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玉苒廈摘錄31. Paper 11 天堂島 12-29-18

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玉苒廈摘錄31. Paper 11天堂島 12-29-18

Paper 11 描繪天堂島的物理現象與作用。不要認為它與我們的距離太遙遠,可望不可及而不去瞭解它。我們的一生走著走著,一眨眼就走到我們現在的階段。當我們向這垂直上升的旅程跨出,不再重複地在平面上走著繞不完的圈子時,我們便會像回顧我們出生到現在,只是一眨眼般地站到天堂島之前。但前題是要有這願望,知識與方法瞭解自己的每一站及終點站。







11:0-1 PARADISE is the eternal center of the universe of universes and the abiding place of the Universal Father, the Eternal Son, the Infinite Spirit, and their divine co-ordinates and associates. This central Isle is the most gigantic organized body of cosmic reality in all the master universe. Paradise is a material sphere as well as a spiritual abode. All of the intelligent creation of the Universal Father is domiciled on material abodes; hence must the absolute controlling center also be material, literal. And again it should be reiterated that spirit things and spiritual beings are real.

11:0-1 天堂是由眾多宇宙所組成之宇宙的永恆中心,也是萬有之父、永恆之子和無限之靈及他的神性協同者和同伴們的永久居所。這中央島是整個主宇宙實相中最龐大的組織體。天堂既是一個物質領域,也是一個靈性居所。萬有之父的所有智慧創造物都以物質為居所;因此絕對控制中心必然也是物質性的、實質的。這裡應再次重申,屬靈事物和靈性存有都是真實的。


11:0-2 The material beauty of Paradise consists in the magnificence of its physical perfection; the grandeur of the Isle of God is exhibited in the superb intellectual accomplishments and mind development of its inhabitants; the glory of the central Isle is shown forth in the infinite endowment of divine spirit personality — the light of life. But the depths of the spiritual beauty and the wonders of this magnificent ensemble are utterly beyond the comprehension of the finite mind of material creatures. The glory and spiritual splendor of the divine abode are impossible of mortal comprehension. And Paradise is from eternity; there are neither records nor traditions respecting the origin of this nuclear Isle of Light and Life.

11:0-2 天堂的物質性之美在於它物理完美性的宏偉;神之島的壯麗展現在它的居民高超智性成就和心智發展上;中央島的榮耀表現在神之屬靈人格的無限稟賦中 -- 即生命之光之中。但靈性之美的深度及這宏偉的整體奇觀完全超出物質受造物有限心智的理解範疇。神之居所的榮耀與靈性輝煌,凡人是不能理解的。天堂源自永恆;關於這光與生命核心之島的起源,既無記錄,也無傳說。

11:1-3 We all know the direct course to pursue to find the Universal Father. You are not able to comprehend much about the divine residence because of its remoteness from you and the immensity of the intervening space, but those who are able to comprehend the meaning of these enormous distances know God’s location and residence just as certainly and literally as you know the location of New York, London, Rome, or Singapore, cities definitely and geographically located on Urantia. If you were an intelligent navigator, equipped with ship, maps, and compass, you could readily find these cities. Likewise, if you had the time and means of passage, were spiritually qualified, and had the necessary guidance, you could be piloted through universe upon universe and from circuit to circuit, ever journeying inward through the starry realms, until at last you would stand before the central shining of the spiritual glory of the Universal Father. Provided with all the necessities for the journey, it is just as possible to find the personal presence of God at the center of all things as to find distant cities on your own planet. That you have not visited these places in no way disproves their reality or actual existence. That so few of the universe creatures have found God on Paradise in no way disproves either the reality of his existence or the actuality of his spiritual person at the center of all things.

11:1-3 我們都知道尋找萬有之父的直接路徑。你們無法理解神的居所,因它離你們很遙遠,而且介於中間的空間非常浩瀚,但那些理解這些巨大距離之意義的人,會知道神之位置與居所,就如同你們會瞭解紐約、倫敦、羅馬或新加坡這些在地理上明確位於玉苒廈上的城市之位置一樣。假如你是一個聰明的航海家,配有船隻、地圖和羅盤,你會很容易找到這些城市。同樣地,如果你有時間及航行的資源,且有靈性的資格,並有必要的指引,你就能駛過一個又一個宇宙,越過一個又一個環路,穿越滿佈繁星的各個領域,不斷地向環內航行,直到你最終站在閃耀著靈性光輝之中心的萬有之父之前。有了旅行必備的所有物,就有可能在萬物之中心找到神之親身臨在,就如同你們在自己的星球上找到遙遠的城市一樣。你未曾訪問過這些地方,你無法證明它們的實相或是否實際存在。少數曾在天堂找到神的宇宙受造物,決不會否認這存在的真實性或在萬物中心的靈性位格的實存性。

11:1-4 The Father is always to be found at this central location. Did he move, universal pandemonium would be precipitated, for there converge in him at this residential center the universal lines of gravity from the ends of creation. Whether we trace the personality circuit back through the universes or follow the ascending personalities as they journey inward to the Father; whether we trace the lines of material gravity to nether Paradise or follow the insurging cycles of cosmic force; whether we trace the lines of spiritual gravity to the Eternal Son or follow the inward processional of the Paradise Sons of God; whether we trace out the mind circuits or follow the trillions upon trillions of celestial beings who spring from the Infinite Spirit — by any of these observations or by all of them we are led directly back to the Father’s presence, to his central abode. Here is God personally, literally, and actually present. And from his infinite being there flow the flood-streams of life, energy, and personality to all universes.


11:3-3 The Holy Area, the outlying or residential region, is divided into seven concentric zones. Paradise is sometimes called “the Father’s House” since it is his eternal residence, and these seven zones are often designated “the Father’s Paradise mansions.” The inner or first zone is occupied by Paradise Citizens and the natives of Havona who may chance to be dwelling on Paradise. The next or second zone is the residential area of the natives of the seven superuniverses of time and space. This second zone is in part subdivided into seven immense divisions, the Paradise home of the spirit beings and ascendant creatures who hail from the universes of evolutionary progression. Each of these sectors is exclusively dedicated to the welfare and advancement of the personalities of a single superuniverse, but these facilities are almost infinitely beyond the requirements of the present seven superuniverses.

11:3-3 神聖區域,邊緣或居住區域,分成七個同軸區。天堂有時被稱為“上父之家”,因為這是他的永恆之居所,這七個區則常被稱為“上父之天堂宅廈”。內部第一區是天堂公民和有幸居住于天堂的哈沃納原住民的居所。下一個或第二區是七個超時空宇宙的原住民的居住區。這第二區域部分再細分為七個巨大的分區,是來自諸進化性演進宇宙的靈性存有和揚升受造物的天堂之家。每一個區都專門致力於單個超級宇宙的人格體的福祉與進步,但這些設施幾乎無限地超出目前七個超級宇宙的需求。

11:3-4 Each of the seven sectors of Paradise is subdivided into residential units suitable for the lodgment headquarters of one billion glorified individual working groups. One thousand of these units constitute a division. One hundred thousand divisions equal one congregation. Ten million congregations constitute an assembly. One billion assemblies make one grand unit. And this ascending series continues through the second grand unit, the third, and so on to the seventh grand unit. And seven of the grand units make up the master units, and seven of the master units constitute a superior unit; and thus by sevens the ascending series expands through the superior, supersuperior, celestial, supercelestial, to the supreme units. But even this does not utilize all the space available. This staggering number of residential designations on Paradise, a number beyond your concept, occupies considerably less than one per cent of the assigned area of the Holy Land. There is still plenty of room for those who are on their way inward, even for those who shall not start the Paradise climb until the times of the eternal future.

11:3-4 天堂七個區中的每一個都被再分成眾多居住單元,每個單元都適合作為十億受享榮耀的個體工作團隊的駐留總部。一千個這樣的單元組成一個部門division,十萬個部門等於一個會眾congregation。一千萬個會眾組成一個議會assembly;,十億個議會構成一個大部隊grand unit。這種遞增系列通過第二大部隊,持續到第三大部隊,依次進行到第七大部隊。七個大部隊組成一個主單元master units,七個主單元組成一個上級主管單元superior unit;由此按七計算,遞增級數擴展遍及高等單元superior、超高等單元supersuperior、神聖單元celestial、超聖單元supercelestial,直到至高supreme單元。但即使這樣,都未用到一切可用的空間。天堂上居所數量之驚人,超出你們的概念,所佔地區遠不及神聖領域所分配面積的百分之一。仍然有足夠的空間,供那些正在向內揚升的人,甚至可供那些直到永恆之未來的時代,才開始天堂揚升的人使用。


11:4-1 The central Isle ends abruptly at the periphery, but its size is so enormous that this terminal angle is relatively indiscernible within any circumscribed area. The peripheral surface of Paradise is occupied, in part, by the landing and dispatching fields for various groups of spirit personalities. Since the nonpervaded-space zones nearly impinge upon the periphery, all personality transports destined to Paradise land in these regions. Neither upper nor nether Paradise is approachable by transport supernaphim or other types of space traversers.

11:4-1 中央島在週邊戛然而止,但其體積是如此龐大,以致在任何限制區內這終端角是相對地難以覺察。局部的天堂週邊表面用於各類靈性人格體登陸與調度的場地。由於非彌漫性空間區域幾乎觸及週邊,所有註定前往天堂的人格體都運送到這些區域著陸。運送超級天使transport supernaphim或其他類型的空間穿越者space traversers.都無法接近上天堂和下天堂。

11:4-4 That portion of Paradise which has been designated for the use of the existing universes is occupied only from one to four per cent, while the area assigned to these activities is at least one million times that actually required for such purposes. Paradise is large enough to accommodate the activities of an almost infinite creation.

11:4-4 被指定供現有宇宙使用的部分僅用了天堂的百分之一至百分之四,分配給這些活動的面積,至少是為此目的實際所需的一百萬倍。天堂之大足以容納幾乎是無限創造的各種活動。


11:4-5 But a further attempt to visualize to you the glories of Paradise would be futile. You must wait, and ascend while you wait, for truly, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the mind of mortal man, the things which the Universal Father has prepared for those who survive the life in the flesh on the worlds of time and space.”

11:4-5 但進一步試圖讓你們想像天堂的種種榮耀是徒勞無益的。你們必須等待,在等待中揚升,因為確如以下所說的:「萬有之父為那些從時空世界的肉身生命中續存下來的人所預備的一切,是眼睛未曾見過的,耳朵未曾聽過的,連凡人之心也未曾想過的。」這一句話是真實的。






靈質性morontia 在最後的分享中,亞南有做了一點解釋。

11:5-7 The outer zone is the largest and most active of the three concentric and elliptical belts of unidentified space potential. This area is the site of unimagined activities, the central circuit point of emanations which proceed spaceward in every direction to the outermost borders of the seven superuniverses and on beyond to overspread the enormous and incomprehensible domains of all outer space. This space presence is entirely impersonal notwithstanding that in some undisclosed manner it seems to be indirectly responsive to the will and mandates of the infinite Deities when acting as the Trinity. This is believed to be the central focalization, the Paradise center, of the space presence of the Unqualified Absolute.

11:5-7 外層outer zone地帶是三個未知空間潛勢能的同心和橢圓帶中最大和活躍的區域。這區域是無法想像的活動區,是眾多發身的中心迴路點,這些發射物沿著每一個方向,朝著七個超級宇宙的最外層邊界及更遠的方向行進,超越了所有外太空的巨大和難以理解的領域。這空間臨在是完全非人格性的,儘管在某種未被揭示的方式上,它看似間接地回應無限神靈作為三位一體的意志和命令。這區被認為是無條件絕對空間臨在的中央聚焦點、天堂中心。

11:7-7 The relatively quiet zones between the space levels, such as the one separating the seven superuniverses from the first outer space level, are enormous elliptical regions of quiescent space activities. These zones separate the vast galaxies which race around Paradise in orderly procession. You may visualize the first outer space level, where untold universes are now in process of formation, as a vast procession of galaxies swinging around Paradise, bounded above and below by the midspace zones of quiescence and bounded on the inner and outer margins by relatively quiet space zones.

11:7-7 各空間層次之間的相對靜止區,例如七個超級宇宙與第一外部空間層,是巨大的靜止空間活動的橢圓型區域。這些區域將圍繞天堂有序運行的龐大星系隔開。你們可以想像第一外層空間,有無數宇宙正在形成,就像一大群星系圍繞著天堂旋轉,上下被靜止的中間區域所包圍,內部和外部邊緣被相對靜止的空間區域所包圍。


11:8-1 The inescapable pull of gravity effectively grips all the worlds of all the universes of all space. Gravity is the all-powerful grasp of the physical presence of Paradise. Gravity is the omnipotent strand on which are strung the gleaming stars, blazing suns, and whirling spheres which constitute the universal physical adornment of the eternal God, who is all things, fills all things, and in whom all things consist.

11:8-1 萬有引力的不可避免的引力有效地控制所有空間宇宙的所有世界。引力是萬能鏈,閃爍其上的星光,豔陽與旋轉的球體構成了永恆之神的宇宙性物質裝飾,而神便是萬物,他充滿了萬物,萬物存在於他之內。

11:8-3 Space is nonresponsive to gravity, but it acts as an equilibrant on gravity. Without the space cushion, explosive action would jerk surrounding space bodies. Pervaded space also exerts an antigravity influence upon physical or linear gravity; space can actually neutralize such gravity action even though it cannot delay it. Absolute gravity is Paradise gravity. Local or linear gravity pertains to the electrical stage of energy or matter; it operates within the central, super-, and outer universes, wherever suitable materialization has taken place.

11:8-3 空間對引力沒有反應,但它對引力起著平衡的作用。沒有空間緩衝層,爆炸作用會使周圍的空間物體震動。彌漫性空間也會對物理或線性引力產生反引力的影響;空間實際上能中和這種引力作用,即使不能延遲它。絕對性引力是天堂引力。局部或線性引力屬於能量或物質的電子層級;它在中央宇宙、超級宇宙和外部宇宙中,在任何適當的物化發生的地方運作。

11:8-9 Paradise is the absolute source and the eternal focal point of all energy-matter in the universe of universes. The Unqualified Absolute is the revealer, regulator, and repository of that which has Paradise as its source and origin. The universal presence of the Unqualified Absolute seems to be equivalent to the concept of a potential infinity of gravity extension, an elastic tension of Paradise presence. This concept aids us in grasping the fact that everything is drawn inward towards Paradise. The illustration is crude but nonetheless helpful. It also explains why gravity always acts preferentially in the plane perpendicular to the mass, a phenomenon indicative of the differential dimensions of Paradise and the surrounding creations.

11:8-9 天堂是由眾多宇宙所組成之宇宙中所有能量物質的絕對來源和永恆焦點。無條件絕對是以天堂為源頭及起源的啟示者、調節者及寶庫。無條件絕對的遍在性臨在,似乎相當於引力擴展的潛在無限性的概念,即天堂臨在的一種彈性張力。這種概念幫助我們認識到萬物都被向內吸引向天堂。這樣的說明儘管粗略,但仍然是有幫助的。這也解釋了為何引力總是先在垂直的主體面起作用,這現象表明天堂和周圍造物的不同維度。

11:9-1 Paradise is unique in that it is the realm of primal origin and the final goal of destiny for all spirit personalities. Although it is true that not all of the lower spirit beings of the local universes are immediately destined to Paradise, Paradise still remains the goal of desire for all supermaterial personalities.

11:9-1 天堂是獨一無二的,它是所有靈性人格體的最初起源與最終歸宿的領域。儘管並非所有地方宇宙中的較低級靈性存有註定要立即回到天堂,但天堂仍然是所有超物質人格體所嚮往的目標。

11:9-5 Paradise is not ancestral to any being or living entity; it is not a creator. Personality and mind-spirit relationships are transmissible, but pattern is not. Patterns are never reflections; they are duplications — reproductions. Paradise is the absolute of patterns; Havona is an exhibit of these potentials in actuality.

11:9-5 天堂不是任何存有或有生命實體的原型;它不是一個創造者。人格及各種心智兼靈性的關係是可傳遞的,但模式卻不能。模式絕不是反射物;它們是複本--複製品。天堂是各種模式的絕對物;哈沃納是現實這些可能性的一種展示。


11:9-8 After all, to mortals the most important thing about eternal Paradise is the fact that this perfect abode of the Universal Father is the real and far-distant destiny of the immortal souls of the mortal and material sons of God, the ascending creatures of the evolutionary worlds of time and space. Every God-knowing mortal who has espoused the career of doing the Father’s will has already embarked upon the long, long Paradise trail of divinity pursuit and perfection attainment. And when such an animal-origin being does stand, as countless numbers now do, before the Gods on Paradise, having ascended from the lowly spheres of space, such an achievement represents the reality of a spiritual transformation bordering on the limits of supremacy.

11:9-8 畢竟,對凡人而言,關於永恆天堂最重要的一點是,萬有之父的完美居所是凡人不朽靈魂及神之物質子民,即時空進化世界的揚升受造物們真實而長遠的歸宿。每個投入到履行上父意志的知神凡人已展開漫長而又漫長的追求神性和完美的天堂蹊徑跋涉之旅。當這樣一個源自動物的存有,像無數的人們正在做著的,從空間的各個低等星球揚升而站于天堂各神面前,這種成就代表著一種實現接近至高性極限的靈性轉變。







第七天堂seventh heaven在玉苒廈之書中剛好詳細提及了,它有兩種含義:


15:7-5 Jerusem, the headquarters of your local system of Satania, has its seven worlds of transition culture, each of which is encircled by seven satellites, among which are the seven mansion worlds of morontia detention, man’s first postmortal residence. As the term heaven has been used on Urantia, it has sometimes meant these seven mansion worlds, the first mansion world being denominated the first heaven, and so on to the seventh.

15:7-5 耶路瑟姆(Jerusem),即你們薩塔尼亞(Satania)地方系統的總部,它有七個過渡的文化世界,每一個世界都被七顆衛星所環繞,在這當中,有七個用於靈質體morontia滯留的宅廈世界,亦即人類死亡後的第一個居所。天堂這個詞如在玉苒廈上所使用的,它通常指的是這七個宅廈世界,第一宅廈世界被稱為第一天堂,依此類推直至第七天堂。


47:9.1 The experience on this sphere is the crowning achievement of the immediate postmortal career. During your sojourn here you will receive the instruction of many teachers, all of whom will co-operate in the task of preparing you for residence on Jerusem. Any discernible differences between those mortals hailing from the isolated and retarded worlds and those survivors from the more advanced and enlightened spheres are virtually obliterated during the sojourn on the seventh mansion world. Here you will be purged of all the remnants of unfortunate heredity, unwholesome environment, and unspiritual planetary tendencies. The last remnants of the "mark of the beast" are here eradicated.

47:9.1 在這一天體上的經驗是緊隨凡人生涯之後的最高成就。在你於此逗留期間,你將會得到許多教師的指導,所有這些教師都將合力參與你居住到耶路瑟姆(Jerusem)的準備的工作。在第七宅廈世界旅居期間,那些來自隔離世界以及發展遲緩世界的凡人,與那些來自更為先進與開明之天體的續存者之間的任何明顯差異,幾乎都被抹除。在這裡,你的不良遺傳,不健康環境以及非靈性星球傾向的所有殘留物會被清除。“野獸印記”的最後殘留物在這裡完全根除。


48:6.12 You should consider the statement about "heaven" and the "heaven of heavens." The heaven conceived by most of your prophets was the first of the mansion worlds of the local system. When the apostle spoke of being "caught up to the third heaven," he referred to that experience in which his Adjuster was detached during sleep and in this unusual state made a projection to the third of the seven mansion worlds. Some of your wise men saw the vision of the greater heaven, "the heaven of heavens," of which the sevenfold mansion world experience was but the first; the second being Jerusem; the third, Edentia and its satellites; the fourth, Salvington and the surrounding educational spheres; the fifth, Uversa; the sixth, Havona; and the seventh, Paradise.

48:6.12 你們應該細思一下有關“天”和“天上之天”的說法。你們大多數先知所以為的天,乃是你們地方系統的第一宅廈世界。當那位使徒(即保羅)談到他“被上提到第三層天”,他是指那樣一個體驗,即在那當中,他的調整者在睡眠期間離開了,並在這種非常狀態下對七個宅廈世界中的第三個作出了一種投射。你們當中的一些智者看到了更宏偉之天的幻象,即“天上之天”,在這些當中,七重宅廈世界的體驗不過是第一層天;第二層天是耶瑟色姆(Jerusem);第三層天是伊甸廈(Edentia)及其衛星;第四層天是薩爾文頓(Salvington)及其周圍的教育天體;第五層天是尤沃薩(Uversa);第六層天是哈沃納(Havona);而第七層天才是天堂。












此刻,由衷感恩上師!感恩 Vicki 、Toni,感恩大家!









聞道,思道,行道!終得道!@Oulee 恭喜你,羨慕。






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