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玉苒廈摘錄38. paper 14 中央神性宇宙(2)5-12-2019

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註冊時間: 2017-05-23
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發表發表於: 星期四 五月 16, 2019 8:37 am    文章主題: 玉苒廈摘錄38. paper 14 中央神性宇宙(2)5-12-2019 引言回覆

玉苒廈摘錄38. paper 14 中央神性宇宙(2)5-12-2019

Paper 14 中央宇宙的後半段對三個本源與中心有更加詳細的描述。也有一兩個新的宇宙人物登場。在講述得相當清楚的段落,我就不再說文解字。大家看了之後如有疑問,請提出來,我們再來討論。

14:6-1 The range of the activities of seven-circuited Havona is enormous.


14:6-5 Many superfinite activities take place in the Havona of the present universe age, involving untold diversities of absonite and other phases of mind and spirit functions. It is possible that the central universe serves many purposes which are not revealed to me, as it functions in numerous ways beyond the comprehension of the created mind. Nevertheless, I will endeavor to depict how this perfect creation ministers to the needs and contributes to the satisfactions of seven orders of universe intelligence.



14:6-6 1. The Universal Father — the First Source and Center. God the Father derives supreme parental satisfaction from the perfection of the central creation. He enjoys the experience of love satiety on near-equality levels. The perfect Creator is divinely pleased with the adoration of the perfect creature.

14:6-6 1. 萬有之父 -- 第一本源與中心。上父從中央受造物的完美中獲得至高父性的滿足。他在幾乎平等的層次上享受著愛之滿足的體驗。完美的造物主對於完美受造物的崇拜感到神性的喜悅。

14:6-8 The Father enjoys the Havona reciprocation of the divine beauty. It satisfies the divine mind to afford a perfect pattern of exquisite harmony for all evolving universes.


14:6-9 Our Father beholds the central universe with perfect pleasure because it is a worthy revelation of spirit reality to all personalities of the universe of universes.


14:6-12 2. The Eternal Son — the Second Source and Center. To the Eternal Son the superb central creation affords eternal proof of the partnership effectiveness of the divine family — Father, Son, and Spirit. It is the spiritual and material basis for absolute confidence in the Universal Father.

14:6-12 2. 永恆之子--第二本源與中心。對於永恆之子而言,宏偉的中央創造是神性家族,即上父、上子與上靈有效合作的永恆性證明。這是對萬有之父的靈性及物質基礎的絕對信心。

14:6-13 Havona affords the Eternal Son an almost unlimited base for the ever-expanding realization of spirit power. The central universe afforded the Eternal Son the arena wherein he could safely and securely demonstrate the spirit and technique of the bestowal ministry for the instruction of his associate Paradise Sons.

14:6-13 哈沃納為永恆之子靈性力量的不斷擴展與實現,提供了一種近乎無限的基礎。中央宇宙為永恆之子提供了一個舞臺,在那裡他可以安全地展示贈與的服務與技巧,以指導他的天堂聖子們。


14:6-16 And this universe affords the opportunity for the realization of reciprocation of equality fraternity between the Universal Father and the Eternal Son, and this constitutes the everlasting proof of the infinite personality of each.

14:6-16 這中央宇宙在萬有之父與永恆之子之間提供了實現平等博愛的機會,這為每個無限人格構成永恆的證明。

14:6-17 3. The Infinite Spirit — the Third Source and Center. The Havona universe affords the Infinite Spirit proof of being the Conjoint Actor, the infinite representative of the unified Father-Son. In Havona the Infinite Spirit derives the combined satisfaction of functioning as a creative activity while enjoying the satisfaction of absolute coexistence with this divine achievement.

14:6-17 3. 無限之靈 -- 第三本源與中心。哈沃納宇宙為無限之靈提供了他作為共同行動者,亦即作為上父與上子聯合體之無限代表者的證明。在哈沃納,無限之靈得到一種創造性活動之職能的滿足,也享受著這神性成就的絕對共存所帶來的雙重滿足。

14:6-19 This perfect creation afforded the Infinite Spirit opportunity to participate in universe administration with both divine parents — to administer a universe as associate-Creator offspring, thereby preparing for the joint administration of the local universes as the Creative Spirit associates of the Creator Sons.

14:6-19 這完美造物也為無限之靈提供了與他兩個神性雙親一同參與宇宙的管理—作為造物主的協同後代來管理宇宙的機會,以此做好作為造物之子的創造靈性夥伴,共同管理地方宇宙的準備。

14:6-24 In Havona the power potentials of the Almighty are unified with the spiritual nature of the Supreme. This central creation is an exemplification of the future-eternal unity of the Supreme.

14:6-24 在哈沃納,全能者的力量潛勢與至高者的靈性本質是統一的。這中央造物是至高者未來永恆性統一體的一個範例。


14:6-26 Havona exhibits finality of spirit values existing as living will creatures of supreme and perfect self-control; mind existing as ultimately equivalent to spirit; reality and unity of intelligence with an unlimited potential.

14:6-26 哈沃納展現了靈性價值之終局性,以具有至高與完美的自我控制的鮮活意志受造物存在著,心智最終以等同於靈性而存在;無限潛勢與智慧的統一及實相之終局性。


14:6-27 5. The Co-ordinate Creator Sons. Havona is the educational training ground where the Paradise Michaels are prepared for their subsequent adventures in universe creation. This divine and perfect creation is a pattern for every Creator Son. He strives to make his own universe eventually attain to these Paradise-Havona levels of perfection.

14:6-27 5. 協同造物之子們。 哈沃納是教育培訓場,天堂邁克爾聖子們在那裡為隨後在宇宙創造中的冒險做準備。這神性完美的造物是每個造物主之子的典範。他們力求使自己所創造的宇宙,最終達到哈沃納—天堂的完美水準。


14:6-28 A Creator Son uses the creatures of Havona as personality-pattern possibilities for his own mortal children and spirit beings. The Michael and other Paradise Sons view Paradise and Havona as the divine destiny of the children of time.

14:6-28 一個造物之子將哈沃納的受造物,作為他的凡人子民和靈性存有之人格體可能的典範。邁克爾聖子和其他天堂聖子們視天堂及哈沃納為時間性子民的神聖天命。


14:6-29 The Creator Sons know that the central creation is the real source of that indispensable universe overcontrol which stabilizes and unifies their local universes. They know that the personal presence of the ever-present influence of the Supreme and of the Ultimate is in Havona.

14:6-29 造物之子們知道,中央造物是不可或缺的宇宙總控制之真正源頭,它穩定和統一他們的地方宇宙。

14:6-30 Havona and Paradise are the source of a Michael Son’s creative power. Here dwell the beings who co-operate with him in universe creation. From Paradise come the Universe Mother Spirits, the cocreators of local universes.

14:6-30 哈沃納和天堂是邁克爾聖子創造力的源泉。這裡居住著協助他進行宇宙創造的存有們。來自天堂的宇宙母靈,是各個地方宇宙的協同創造者。

這裡介紹一個在地方宇宙的創造中極為重要的宇宙母靈Universe Mother Spirits,在稍後的篇章中會有更多的介紹。

14:6-31 The Paradise Sons regard the central creation as the home of their divine parents — their home. It is the place they enjoy returning to ever and anon.

14:6-31 天堂聖子們把中央宇宙視為他們神性雙親的家園 – 亦即他們自己的家園。這永遠是他們樂於返回的地方。


14:6-37 7. The Evolutionary Mortals of the Ascending Career. Havona is the home of the pattern personality of every mortal type and the home of all superhuman personalities of mortal association who are not native to the creations of time.

14:6-37 7. 揚升生涯的進化凡人。哈沃納是每一種凡人類型典範人格體的家園,也是所有與凡人有關,但並非源自時間的受造物超人類人格體的家園。

14:6-39 Paradise is the home, and Havona the workshop and playground, of the finaliters. And every God-knowing mortal craves to be a finaliter.

14:6-39 天堂是終局者們finaliters的家園,哈沃納是終局者們的工作室和遊樂園。每一個知神的凡人,無不渴望成為一個終局者。

14:6-40 The central universe is not only man’s established destiny, but it is also the starting place of the eternal career of the finaliters as they shall sometime be started out on the undisclosed and universal adventure in the experience of exploring the infinity of the Universal Father.

14:6-40 中央宇宙不僅是人類既定的天命,它也是終局者們永恆生涯的起始點,因為他們有時會在探索萬有之父無限性的經歷之中向未知的宇宙展開冒險。

14:6-41 Havona will unquestionably continue to function with absonite significance even in future universe ages which may witness space pilgrims attempting to find God on superfinite levels. Havona has capacity to serve as a training universe for absonite beings. It will probably be the finishing school when the seven superuniverses are functioning as the intermediate school for the graduates of the primary schools of outer space. And we incline to the opinion that the potentials of eternal Havona are really unlimited, that the central universe has eternal capacity to serve as an experiential training universe for all past, present, or future types of created beings.

14:6-41 毫無疑問,即使在未來的宇宙世代中,哈沃納仍將繼續以其絕限性意義而運作,這些世代或許將會見證到朝聖者們嘗試在超有限性層次上找到神。哈沃納有容納訓練絕限性存有的空間。這可能是七個超宇宙外太空的小學畢業生進修的中級學校。我們傾向於永恆哈沃納的潛能確實是無限的這種觀點,中央宇宙具有永恆的服務能力,可以作為所有過去、現在或未來各類受造存有的經驗性培訓宇宙。

14:6-42 [Presented by a Perfector of Wisdom commissioned thus to function by the Ancients of Days on Uversa.]

14:6-42 [由一位受尤沃薩(Uversa)的亙古常在者委派而行使職責的智慧完美者所呈獻。]
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