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玉苒廈摘錄75. P30 大宇宙的眾多人格體 10-18-2020

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註冊時間: 2017-05-23
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發表發表於: 星期一 十月 19, 2020 12:01 pm    文章主題: 玉苒廈摘錄75. P30 大宇宙的眾多人格體 10-18-2020 引言回覆

玉苒廈摘錄75. P30 大宇宙的眾多人格體 10-18-2020

30:0.1 (330.1) THE personalities and other-than-personal entities now functioning on Paradise and in the grand universe constitute a well-nigh limitless number of living beings. Even the number of major orders and types would stagger the human imagination, let alone the countless subtypes and variations. It is, however, desirable to present something of two basic classifications of living beings—a suggestion of the Paradise classification and an abbreviation of the Uversa Personality Register.

30:0.1 目前在天堂上和大宇宙中服務的眾多人格體與非人格性實體們,構成了一個幾乎無限數量的永活存有。即使是主要種類和類型的數目也令人類難以想像,更遑論數不盡的子型和變種了。然而,提供一些有關永活存有兩種基本分類法的內容還是可取的---一類是源自天堂分類之提案,一類是源自尤沃薩(Uversa)人格體登記之縮略。


30:0.2 (330.2) It is not possible to formulate comprehensive and entirely consistent classifications of the personalities of the grand universe because all of the groups are not revealed. It would require numerous additional papers to cover the further revelation required to systematically classify all groups. Such conceptual expansion would hardly be desirable as it would deprive the thinking mortals of the next thousand years of that stimulus to creative speculation which these partially revealed concepts supply. It is best that man not have an overrevelation; it stifles imagination.

30:0.2 要對大宇宙的人格體制訂全面和完全一致的分類是不可能的,因為並非所有類別都會予以啟示。要涵蓋系統劃分所有類別所需的進一步啟示,將需要無數額外的篇章。這樣的概念擴展幾乎是不可取的,因為它將會剝奪下一個千年中喜好思考的凡人們對這些部分啟示之概念所提供的那種創造性思辨的激勵。人類最好不要獲得過度的啟示;它會扼殺想像力。



30:1-100 V. FRAGMENTED ENTITIES OF DEITY. This order of living existence, originating in the Universal Father, is best typified by the Thought Adjusters, though these entities are by no means the only fragmentations of the prepersonal reality of the First Source and Center. The functions of the other-than-Adjuster fragments are manifold and little known. Fusion with an Adjuster or other such fragment constitutes the creature a Father-fused being.

30:1-100 五. 片段性神靈實體。 這類起源於萬有之父的永活性存在體,是以思想調整者為最佳典型的,雖然這些實體絕不是第一本源與中心凖人格實相的僅有片段體。調整者以外類別的片段體之職能是多種多樣且少為所知的。與調整者或者其他類似這種片段體的融合,便會使該受造物成為一個與上父融合的存有。



30:3-1 The seven courtesy colonies sojourn on the architectural spheres for a longer or shorter time while engaged in the furtherance of their missions and in the execution of their special assignments. Their work may be described as follows:

30:3-1 七類受優遇僑團在忙於推進其使命及執行其特殊委派的同時,會在各個建造性天體上逗留或長或短的一段時間。他們的工作可以列述如下:


30:3-4 The star-observer colony of Uversa now numbers over one million. These astronomers come and go, though some remain for comparatively long periods. They carry on their work with the aid of a multitude of mechanical instruments and physical appliances; they are also greatly assisted by the Solitary Messengers and other spirit explorers. These celestial astronomers make constant use of the living energy transformers and transmitters, as well as of the reflective personalities, in their work of star study and space survey. They study all forms and phases of space material and energy manifestations, and they are just as much interested in force function as in stellar phenomena; nothing in all space escapes their scrutiny.

30:3-4 尤沃薩的星象觀察僑團現在為數超過一百萬個。這些天文學者們來來往往,雖然有些停留相對較長時期。他們借助大批機械儀器和物理設備執行其工作;他們也得到單獨使者和其他靈性探索者們的極大幫助。這些天界的天文學家們,在星象研究和空間測量工作中,經常運用永存的能量轉化者和能量傳送者,以及反射性人格體。他們研究空間物質和能量顯現的所有形式和階段,他們對力之作用的興趣與對星體現象的興趣一樣大;在空間中沒有什麼事物能逃脫他們的審查。


30:3-9 The entire ascendant plan of mortal progression is characterized by the practice of giving out to other beings new truth and experience just as soon as acquired. You work your way through the long school of Paradise attainment by serving as teachers to those pupils just behind you in the scale of progression.

30:3-9 整個凡人進步揚升計畫的特徵是,把剛獲得的新真理和新經驗通過實踐奉獻給其他存有。你們透過在進步階梯上擔當緊隨你們之後的那些學生們的老師,努力通過天堂達成之漫長學業。


30:3-11 6. The Student Visitors. From all the universe a constant stream of celestial visitors pours through the various headquarters worlds. As individuals and as classes these various types of beings flock in upon us as observers, exchange pupils, and student helpers. On Uversa, at present, there are over one billion persons in this courtesy colony. Some of these visitors may tarry a day, others may remain a year, all dependent on the nature of their mission. This colony contains almost every class of universe beings except Creator personalities and morontia mortals.

30:3-11 6. 研究訪問者。從整個宇宙中,源源不斷地有天界訪問者湧入各個總部世界。這些不同類型的存有們以個體及群體之方式,作為觀察者、交換學生和學者助手大批湧向我們。在尤沃薩,當前共有超過十億成員處於該受優遇僑團中。這些訪問者有些可能只停留一天,有些則可能停留一年,一切都取決於他們的使命之本質。除了造物者和靈質性凡人以外,這一僑團幾乎包含了每一類別的宇宙存有。



30:3.12 (340.1) Morontia mortals are student visitors only within the confines of the local universe of their origin. They may visit in a superuniverse capacity only after they have attained spirit status. Fully one half of our visitor colony consists of “stopovers,” beings en route elsewhere who pause to visit the Orvonton capital. These personalities may be executing a universe assignment, or they may be enjoying a period of leisure—freedom from assignment. The privilege of intrauniverse travel and observation is a part of the career of all ascending beings. The human desire to travel and observe new peoples and worlds will be fully gratified during the long and eventful climb to Paradise through the local, super-, and central universes.

30:3-12 靈質性凡人們只能作為他們所出身的那個地方宇宙範圍內的研究訪問者。只有在他們達到靈性狀態之後,他們才可以在超級宇宙範圍內進行訪問。我們的訪問者僑團有整整一半是“中途停留者”stopovers,這些存有是正要前往別處而暫時停下來訪問奧溫頓首府的存有。這些人格體可能正在執行一個宇宙任務,或者他們可能正在享受一段休閒時光---即免受派遣期。享受宇宙內部的旅行和考察,是所有揚升存有之生涯的一部分。人類渴望旅行和觀察新民族和新世界的願望,將在其穿越地方宇宙、超級宇宙和中央宇宙,最終通往天堂的漫長而不凡的攀升中,得到充分的滿足。


30:3-13 7. The Ascending Pilgrims. As the ascending pilgrims are assigned to various services in connection with their Paradise progression, they are domiciled as a courtesy colony on the various headquarters spheres. While functioning here and there throughout a superuniverse, such groups are largely self-governing. They are an ever-shifting colony embracing all orders of evolutionary mortals and their ascending associates.

30:3-13 7. 揚升朝聖者。當揚升朝聖者們被委派各種與其天堂行進相關的不同服務時,他們會作為受優遇的僑團定居在不同的首府星球上。當他們在超級宇宙各處運作時,這些團體在很大程度上是自治的。他們是一個不斷流動的僑團,包含所有類型的進化凡人及其揚升夥伴們。


30:4.1 (340.3) While the mortal survivors of time and space are denominated ascending pilgrims when accredited for the progressive ascent to Paradise, these evolutionary creatures occupy such an important place in these narratives that we here desire to present a synopsis of the following seven stages of the ascending universe career:

30:4-1 儘管時空性凡人續存者在獲得向天堂逐步揚升的資格時,被稱為揚升朝聖者,然而這些進化性受造物們在本文獻的敍述中有著如此重要地位,我們希望在這裡將其揚升性宇宙生涯概括為下列七個階段:

1. 行星類凡人。
2. 沉睡續存者。
3. 宅廈世界初學者。
4. 靈質性進展者。
5. 超級宇宙受監護者。
6. 哈沃納朝聖者。
7. 天堂到達者。


30:4-9 The following narrative presents the universe career of an Adjuster-indwelt mortal. The Son- and Spirit-fused mortals share portions of this career, but we have elected to tell this story as it pertains to the Adjuster-fused mortals, for such a destiny may be anticipated by all of the human races of Urantia.

30:4-9 以下的敘述展示了一個有調整者內駐之凡人的宇宙生涯。與上子及與上靈融合的凡人們共享該生涯中的許多部分,但我們選擇敘述它,是因為它涉及與調整者融合的凡人,因為這樣的天命是玉苒廈所有人類種族都可以期待的。

30:4-10 1. Planetary Mortals. Mortals are all animal-origin evolutionary beings of ascendant potential. In origin, nature, and destiny these various groups and types of human beings are not wholly unlike the Urantia peoples. The human races of each world receive the same ministry of the Sons of God and enjoy the presence of the ministering spirits of time. After natural death all types of ascenders fraternize as one morontia family on the mansion worlds.

30:4-10 1. 行星類凡人。凡人們都是來源於動物、且具有揚升潛勢的進化性存有。就來源、本性和命運而言,這些不同種類和類型的人類,並非完全不同於玉苒廈的人類。每一個世界的人類,都會受到神之聖子的同樣照料,且都會享受時間性侍奉之靈的臨在。在自然死亡之後,所有類型的揚升者都會作為一體的靈質性家族,在宅廈世界上友好相處。




30:4-11 2. Sleeping Survivors. All mortals of survival status, in the custody of personal guardians of destiny, pass through the portals of natural death and, on the third period, personalize on the mansion worlds. Those accredited beings who have, for any reason, been unable to attain that level of intelligence mastery and endowment of spirituality which would entitle them to personal guardians, cannot thus immediately and directly go to the mansion worlds. Such surviving souls must rest in unconscious sleep until the judgment day of a new epoch, a new dispensation, the coming of a Son of God to call the rolls of the age and adjudicate the realm, and this is the general practice throughout all Nebadon. It was said of Christ Michael that, when he ascended on high at the conclusion of his work on earth, “He led a great multitude of captives.” And these captives were the sleeping survivors from the days of Adam to the day of the Master’s resurrection on Urantia.

30:4-11 2. 沉睡續存者。所有處於續存狀態的凡人,在個人命運守護者的監護之下,歷經各個自然死亡之門戶,並在第三階段在宅廈世界上人格化。那些因任何理由而未能達到享有個人命運守護者資格所應具備的智性掌控和靈性禀賦水平的被認可存有,不能即時直接進入宅廈世界。這樣的續存性靈魂必須停留在無意識沉睡狀態,直到一個新的世代、一個新的天命之審判日的到來,一位神之聖子會來到這裡,進行世代點名和部域宣判,這是整個內巴頓慣常之運作。在談及基督•邁克爾曾提到,他結束其世間工作而升天時,“他帶領著一大群跟定他的人。”這些跟定他的人,便是從亞當時代直到主在玉苒廈(Urantia)復活時,這一漫長時段中的沉睡續存者。



30:4.12 (341.2) The passing of time is of no moment to sleeping mortals; they are wholly unconscious and oblivious to the length of their rest. On reassembly of personality at the end of an age, those who have slept five thousand years will react no differently than those who have rested five days. Aside from this time delay these survivors pass on through the ascension regime identically with those who avoid the longer or shorter sleep of death.

30:4-12 時間的流逝對沉睡凡人們來說是無足輕重的;他們對於其安息之長短毫無意識。在一個世代的末期,人格體重組時,那些沉睡了五千年的,與那些安睡了五天的,不會有不同的反應。儘管經歷了這樣一段時間延滯,這些續存者還是會與那些未曾經歷或長或短的死亡沉睡的人們一樣,繼續穿越揚升體系。


30:4-15 The physical body of mortal flesh is not a part of the reassembly of the sleeping survivor; the physical body has returned to dust. The seraphim of assignment sponsors the new body, the morontia form, as the new life vehicle for the immortal soul and for the indwelling of the returned Adjuster. The Adjuster is the custodian of the spirit transcript of the mind of the sleeping survivor. The assigned seraphim is the keeper of the surviving identity—the immortal soul—as far as it has evolved. And when these two, the Adjuster and the seraphim, reunite their personality trusts, the new individual constitutes the resurrection of the old personality, the survival of the evolving morontia identity of the soul. Such a reassociation of soul and Adjuster is quite properly called a resurrection, a reassembly of personality factors; but even this does not entirely explain the reappearance of the surviving personality. Though you will probably never understand the fact of such an inexplicable transaction, you will sometime experientially know the truth of it if you do not reject the plan of mortal survival.

30:4-15 凡人的物質性肉體並不是沉睡續存者重組體的一部分;物質性身軀已回歸塵土了。受命的熾天使將會提供靈質性形態的新身體作為不死之魂的新生命載具,並供重返的調整者內駐。調整者是沉睡續存者心智之靈性副本的保管者。而受委派的熾天使則是續存之本體 -- 即不死之魂的保管者 -- 只要它已進化。當調整者和熾天使二者將其人格本體依託物加以重新結合,新的個體便構成了舊人格體的復活,即該靈魂之進化靈質體身份的續存。靈魂與調整者之間的這樣一種重新組合,極其恰當地被稱為復活,亦即人格體之各項要素的重組。但即使這樣,也不足以完全說明續存人格體之重現。儘管你們或許將永遠無法理解這樣一個難解運作之事實,但你們終有一日會從經驗中瞭解它的真相,只要你們不拒斥凡人續存之計畫。



30:4-16 The plan of initial mortal detention on seven worlds of progressive training is nearly universal in Orvonton. In each local system of approximately one thousand inhabited planets there are seven mansion worlds, usually satellites or subsatellites of the system capital. They are the receiving worlds for the majority of ascending mortals.

30:4-16 在奧溫頓,凡人們在七個漸進性培訓世界的最初滯留計畫幾乎是普遍性的。在每大約一千個居住行星的每個地方系統中,有七個宅廈世界,它們通常是系統首府的衛星或子衛星。它們是大多數揚升凡人的接收世界。

30:4.17 (341.7) Sometimes all training worlds of mortal residence are called universe “mansions,” and it was to such spheres that Jesus alluded when he said: “In my Father’s house are many mansions.” From here on, within a given group of spheres like the mansion worlds, ascenders will progress individually from one sphere to another and from one phase of life to another, but they will always advance from one stage of universe study to another in class formation.

30:4-17 凡人們居留的所有培訓世界,時常被稱為宇宙“宅廈”,耶穌所曾經提到的正是這樣一些星體,那時他說過:“在我父的家園,有著許多宅厦。”從這兒開始,在與宅廈世界相類似的一組特定的星體範圍內,揚升者們將各自從一個星體前進到另一個星體,從一個生命階段揚升到另一個生命階段,但他們將總是以課堂的形式,從一個宇宙學習階段,進入到下一個學習階段。


30:4.18 (342.1) 4. Morontia Progressors. From the mansion worlds on up through the spheres of the system, constellation, and the universe, mortals are classed as morontia progressors; they are traversing the transition spheres of mortal ascension. As the ascending mortals progress from the lower to the higher of the morontia worlds, they serve on countless assignments in association with their teachers and in company with their more advanced and senior brethren.

30:4-18 4. 靈質性進展者。從宅廈世界開始,往上經由系統、星座和宇宙中的眾多天體,凡人們被歸類為靈質性進展者;他們將要穿越為凡人揚升所設的眾多過渡性天體。當揚升的凡人們從較低層向較高層的靈質性世界行進時,他們與其導師們一起,與其更先進、更資深的兄弟們一起,在無數的任務中服務。


30:4.20 (342.3) Mortals acquire real spirit identity just before they leave the local universe headquarters for the receiving worlds of the minor sectors of the superuniverse. Passing from the final morontia stage to the first or lowest spirit status is but a slight transition. The mind, personality, and character are unchanged by such an advance; only does the form undergo modification. But the spirit form is just as real as the morontia body, and it is equally discernible.

30:4-20 凡人們獲得真正的屬靈身份,是在其離開地方宇宙總部、前往超級宇宙較小分區的接收世界之前。從最後的靈質性階段過渡到第一個最低的靈性階段,只是一個輕微的轉變。在這一揚升中,心智、人格和品格是不變的;只有形態經歷改變。但屬靈形態就像靈質性身體一樣真實,而且也是同樣可以辨別的。



30:4-21 Before departing from their native local universes for the superuniverse receiving worlds, the mortals of time are recipients of spirit confirmation from the Creator Son and the local universe Mother Spirit. From this point on, the status of the ascending mortal is forever settled. Superuniverse wards have never been known to go astray. Ascending seraphim are also advanced in angelic standing at the time of their departure from the local universes.

30:4-21 在從其出身的地方宇宙出發前往超級宇宙接收世界之前,時間性凡人們是造物之子和地方宇宙母靈之靈性認可的接受者。從這開始,揚升凡人的身份便被永久性地確立下來。從未聽說超級宇宙受監護者們誤入歧途過。而揚升的熾天使們,也在他們離開地方宇宙之際,其天使地位得到升格。




30:4-23 There are three orders of student spirits in accordance with their sojourn upon the minor sector, major sectors, and the superuniverse headquarters worlds of spirit progression. As morontia ascenders studied and worked on the worlds of the local universe, so spirit ascenders continue to master new worlds while they practice at giving out to others that which they have imbibed at the experiential founts of wisdom. But going to school as a spirit being in the superuniverse career is very unlike anything that has ever entered the imaginative realms of the material mind of man.

30:4-23 依照他們在較小分區、較大分區及超級宇宙總部各個靈性行進世界上的旅居情況,分成三種類別的初學者屬靈。正如靈質性揚升者們在地方宇宙諸世界上學習和工作一樣,屬靈性揚升者們也繼續掌握新的世界,同時他們會把自己從經驗性智慧之泉中所汲取的心得奉獻給其他同伴。但作為一個經歷超級宇宙生涯的屬靈存有而學習,與經進入人類物質性心智想象領域中的任何事物是完全不同的。


30:4-24 Before leaving the superuniverse for Havona, these ascending spirits receive the same thorough course in superuniverse management that they received during their morontia experience in local universe supervision. Before spirit mortals reach Havona, their chief study, but not exclusive occupation, is the mastery of local and superuniverse administration. The reason for all of this experience is not now fully apparent, but no doubt such training is wise and necessary in view of their possible future destiny as members of the Corps of the Finality.

30:4-24 在離開超級宇宙前往哈沃納之前,這些揚升的屬靈們會會在超級宇宙管理方面接受同樣徹底的課程,就像在其靈質性經歷期間在地方宇宙監管方面所接受的一樣。在屬靈凡人抵達哈沃納之前,其主要的,但不是僅有的課程,是掌握地方宇宙和超級宇宙的管理事務。這種安排之緣由至今尚不完全清楚,但毫無疑問,鑒於他們可能作為終局性團隊成員的未來天命,這種訓練是明智且必要的。





30:4-25 The superuniverse regime is not the same for all ascending mortals. They receive the same general education, but special groups and classes are carried through special courses of instruction and are put through specific courses of training.

30:4-25 超級宇宙的體制對於所有揚升凡人們而言並非完全一樣。他們接受相同的常規性教育,但特殊群體和類別,是通過特殊指導課程進行的,並通過特定的培訓課程。

這裡說超級宇宙的揚升體制是因人而異的,因材施教的。我們從三一化達成之子的敘述中可以知道:「三一化達成之子(The Trinitized Sons of Attainment) —與調整者融合的揚升凡人,達到天堂和終局性團隊,具有雙重起源。但他們不是終局者,存有自身的經驗及靈性價值觀決定了三一化達成之子的人選。他們不是標準化的存有。在性格上都有不同的特點,這取決於他們在揚升生涯中的差異」。在揚昇過程中不同類別及特徵的凡人,漸漸分化學習及執行不同的任務,宇宙一直是多樣性的,培訓課程也不例外。

30:4-26 6. Havona Pilgrims. When spirit development is complete, even though not replete, then the surviving mortal prepares for the long flight to Havona, the haven of evolutionary spirits. On earth you were a creature of flesh and blood; through the local universe you were a morontia being; through the superuniverse you were an evolving spirit; with your arrival on the receiving worlds of Havona your spiritual education begins in reality and in earnest; your eventual appearance on Paradise will be as a perfected spirit.

30:4-26 6. 哈沃納朝聖者。當靈性發展完成,即使尚不完備,續存的凡人們仍將為前往哈沃納那進化之靈的安樂鄉之長途飛行做準備。在凡間,你是一個有著血肉之軀的受造物;通過地方宇宙之後,你成為一個靈質性存有;通過超級宇宙,你成為一個進化性屬靈;隨著你抵達哈沃納的接收世界,你的靈性教育會切實且認真地開始;你最終在天堂現身,你將會成為一個完美化屬靈。


30:4.27 (343.2) The journey from the superuniverse headquarters to the Havona receiving spheres is always made alone. From now on no more class or group instruction will be administered. You are through with the technical and administrative training of the evolutionary worlds of time and space. Now begins your personal education, your individual spiritual training. From first to last, throughout all Havona, the instruction is personal and threefold in nature: intellectual, spiritual, and experiential.

30:4-27 從超級宇宙總部到哈沃納接收天體的旅程,總是單獨進行的。從現在起,將不再有任何分類性或群體性的教導了。你們已經通過了時空進化世界中的技術性和管理性培訓。現在開始展開你們的自身性教育,即你們個人的靈性培訓。自始至終貫穿整個哈沃納歷程,教導在本質上是個人性及三重性的:即智性,靈性和經驗性的。

前面30:4-19 說到:「靈質性進展與智性、屬靈性和人格性形態的持續提升有關。續存者們仍然是具有三種本性的存有。」或許可以說,凡人的揚昇之旅,即是完善純粹本性之旅。

30:4-29 The fact of your arrival on the receiving worlds of Havona will be duly transmitted to the headquarters of your local universe and personally conveyed to your seraphic guardian, wherever that seraphim may chance to be.

30:4-29 你抵達達哈沃納接收世界的事實,將及時傳到你的地方宇宙總部,並親自轉達給你的天使守護者,無論那位熾天使當時身處何處。


30:4.30 (343.5) The ascendant mortals have been thoroughly trained in the affairs of the evolutionary worlds of space; now they begin their long and profitable contact with the created spheres of perfection. What a preparation for some future work is afforded by this combined, unique, and extraordinary experience! But I cannot tell you about Havona; you must see these worlds to appreciate their glory or to understand their grandeur.

30:4-30 揚升的凡人們在空間進化世界的眾多事務上,已經受過全面的培訓;如今他們開始與眾多完美受造星體進行長期而有益的接觸。這種綜合、獨特且非凡的經歷,將為某些未來的工作提供多麼充分的準備啊!但我們無法為你們講述有關哈沃納的事物;你們必須親見這些世界,才能欣賞它們的壯觀,才能領略它們的堂皇。


30:4-32 Paradise arrivals are accorded a period of freedom, after which they begin their associations with the seven groups of the primary supernaphim. They are designated Paradise graduates when they have finished their course with the conductors of worship and then, as finaliters, are assigned on observational and co-operative service to the ends of the far-flung creation. As yet there seems to be no specific or settled employment for the Mortal Corps of Finaliters, though they serve in many capacities on worlds settled in light and life.

30:4-32 天堂的到達者們被給予一段自由期,之後他們便開始與七組第一類超級天使聯盟。當他們與崇拜指揮者們完成了他們的課程後,他們被指定為天堂畢業生,然後,作為終局者,被派到廣袤造物的各個角落,去進行考察性或是合作性的服務。迄今為止,對於凡人終局者團隊似乎還沒有專門或是既定的任用,雖然他們在安住於光與生命境界的世界上承擔著多種職責。


30:4-33) If there should be no future or unrevealed destiny for the Mortal Corps of the Finality, the present assignment of these ascendant beings would be altogether adequate and glorious. Their present destiny wholly justifies the universal plan of evolutionary ascent. But the future ages of the evolution of the spheres of outer space will undoubtedly further elaborate, and with more repleteness divinely illuminate, the wisdom and loving-kindness of the Gods in the execution of their divine plan of human survival and mortal ascension.

30:4-33 如果凡人終局性團隊沒有未來或未揭示的天命,那麼對這些揚升存有的當前委任將會是十分適當而榮耀的。他們當前的天命充分證實了進化揚升宇宙計畫的正確性。但是,外部空間星體進化的未來世代將無疑會進一步說明,並以更為充分的完備性神聖地表明,各神在執行人類續存和凡人揚升的神性計畫中所表現出的智慧與慈愛。

30:4-34 This narrative, together with what has been revealed to you and with what you may acquire in connection with instruction respecting your own world, presents an outline of the career of an ascending mortal. The story varies considerably in the different superuniverses, but this recital affords a glimpse of the average plan of mortal progression as it is operative in the local universe of Nebadon and in the seventh segment of the grand universe, the superuniverse of Orvonton.

30:4-34 本篇的論述,連同已經向你們啟示的那些內容,以及你們可以得到的、有關你們自己世界的那些教導一起展示了一個揚升凡人生涯的概貌。在不同的超級宇宙中,情況會有很大差別,但這一系列的敘述提供了一個凡人揚升進步的一般計畫的一瞥,就像它在內巴頓地方宇宙,以及在大宇宙的第七部域即奧溫頓超級宇宙中運作的那樣。

30:4-35 [Sponsored by a Mighty Messenger from Uversa.]
30:4-35 [由一位來自尤沃薩的強大使者所提供。]









宇宙愛的法則,統合宇宙基督之光與佛光所衍生的萬事萬物合一(天使第二級次中提到) 我想我除了持續經驗光的課程的教導之外,並在天使次元的光中,有更多的融合,在產生更大的覺知與領悟的同時,也在服務中 不但治癒了自我,也將治癒的能量帶給周圍的人,一切如是~~

這3年來的轉化與經歷,深深感動我的心! 對於發生的每個事件當下,我無時無刻與內駐的思想調整者連結,祈求神性的內駐之靈引導我走在正確的活動中,這讓我覺得與造物主更加接近,因為信任而更具信心,也更能放下不安的心~因為我知道,每當遭遇各種衝突挑戰時,神的全知將引導我們的自由意志去選擇符合宇宙法則的行為,並發揮所有愛的神聖本質,讓一切趨於完美!





感謝慧珍Angie 老師的分享。今天摘要75剛好是玉苒廈工作坊中亞南所講述的天堂揚升之旅的主要內容之一,本篇將我們揚升的路徑圖描繪出來,讓我們明白未來將何去何從,不再迷惘~~

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