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玉苒廈摘錄37. paper 14 中央神性宇宙(1) 5-5-2019

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玉苒廈摘錄37 paper 14 中央神性宇宙(1) 5-5-2019

The Central and Divine Universe
第14篇 中央神性宇宙

14:0-1 THE perfect and divine universe occupies the center of all creation; it is the eternal core around which the vast creations of time and space revolve. Paradise is the gigantic nuclear Isle of absolute stability which rests motionless at the very heart of the magnificent eternal universe. This central planetary family is called Havona and is far-distant from the local universe of Nebadon. It is of enormous dimensions and almost unbelievable mass and consists of one billion spheres of unimagined beauty and superb grandeur, but the true magnitude of this vast creation is really beyond the understanding grasp of the human mind.

14:0-1 完美而神聖的宇宙充滿著所有造物的中心;它是永恆的核心,各個龐大的時空造物環繞著它旋轉。天堂是巨大且絕對穩定的核心島,它靜靜地停留在這宏偉的永恆宇宙的中心。這個中央星族被稱作哈沃納(Havona),它離內巴頓(Nebadon)地方宇宙非常遙遠。它具有巨大的維度和幾乎令人難以置信的品質,由十億個無法想像之美與無比莊嚴的天體所組成,但這龐大造物的真正尺度超出了人類心智的理解。

14:0-2 This is the one and only settled, perfect, and established aggregation of worlds. This is a wholly created and perfect universe; it is not an evolutionary development. This is the eternal core of perfection, about which swirls that endless procession of universes which constitute the tremendous evolutionary experiment, the audacious adventure of the Creator Sons of God, who aspire to duplicate in time and to reproduce in space the pattern universe, the ideal of divine completeness, supreme finality, ultimate reality, and eternal perfection.

14:0-2 這是一個唯一穏定、完美,一個已建立的眾多世界的聚合體。這是一個完整的創造與完美的宇宙,它不是一種進化性的發展。這是完美的永恆核心,無數宇宙無止境地圍繞著它旋轉,構成了巨大的進化性的實驗,是神的造物之子們大膽創新的冒險,他們渴望在時間中複製,並在空間中重現這種宇宙模式,完整神性的理想,至高性終局,終極性實相,以及永恆的完美。


14:1-11 Time is not reckoned on Paradise; the sequence of successive events is inherent in the concept of those who are indigenous to the central Isle. But time is germane to the Havona circuits and to numerous beings of both celestial and terrestrial origin sojourning thereon. Each Havona world has its own local time, determined by its circuit. All worlds in a given circuit have the same length of year since they uniformly swing around Paradise, and the length of these planetary years decreases from the outermost to the innermost circuit.

14:1-11 天堂是不測算時間的;相繼事件的次序是中央島原住者與生俱有的概念。但時間對哈沃納各環路及無數天上與陸地起源,並寄居其中的存有們而言,是密切相關的。每個哈沃納世界都有自己的當地時間,由它所在的環路而決定。同一環路中的所有世界一年長度都是相同的,因為它們都一致地沿著天堂旋轉,這些些行星年的長度,從最外環路到最內環路是逐漸遞減的。


14:2-1 Spirit beings do not dwell in nebulous space; they do not inhabit ethereal worlds; they are domiciled on actual spheres of a material nature, worlds just as real as those on which mortals live. The Havona worlds are actual and literal, albeit their literal substance differs from the material organization of the planets of the seven superuniverses.

14:2-1 屬靈存有們並不居住在星雲空間之中;他們並不居住在虛無縹緲的世界;他們定居在具有物質本質的真實天體上,就像凡人們所居住的世界一樣真實。哈沃納諸世界是真實而確切的,儘管它們的確切實質與七個超級宇宙各行星之物質性組織有所不同。


14:2-2 The physical realities of Havona represent an order of energy organization radically different from any prevailing in the evolutionary universes of space. Havona energies are threefold; superuniverse units of energy-matter contain a twofold energy charge, although one form of energy exists in negative and positive phases. The creation of the central universe is threefold (Trinity); the creation of a local universe (directly) is twofold, by a Creator Son and a Creative Spirit.

14:2-2 哈沃納的物理實相代表著一種完全不同於空間進化宇宙中,普遍存在的一種類別的能量組織。哈沃納的能量是三重性的;超級宇宙的能質-物質包含著一種雙重的能量電荷,雖然有一種能量形式存在於正和負的階段。中央宇宙的創造是三重性(三位一體);一個地方宇宙的創造(在直接意義上)是雙重性的,即由一個造物之子和一個造物之靈所創造。


14:2-7 The universal spiritual gravity of the Eternal Son is amazingly active throughout the central universe. All spirit values and spiritual personalities are unceasingly drawn inward towards the abode of the Gods. This Godward urge is intense and inescapable. The ambition to attain God is stronger in the central universe, not because spirit gravity is stronger than in the outlying universes, but because those beings who have attained Havona are more fully spiritualized and hence more responsive to the ever-present action of the universal spirit-gravity pull of the Eternal Son.

14:2-7 永恆之子的遍在靈性引力在整個中央宇宙中是驚人的活躍。所有的靈性價值和靈性人格體都永無止息地被向內吸引,趨向神之居所。這種趨向神的渴望,是強烈不可避免的。力圖到達神的這種願望,在中央宇宙更為強烈,這不是因為靈性引力比邊遠宇宙更強大,而是因為那些已到達哈沃納的存有們更充分地靈性化,因而更能回應永恆之子永存性宇宙靈性的引力。


14:2-9 Havona is a spiritually perfect and physically stable universe. The control and balanced stability of the central universe appear to be perfect. Everything physical or spiritual is perfectly predictable, but mind phenomena and personality volition are not. We do infer that sin can be reckoned as impossible of occurrence, but we do this on the ground that the native freewill creatures of Havona have never been guilty of transgressing the will of Deity. Through all eternity these supernal beings have been consistently loyal to the Eternals of Days. Neither has sin appeared in any creature who has entered Havona as a pilgrim. There has never been an instance of misconduct by any creature of any group of personalities ever created in, or admitted to, the central Havona universe. So perfect and so divine are the methods and means of selection in the universes of time that never in the records of Havona has an error occurred; no mistakes have ever been made; no ascendant soul has ever been prematurely admitted to the central universe.

14:2-9 哈沃納是一個靈性上完美、物理上穩定的宇宙。中央宇宙的控制和平衡穩定顯然是完美的。物質和靈性的每樣事物,都是可完全可預見的,但心智現象和人格體意志卻不是。我們可以推斷,罪惡可以被認為是不可能發生的,但我們這樣推論的理由是基於哈沃納本地的自由意志受造物從未犯過違背神靈意志的罪行。在整個永恆中,這些高尚的存有始終如一地忠於亙古常在者。任何作為朝聖者進入哈沃納的存有也不曾出現罪惡。在中央宇宙哈沃納中,曾受造於或獲得充許進入的任何人格體類別的任一受造物,都不曾有任何過失的事例。在時間的宇宙中所實施的選擇方法和方式是如此完美、如此神聖,以致在哈沃納的記載中,從未有過失發生過;從未犯過錯誤;沒有一個揚升的靈魂過早獲得進入中央宇宙的許可。


14:3-5 At present, although the spheres of the seven circuits are maintained in all their supernal glory, only about one per cent of all planetary capacity is utilized in the work of furthering the Father’s universal plan of mortal ascension. About one tenth of one per cent of the area of these enormous worlds is dedicated to the life and activities of the Corps of the Finality, beings eternally settled in light and life who often sojourn and minister on the Havona worlds. These exalted beings have their personal residences on Paradise.

14:3-5 目前,雖然七個環路的星球都維持在它們無上的榮耀之中,但只有大約百分之一的行星用來推動上父凡人揚升的普遍計畫。在這些巨大世界中,約有百分之十的面積用於終局性團隊的生活和活動,他們是永遠安住在光與生命之中的存有,他們經常在哈沃納各世界逗留和服侍。這些尊貴的存有在天堂有他們個人的居所。


14:3-7 The architecture, lighting, and heating, as well as the biologic and artistic embellishment, of the Havona spheres, are quite beyond the greatest possible stretch of human imagination. You cannot be told much about Havona; to understand its beauty and grandeur you must see it. But there are real rivers and lakes on these perfect worlds.

14:3-7 哈沃納星球的建築、照明、取暖,以及生物上和藝術上的裝飾,都超出人類所能想像的最大限度。無法讓你們對哈沃納有更多的瞭解;要瞭解它的美妙與壯觀,你們必須看到它。在這些完美的世界上有真實的河流和湖泊。


14:5-1 On Urantia you pass through a short and intense test during your initial life of material existence. On the mansion worlds and up through your system, constellation, and local universe, you traverse the morontia phases of ascension. On the training worlds of the superuniverse you pass through the true spirit stages of progression and are prepared for eventual transit to Havona. On the seven circuits of Havona your attainment is intellectual, spiritual, and experiential. And there is a definite task to be achieved on each of the worlds of each of these circuits.

14:5-1 在玉苒廈,你們在物質性存在的最初生活期間,經歷一段短暫而又緊張的試煉。在宅廈世界mansion worlds上,及往上通過你們的系統、星座和地方宇宙,你們會度過揚升途中的各個靈質性morontia階段。在超級宇宙的培訓世界將走過真正靈性發展的階段,並為最終轉往哈沃納做準備。在哈沃納的七個環路上,你們的達成是智性的、靈性的和經驗性的。在每個環路的每個世界上,都會有一個明確的任務要完成。


14:5-4 When intelligent beings first attain the central universe, they are received and domiciled on the pilot world of the seventh Havona circuit. As the new arrivals progress spiritually, attain identity comprehension of their superuniverse Master Spirit, they are transferred to the sixth circle. (It is from these arrangements in the central universe that the circles of progress in the human mind have been designated.) After ascenders have attained a realization of Supremacy and are thereby prepared for the Deity adventure, they are taken to the fifth circuit; and after attaining the Infinite Spirit, they are transferred to the fourth. Following the attainment of the Eternal Son, they are removed to the third; and when they have recognized the Universal Father, they go to sojourn on the second circuit of worlds, where they become more familiar with the Paradise hosts. Arrival on the first circuit of Havona signifies the acceptance of the candidates of time into the service of Paradise. Indefinitely, according to the length and nature of the creature ascension, they will tarry on the inner circuit of progressive spiritual attainment. From this inner circuit the ascending pilgrims pass inward to Paradise residence and admission to the Corps of the Finality.

14:5-4 當智慧存有初次到達中央宇宙時,他們會被接納並被居住在第七哈沃納環路的試驗性的世界。隨著新來者在靈性上的進步,認知他們超級宇宙主位之靈Master Spirit的身份時,他們便被轉運至第六環路。(正是根據中央宇宙中的這些安排,人類心智中行進的環路才得以被指定。)當揚升者們達到對至高者Supremacy的認識,並因此為神靈探險做好準備後,他們便被帶至第五環路;而在達到對無限之靈的認知後,他們被轉移到第四環路;接著在達到對永恆之子的認知後,他們便被移至第三環路;而當他們認識到萬有之父後,他們會前往並在第二環路的各個世界上逗留,在那兒他們對天堂主人將更加熟悉。到達哈沃納第一環路,意味著時間性候選者們被接納進入天堂的服務。根據受造物揚升的時間長度和本質,他們可無限期地逗留在那漸進性靈性達成的內層環路上。從這內層環路出發,揚升朝聖者們向內穿行至天堂居所,並獲許進入終局性團隊。

我們現在在Paper 14,進入Paper15,便會看到他們講述的超級宇宙Superuniverse,Paper16便會詳細地介紹在超級宇宙的中主位元之靈Master Spirit的屬性與職能。

14:5-8 Monotony is indicative of immaturity of the creative imagination and inactivity of intellectual co-ordination with the spiritual endowment. By the time an ascendant mortal begins the exploration of these heavenly worlds, he has already attained emotional, intellectual, and social, if not spiritual, maturity.


14:5-9 Not only will you find undreamed-of changes confronting you as you advance from circuit to circuit in Havona, but your astonishment will be inexpressible as you progress from planet to planet within each circuit. Each of these billion study worlds is a veritable university of surprises. Continuing astonishment, unending wonder, is the experience of those who traverse these circuits and tour these gigantic spheres. Monotony is not a part of the Havona career.

14:5-9 當你在哈沃納從一個環路前進到另一個環路時,你不僅會發現你所面臨的變化是夢想所不能及的,當你在每個環路內從一個星球行進到另一個星球時,你的驚訝也會是無法形容的。這十億學習世界中的每一個,都是一所充滿驚奇、名副其實的大學。持續的驚訝,無盡的驚歎,是穿越這些環路及遊歷這些巨大天體之人的經驗。單調不是哈沃納生涯的一部分。


14:5-10 Love of adventure, curiosity, and dread of monotony — these traits inherent in evolving human nature — were not put there just to aggravate and annoy you during your short sojourn on earth, but rather to suggest to you that death is only the beginning of an endless career of adventure, an everlasting life of anticipation, an eternal voyage of discovery.

14:5-10 熱愛冒險,好奇,對單調的厭惡—是進化人類天性中所具有的特徵 – 讓你們具有這特徵,不是為了讓你在世間短暫的逗留期間被激怒或惹惱,反而是提示你,死亡只是無盡冒險生涯的開始,是對永存生命的期待,是一個發現永恆的旅程。


14:5-11 Curiosity — the spirit of investigation, the urge of discovery, the drive of exploration — is a part of the inborn and divine endowment of evolutionary space creatures. These natural impulses were not given you merely to be frustrated and repressed. True, these ambitious urges must frequently be restrained during your short life on earth, disappointment must be often experienced, but they are to be fully realized and gloriously gratified during the long ages to come.

14:5-11 好奇—研究的精神,發現的驅策力,探索的推動力—是進化性空間受造物與生俱有的神性稟賦的一部分。賦予你們這些自然的衝動,並不是為了使你們沮喪和壓抑。誠然,在你們短暫的世間生命期間,這些富有雄心的衝動,必然經常受到抑制,必然經常經歷失望,但在未來漫長的歲月中,你們將圓滿實現它並獲得榮耀的滿足。


現在我們回頭談談靈質體morontia的世界。這些文獻中有許多名詞是英文中沒有的,因此很難適當地譯出中文。例如:英語中沒有Urantia 或Morontia這兩個字,翻譯時只有依我們的理解來創造它的中文名詞。Urantia 之所以譯成玉苒廈,我們已解釋過了,但對Morontia 這個字我就束手無策,亞南將它譯成靈質性或靈質體,因它是一個半靈性、半物質性的世界。也就是說當一個靈魂在離開肉身時,雖已離開肉身,進入靈界,但仍然還有物質元素,所以將它譯成靈質體。那是我們在地球的旅程結束時,靈魂展開漫長旅程的第一站,它是一個怎樣的世界呢?我請蘇珊妮,也就是當年把玉苒廈帶到臺灣給我的朋友蘇珊妮.凱莉Suzanne M. Kelly 做一個解說。







通過七個宅廈世界的糾正訓練和文化教育,凡人獲得靈性上的進展,這代表著靈性倖存者將邁向靈質性的世界。時空中進化的物質存有在更高靈性世界的過渡生活,是的揚升者註定要達成的靈性成就。 第七宅廈世界,這一領域的經驗是做為凡人最後階段的最高成就。








47:10.6 凡人的人格體開始進入進化的世界,臨時的物質體不能充分行動,實現和統一,它被神秘的監督器所入駐,並被注入靈性真理。直到被授予耶路瑟姆公民資格,獲凖進入伊甸廈Edentia,宣誓成為內巴的靈質體團隊的真正成員,成為一個與調整才融合的不朽的倖存者,一個朝著天堂的揚升者,一個靈質性的人格體,一個真正的至高者的孩子為止。

靈質體的世界在後面的篇幅中才有較為個體的解說,Suzanne 不得不引用第47篇來闡述。因我雖不記得細節,但有一點概念,因此知道她在說什麽,對整個文獻還沒有概念的人來說,或許這解釋更令人疑惑。這也是雖然大家可以選擇有興趣的主題先看,但往往容易因片面的理解而產生斷章取義的混淆。


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