的世界被稱之為玉苒廈,它是撒旦尼亞(Satania)行星組團或是系統中的第606號行星。這系統目前有619個可居住的世界,另有二百多顆行星正朝著在未來某個時候成為可居住的星球的方向發展。

15:14.6 (182.5) Satania has a headquarters world called Jerusem, and it is system number twenty-four in the constellation of Norlatiadek. Your constellation, Norlatiadek, consists of one hundred local systems and has a headquarters world called Edentia. Norlatiadek is number seventy in the universe of Nebadon. The local universe of Nebadon consists of one hundred constellations and has a capital known as Salvington. The universe of Nebadon is number eighty-four in the minor sector of Ensa.

15:14.6 撒旦尼亞有一個叫做耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)的總部世界,它是諾拉歇德(Norlatiadek)星座中的第二十四號系統。你們的星座,諾拉歇德,由一百個地方系統組成,有一個叫做伊甸廈(Edentia)的總部世界。諾拉歇德是內巴頓宇宙中的第七十號星座。內巴頓的地方宇宙由100個星座組成,有一個名為薩爾文頓(Salvington)的首府。內巴頓宇宙是恩薩較小分區中的第八十四號地方宇宙。

15:14.8 (182.7) The grand universe number of your world, Urantia, is 5,342,482,337,666. That is the registry number on Uversa and on Paradise, your number in the catalogue of the inhabited worlds. I know the physical-sphere registry number, but it is of such an extraordinary size that it is of little practical significance to the mortal mind.

15:14.8 你們的世界,玉苒廈在大宇宙的編號是5,342,482,337,666。那是它在尤沃薩(Uversa)以及在天堂的登記號,也是你們在它可居住世界目錄中的編號。我知道物理天體的註冊號,但它的規模是如此龐大,以致對於凡人的心智而言,幾乎沒有實際意義。

5,342,482,337,666 這個數字要如何用語言來說我不知道,只知道最後是三個6,我樂於相信玉苒廈,我們的星球,我們靈魂旅居的家園,必然會是順之又順了!

15:14.9 (183.1) Your planet is a member of an enormous cosmos; you belong to a well-nigh infinite family of worlds, but your sphere is just as precisely administered and just as lovingly fostered as if it were the only inhabited world in all existence.

15:14.9 你們的行星是一個巨大宇宙體系的一個成員;你們屬於一個由無數世界所形成的幾乎無限之家庭,但你們的星球是如此精確地被管理著,如此鍾愛地撫育著,就如同它是一切存在中僅有的可居住的世界。

15:14.10 (183.2) [Presented by a Universal Censor hailing from Uversa.]

15:14.10 (183.2) [由一位來自尤沃薩的萬有監察者所呈獻。]














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